When I had tub time with best friend’s mom – 01

This Story is part of When I had tub time with best friend's mom Series

My phone beeped loudly in my pocket as I received a text. I froze; my hand on my cock and swallowed hard, hoping Nova hadn’t….the damn phone went off a second time and in the tub, Nova stopped moaning and sat up. Now this didn’t happen in the movies, I thought just as she stared into the mirror. Her eyes widened and turning her head she exclaimed, “Thomas!?!”

I stood there with a sinking feeling in my stomach unsure of what to do. Nova was facing the door and snapped, “I see you, you little shit! Get your ass in here!”

The sinking feeling became a sharp twist and with my head down, I slowly shuffled into the bathroom. I stopped once I was through the door and stood there with my eyes on the floor.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” She demanded, damn she sounded pissed.


“Look at me when you talk!” she snapped.

“I…well, you’re uh….”

“I’m fucking naked and you didn’t have a problem looking until you got caught, now put your damn head up!”

In the years I’d known Stephenson I’d never heard Nova swear before and as I lifted my head I wondered if she would tell Stephenson, and worse, my parents. Nova had put her legs down and was sitting up in the tub, partially turned so she was facing the side of it.

She had her arms crossed on the edge and was using them to conceal her breasts, well mostly the lower half and her nipples, they were pretty big to completely cover with just her forearm.

“Well, I asked a question, what the hell are you doing here? Stephenson’s at work, and….” She raised one arm, exposing more of her upper breasts and pointed, “How’d you even get in here?”

Taking a deep breath, I forced my voice to remain steady, “Stephenson is at work, he’s staying late and asked if I could stop by here and get his books. You…you didn’t answer the bell and he said to use the key in the yard to let myself in and get his books.”

“There’s no book in here now is there, Thomas?” she stared at me, her blue eyes hard.

“N…no Ma’am.”

“All that’s in here is your best friend’s mom naked in the tub.” She said, “Naked and…entertaining herself, entertaining you as well, isn’t that right Thomas?”

“I…I just got here, really and I…I know I shouldn’t have peeked in, but….”

“Bullshit!” she waved her hand at me, “You were watching for a while weren’t you? Watching long enough to start rubbing your damn dick.” She gave me a nasty smile, “Mirror works both ways, you know. I saw where your hand was.” She beckoned with her finger. “Come over here.”


“I said get your ass over here.”

With a sigh of resignation I walked over to the tub and stood a couple of feet in front of it.

“Closer.” I hesitated and she shook her head, “Little late to act like you care about seeing me now, isn’t it? Come on you little peeping….Thomas.” She gave a quick laugh, “Well named aren’t you?”

“I…I’m really sorry Nova.” I blurted out as I came to within a foot of the tub., “I…I should have kept walking, but…I…”

“Wanted to watch me.” When she finished, she pointed at my crotch, “Was doing more than what it looks like.”

I looked down and saw a round wet spot on my shorts where my cock had been dripping. My face grew hot and I knew I was blushing.

“S…sorry, Nova.” I said softly.

“Are you? Or are you just sorry you got caught?”

I shrugged helplessly and she didn’t reply right away. Instead she continued to stare at my crotch. As bad as my predicament was, I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering. Nova had drawn her long legs up and I wondered if the vibrator was still between them? I took in her lush thighs and the curve of her hips. Looking down at her I could see down her smooth back and the swelling of her ass beneath the water.

“Are you going to answer me or keep staring?”

“S….” I caught myself. “I guess I’m sorry I got caught.”

“Good answer.” She gave me what seemed to be a sincere smile. “Now was that so hard?” She laughed, “Well from what I saw it was!”

My blush deepened, “I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

“You did upset me.” Her smile turned playful, “But not because you wanted to look, but because you were standing there like a sneak stroking yourself the entire time I was in here.”

“Nova, I am sorry and, um, well…please….”

“Stop.” She held her hand up, “Thomas, how old are you?”

“Twenty.” I answered, struggling to keep my eyes on her face.

“Twenty, not twelve and that’s what you’re acting like.” She sighed, “You know a twenty year old in here with me might not be such a bad thing, but if you’re going to act like a child.”

“W…what do you mean?” I was more than a little flustered, standing here no more than a foot away from Nova who was butt ass naked in the tub.

The fact she hadn’t told me to turn around so she could put a towel on or tell me to wait outside for her to change added to the surreal feeling of having a conversation with her.

