Your cock is beautiful – 2

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-2 Continues…..

I shook my cock slightly to illustrate the point.

She gasped suddenly, and met my eye. Her hand went to her mouth in an almost lady-like manner, and she quickly backed out of the room and slammed the door.

I heard my sister’s door open, then slam as well.

I let out a huge sigh and let go of my cock, stretching my arms up.

I’d done it. My little exhibition mission was a success. We’ll see how much she insulted me now, knowing that my cock was so much bigger than her boyfriend’s.

I put my hands on my hips, smiling, and thought about my victory. I got that size was, like, a measurement of manhood for some people, but I didn’t really get it until then. It really felt good to have her look at me like that.

I remembered the look on her face, the complete shock, the almost panicked look in her eye as she backed away.

I thought about her long, smooth legs, only the very top of her thighs covered by the t-shirt she’d been wearing. I thought about her big, perky tits, how the two points of her nipples were clearly visible against the thin fabric.

For the first time in my young life, I saw Mia in a completely sexual light.

I looked down at my cock.

It was rock hard, my entire ample length pointing straight out from my body.

I quickly grabbed some hand lotion from a nearby shelf and smeared it all over my hands. I started stroking my cock with both hands, thinking about her face and body. I thought about her shock, about the open mouthed awe. Other images of her started popping into my head, memories of how her tits looked in a bikini when our families would go to the beach together, or of her soft full lips wrapped around a straw.

I’d always hated her so much that I’d never considered these things so hot until now.

I jerked my cock faster, and faster, and within a few minutes I was having the most intense orgasm of my life. Shot after shot of my cum splattered against the toilet bowl. My knees shook with pleasure. I let out an involuntary grunt, and I had to put a hand against the wall to steady myself. When the last few spurts of cum were finished, I took a step back and sat on the edge of the tub.

I just sat for a few minutes, thinking about what had just happened.

Then, because I didn’t know what else to do, I took another shower.


Mia had left about an hour after our encounter, which was definitely unusual. When my dad asked Stella about it, she said,

“I don’t know, she just rushed out this morning. I guess she has something to do.”

That week at school I didn’t see Mia at all. It wasn’t that unusual, but I’d occasionally see her around, only to be flipped off or something equally juvenile. I was eager to see how she’d react now.

Every night that week I jacked off, both to the memory of Mia, and to as much porn containing a similar “big cock reaction” scene as I could find, which was disappointingly few. I bookmarked a few of the least fake looking “Wow!” moments, but none of them compared to the real thing.

Looking back, it made sense that I somewhat fetishized the whole “reveal” thing. It was literally the only sexual thing to have happened to me at that point.

Anyway, apart from my porn preference, nothing else changed at first. But that Thursday, my sister wanted to talk to me.

“You don’t mind if Mia stays over again tomorrow, do you?” she asked.

I didn’t really know what to say to this. It was the first time I’d been asked in a while. My opinion didn’t usually matter.

“It’s just,” she continued, “I know you two don’t get along very well. I mean, that’s why I hardly ask her to sleep over any more, I just couldn’t put up with you two bickering all the time.”

I hadn’t realized that was why she’d been spending less time here. Well, that plus her boyfriend.

“But she’s been acting really weird lately, and she won’t say why.” she said, “I think if I can get her over here, she’ll be willing to open up a little more. She usually does when she stays over.”

She smiled at this, and I smiled too, because we were probably remembering the same conversation they’d had.

The truth was, I’d never wanted to see Mia so much in my life, which isn’t actually saying a lot considering how much I hated her. But I made a show of it anyway.

I sighed.

“That’s two weeks in a row that I’ll have to stay in my room all night.” I said.

“I know, I’m sorry,” she said, “I’ll owe you one, I promise.”

I sighed again.

“Fine, I guess.”

She smiled.

“Thanks, bro.” she said, punching me lightly on the arm.

After she left, it occurred to me that it had been a long time since I’d really spoken to Stella like that. I realized that my weird sexual plans with Mia seemed to accidentally improve things with my sister.

I chose to take it as a good sign.


The next day, Mia arrived a bit earlier, around 10 pm. I was once again in the kitchen with my laptop, my charger left in the living room. I was aiming for a repeat of the first night, and I planted the charger so I’d have an excuse if I got caught. After leaving them alone for a few minutes, I crept out towards the living room, trying to hear their conversation. I wanted to see if she’d bring up our little meeting.

They were talking about nothing relevant, at first. Their friends, their teachers, boring school shit. I was waiting outside for about half an hour when they finally started talking about sex again. By this point I was sitting beside the door, leaning against the wall and incredibly bored.

“So…how have things been lately? You know, sex wise.” asked Stella.

I turned quickly, and realized that, because the door wasn’t closed all the way, I could actually see through the gap at the hinges a little bit. I realized I looked like a stereotypical peeper hiding at a keyhole, but it was perfect. I could just about make them out sitting sideways on the sofa, facing each other.

Mia sighed in answer to Stella’s question.

“Still pretty bad…in fact, even worse now,” she said.

“Worse?” Stella probed.

Mia ran her fingers through her hair.

“Yeah…I was on the internet a few days ago. I wasn’t looking for it or anything, but I saw a…a penis. A picture of one, I mean.” she said.

Stella just waited.

“It was only for a second, I swear, I looked away as soon as I could.” said Mia quickly.

It occurred to me that she was actually talking about seeing my cock, but obviously didn’t want to tell my sister that.

“So what? Calm down, it’s just a little porn. Nothing to be embarrassed about.” Stella said, laughing.

“Uh, yeah, but you know I don’t look at that stuff.” said Mia, “I mean, I don’t even really…”

She trailed off, and was silent for a few seconds.

Your cock is beautiful – 2 will continue on the next page

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