When gym workout goes out of hands

I shook my head, coming back to my senses. Dropping the finger in my mouth and pulling away from Jeff’s nibbling, I pulled my hands back and laid them in my lap. All of my attendants sat watching me.

“You won. I’m breathing heavily and you are not. My meal is finished so you can all leave now,” I said with as much force as I could muster.

Their looks ranged from confused to disappointed (I couldn’t see Jeff.) One began to reach for me and I pulled back; Jeff set a restraining hand on his wrist.

“We’ve won the challenge, gentlemen. The lady wants us to go now, so we’ll go,” Jeff stated simply. I felt a touch of disappointment that he was conceding so easily, but it proved that they were, in actuality, gentlemen.ṣ

I stood up, thanked them for a lovely, if unusual, evening, and left for the front office. I suppose they cleaned up because they took a while before coming past the office, once again in their street clothes.

“Can you let us out, Raechel?” Guy called, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. I walked out and put the code into the system, opening the door for them. They filed out carrying the little table, the folding chair, and a basket that must have contained everything else. Jeff was the last to leave, and he paused to lift my hand to his lips and brush a kiss across my knuckles before smiling and slipping out the door as well.

I knew I wouldn’t get anything accomplished tonight. While they had cleaned up and changed; I had tried to do the books, but I just kept thinking about that strange dinner. I was glad I had stopped things when I did, but still a part of me regretted not finding out just how far they would have taken it.

I had never been treated to such decadence by one man, much less four, ever before. I could still feel the wetness between my legs, and if I closed my eyes, I could almost feel all of their mouths on my body. No, it was time to go home, if only to my vibrator and a fantasy of what could have happened.

I went for my bag and reset the alarm before I left, locking the door behind me. I was just pulling the key from the lock when I felt the brush against my elbow. I’m always on alert when I leave work because one of our employees was mugged last year. I pulled the key around, poised to swipe at the eyes of my attacker. Of course it was Jeff.

“Whoa! I know we said we’d leave, but I wanted to walk you to your car. It’s late and the streets are deserted. Just seems dangerous to me,” he said in a rush as I dropped my arm slowly back to my side. Sheepishly he smiled at me, and put out his arm, “May I?” he asked.

Jeff was undoubtedly a good looking man. Because he was quiet, buff, didn’t harass me for dates, and didn’t wear a ring; I had wondered if he was gay. I guess he put paid to that theory! His wavy light brown hair fell across his eyes as he waited for me to decide if I would take his proffered arm or not.

I reached up and brushed the hair from his forehead, letting my fingers trace down his high cheekbone and onto his strong jaw. He took a step closer. I didn’t take my hand away, so he reached up and stroked my face. I stood still, looking into his warm hazel eyes as he watched me.

He took another step closer and I could feel his body heat, smell the soap on his recently showered chest. His hand on my face moved back, lacing in my hair as he tilted my face up and softly placed his lips on mine. He paused, barely touching me, again waiting for a sign I didn’t want this, but I did.

I pushed into his lips and stroked my tongue against them. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue against mine and swirling across my palate, an action that drives me wild. My hands were around his neck before my next breath, and his free hand came to rest on the small of my back. We kissed for several minutes before a car driving too fast squealed its tires coming around the corner and we both turned to watch it race past.

Jeff cleared his throat, loosening his hold on my head but keeping his hand on my back holding me close. “May I walk you to your car?”

“I don’t have one here,” I answered, happy that I wasn’t parked just a few steps away. “I live a couple of blocks from here, so I usually walk.”

“Then may I walk you home,” he asked, smiling widely.

“I’d like that.”

He turned and picked up the basket as he took my hand in his. “Lead on.”

“Did you plan this whole thing?” I asked, pointing at the basket.

Jeff shrugged. I kept looking at him, so he relented and explained,”Those guys had some pretty crazy ideas for getting your attention. I thought if I gave them a scenario to play out that kept you mostly in control and in a safe place, they could get it out of their systems without anyone getting hurt.”

I thought about that for a few moments, as we walked slowly along the deserted street, hand in hand.

“So you did all that just to get them off my tail?”

The lighting was bad, but I think he blushed.

“So to speak.”

Then I blushed. I hadn’t meant the dual meaning, but it was accurate. The guys were all over my tail before, and the evening had certainly been entertaining.

“So do you think they’ll leave me alone now?”

“From what they were saying, they think you’re pretty serious about the no dating rule. They all think they’re pretty irresistible, but; since you resisted, I think they’ll respect that, mostly.”

I considered that, but had to go deeper, “You didn’t believe it.”

“I was the one kissing you.”

I blushed again, but tried to hide it by looking at the sidewalk. He was right, though. I liked the attention the other guys were giving me, but it was the feeding and the kissing that had me half-considering letting the situation continue. Suddenly I wondered if that had just been the luck of placement.

“Was that your plan, to be the one kissing me?”

“Absolutely,” he said simply, glancing at me and trying to catch my eye.

I was blushing fiercely, so I wouldn’t look up until he stopped and put a hand on my cheek, pulling my eyes to his.

“Is it okay… I mean, I know you … ” He seemed more unsure than I’d ever seen him.

I reached up and kissed him again. He melted against me, wrapping both arms around me and holding me in complete contact. He was a spectacular kisser.

When gym workout goes out of hands will continue in the next page.

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