“You didn’t catch what I said.” She sighed, “I’ll tell you what, Thomas I would like to have this conversation with an adult, not a nervous kid so let me help you out a little. I am not going to tell your parents or my son that you were standing here watching me play with myself and getting off on it. How’s that? Are you a little less nervous now?”

A wave of relief washed over me, “Yes, thank you Nova!”

“So I’m the only person you need to make this up to.”

“Anything!” I told her, “Seriously, I…”

“Oh, I’m sure you would do anything I asked, wouldn’t you?” She smiled, “Bet I’ve done everything for you in that dirty little mind of yours haven’t I?”


“You jerk off to me, Thomas? You spank it to your best friend’s mom? You lay there in my house and think about fucking me?”

I averted my eyes and she rolled hers, “Again, you want to be a man or a boy? Answer me.”

“Yes.” I nodded, “And I’m sorry.”

“Why? I’m not.” She smiled, “What’s wrong with a good looking young man half my age, wanting to fuck me?”

“Um, well….” She had moved her arm along the edge of the tub and was now barely covering her nipples. “Because it’s…”

“Flattering.” She told me, “Now think, Thomas. Think about what I said to you about you watching me the whole time I was in the tub. What does that mean to you?”

I paused and tried to concentrate as she looked up at me expectantly. I repeated her words in my head and my eyes widened.

“You knew I was there the whole time!” I exclaimed.

“That’s right; if you could see me in the mirror I could see you. Wasn’t sure how you got in, but decided I didn’t care.”

Nova caused my heart to pound and my cock, which had shriveled in fear, began to respond when she removed her arm and leaned back into the tub, exposing her breasts to me, “So what does that tell you, Thomas?”

“That…” I paused and forced myself to sound confident because either she was seriously fucking me or I might be about to live out one hell of a fantasy. “That you liked me watching.”

“Oh, very good!” She purred in that breathy voice she had been using while playing with herself, “Good boy, Thomas!” her hands found their way to her tits and she slowly stroked her nipples with her thumbs as she spoke.

“I have a confession for you Thomas. I know you look, I know all Stephenson’s friends look and I fucking love it!”

“You do?” My eyes were fixed on her purple nails caressing her pink nipples.

“I do. Not when you guys were young of course, but once all of Stephenson’s friends’ coming around were hot college kids. I loved looking at them, but you were always my favorite.”

“W…why?” I asked, watching with a once again fully hard cock as her right hand slid down her sTomach and she once again let her legs stretch out under the water.

“First off, you’ve turned into a very good looking young man, but more than that? A lot of those kids are cocky jerks and if I wanted that I’d stick with guys my age. But you? Always very polite, even sweet, far too good a catch to waste on that skinny little slut you were dating.”

She gave me a nasty smile, “How’s a real woman’s body look? Your bitchy little girl didn’t have tits like these did she?” She held one up for emphasis.

“No, hers were small.” I whispered, unable to believe this was happening.

“I’m going to tell you another secret, Thomas.” She dropped her voice to a whisper, “I’m careful here for Stephenson’s sake, it’s a small city, but when I travel for work, know what I do?”

“What?” Her hand had slipped between her legs and a soft moan escaped me as she pulled the vibrator from where it had remained buried in her pussy the entire time we were talking.

“I go to bars and find hot young guys like you. Not snotty or cocky, but a little shy and nervous and I take them back to my hotel and fuck them all night long.” She sighed and slipped the purple toy back into her pussy,

“Hmm, I let them suck my tits and my pussy and if they’re good boys I suck their hard young cocks and let them fuck me as hard as they want to.”

“Oh my God.” I groaned, my hand drifting to my cock.

“Guys my age are no fun, Thomas. They think it’s all about them, but it’s not is it?”

“No ma’am.” I whispered.

“Ma’am? I like that.” She cooed, “I do. So when I can I find myself a young stud and have a hell of a night. I keep thinking, wouldn’t it be nice to have one at home? One I could fuck whenever I needed it and who wouldn’t say anything?”

“I wouldn’t say anything!” I blurted, causing her to laugh.

“No, you wouldn’t because Stephenson would be so upset if he found out you were fucking his mother.” She giggled, “Or that she was sucking off his best friend. No, you would keep it nice and quiet wouldn’t you?”

“I would.” I nodded like an idiot.

When I had tub time with best friend’s mom – 01 will continue in the next page.

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