Your cock is beautiful – 14

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-14 Continues……

I knew Mia got good grades, but I didn’t know how hard she actually worked at it. School work and relationships had never come up when it was just the three of us, and I felt myself smile as I thought about this. I kept learning new little things about her, each one adding to the image I had of her, which I realized was actually quite shallow. I knew deep, personal things about her that not even her best friend knew, but I didn’t know simple things like which subjects at school she liked, or what kind of food she enjoyed.

For some reason it still made me uncomfortable to think about her like this. I pushed the idea out of my head, and ignored it. This was something I was usually pretty good at, just ignoring thoughts that bothered me. It was probably something that stemmed from a life spent in procrastination, all that practice ignoring the work I still had to do.

Hell, two weeks ago I’d managed to forget about Mia coming to my room altogether, just because it was too uncomfortable to think about. I shook my head slightly as I realized my thoughts were heading down that same path again. I didn’t need to think about that kind of stuff, about what she meant to me. As long as she kept coming to my room, I’d be able to enjoy myself. Smiling, I thought about what I had planned for her that night.


Mia came to the house around 7 pm, again earlier than she used to. She was completely different from how she was at school, and a lot more like she’d been around me these last few weekends, comfortable and fun. The change in her was pretty startling.

No one mentioned Mike’s little visit on Thursday, and I certainly wasn’t going to bring it up. However Stella did have something interesting to say after we’d been talking for a few hours.

“So what do you think about Becky?” she asked.

I shrugged, then smiled as I remembered Becky’s own habit of doing that.

“She seems cool.” I said.

“Do you think you’d want to go out with her?” she asked bluntly.

“What?” Mia and I said, in unison.

I glanced at Mia. She didn’t look too happy.

“She was asking about you.” Stella said, “I mean, she didn’t really say anything but…”

She trailed off.

“I think she’s interested in you, a little.” she finished with a smirk.

I really didn’t know how to react to this. I decided casual sarcasm would be the best option.

“So…what, she asks some questions about me, and you suddenly think we should get married?” I asked.

Stella rolled her eyes, and Mia just sat there. She didn’t meet my eye, but she seemed to have a certain tension around her, she was holding herself just a little too stiff, trying not to show a reaction.

“I’m just saying.” Stella continued, “You’re not with anyone, and she isn’t either…not right now, anyway. I’m not saying you should just walk up and ask her out, but if you play your cards right…I don’t know. I think she might actually agree to go out with you.”

She said this with a strange kind of optimism, almost as if she were explaining that if I buy enough lottery tickets, I might actually win. Before this thing with Mia, I probably would have jumped at even this chance for a relationship with a girl as hot as Becky, but now…

“Oh, do you want her number?” Stella asked, as if the thought just occurred to her, “You can call and make up some reason, just, you know, be cool about it and-“

“No thanks.” I said sharply, cutting her off.

She looked confused, and I saw Mia visibly relax next to her.

“Come on,” Stella said, as if trying to comfort me, “You don’t have to be nervous about it. If you like her…I mean, there’s no reason she wouldn’t want to go out with you. You know, if she gets to know you a little better.”

I actually smiled as I felt the anger rise up in me a little. This had gone from “What do you think of Becky?” to “I’m sure she wouldn’t be completely repulsed by you.” in the space of three sentences.

“I don’t-” I started, but I stopped quickly. There was a little too much anger in my voice.

I knew that she was probably trying to look out for me, in a weird way. She’d left me pretty much alone for so many years, now that she finally saw an opportunity for us to be close again, she was jumping on it, trying to get me close to her friends, too. Or maybe she just pitied me, and thought if I had some real friends, and could convince some poor girl to date me, that I’d be happier.

It didn’t really matter what she wanted. I didn’t want to sidle up to someone in the desperate hope they’d agree to be seen with me. I knew, even then, that it was mostly just my own anger and insecurities that were guiding me, but I made up my mind pretty quickly. Plus I had Mia. She wasn’t my girlfriend, but we had sex, and wasn’t that the whole point? I found myself actually considering the idea of a real, public girlfriend, with no domination and control. Would it be so terrible?

In any case, it was time to put this idea on ice for a while.

“I’m good, thanks.” I said, forcing a smile, “I mean, I hardly know her. Maybe after I hang out with you guys for a little longer…” I shrugged and looked away, acting shy.

Stella smiled, and seemed to be satisfied with my answer. Mia finally met my eye, but I really had no idea what she was thinking.

The conversation moved on, and I soon forgot about it. I was more interested in the plans I had for Mia. I excused myself around 11 pm, eager for Mia to visit me.


She knocked on my door just after 1 am. I’d started reading to pass the time, one of my favorite books.

“Come in.” I said.

I was actually kind of annoyed to see her. It was coming up to the climax of the story, and despite looking forward to tonight I didn’t want to stop reading just yet. I smiled, realizing that I didn’t have to stop for her. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to with her, wasn’t that the point?

I looked over at her, standing by the door, waiting. She was wearing a pink bra with a white floral pattern, and matching panties. I didn’t know a lot about women’s underwear, but they looked expensive. I watched her for a while, taking in the small details of her beautiful body. Her toenails were painted the exact same shade of pink as her underwear. I loved how much effort she’d been going to just to look sexy for me.

I finally met her eyes. She was staring back at me, waiting for some sort of reaction.

“Are those new?” I asked.

She nodded quickly, waiting for approval.

“They look good.” I said, letting my gaze move down her body again.

She smiled that shy smile.

“Thanks.” she said.

I turned back to my book.

“Take them off. Get on your knees.” I said simply.

She hesitated for a few seconds before I heard her move to obey me. I focused on the book in front of me, continuing from where I’d been interrupted. The pages I wanted to read should have taken me only a few minutes; I spent a lot of free time reading, so I was pretty fast, but I took my time with it. I felt a little glow of satisfaction at being able to make her wait like this. Such a small thing, but such an obvious expression of the power I held over her. It was so hard not to look at her, to see her reaction.

After maybe 10 minutes, I finished the chapter and put the book down. When I finally turned to look at her, she was gazing back at me, watching me. She was on her knees, naked, and slouched over. I expected her to be impatient and anxious, but she seemed calm, content to just kneel.

“Sit up straight.” I said.

She moved quickly to fix her posture, her expression never changing. I watched her for another few seconds.

“Come here.” I said.

She moved to stand, and on an impulse I blurted out,


She looked up at me again, and without hesitation leaned forward into a crawl. She crawled over to her usual place, and sat up on her knees again.

“Good girl.” I said.

I sat up and shifted down the bed, before standing beside her. I quickly pulled off my t-shirt and pants, but I kept my boxers on. I sat on the edge of the bed and rested my hand on her head. Without being asked, she moved in between my legs, eyes dancing between my face and crotch.

It occurred to me that she’d still barely talked.

“Why so quiet, tonight?” I asked.

She looked confused.

“You…you said I can’t talk unless I-” she said.

“Oh that!” I said lightly, cutting her off, “Don’t worry about that. I’ll tell you when I want you to shut up.”

She nodded again, and relief spread across her face.

“Ok. Thank you.” she said.

Your cock is beautiful – 14 will continue on the next page

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