Trapped in the Snow – 9

They soon after ran up the stairs to mom’s room to begin rummaging through her stuff. I grabbed what cameras I wanted to use, the dim lighting promising to be a bit of a challenge for me, but something I thought it would be fun working with, capturing shadows, hints of sexy clothing, and then some fairly sensual shots of people engaged in having sex with one another in differing positions throughout the house. It was hard within seconds just thinking about it, though I’d already made up a partial list of people I wanted to use, and places I wanted to see them in when things got rolling.

As excited as I was, I began to grow impatient with my sisters, and mom. “Geeze…how long does it take for them to pick out something to wear?” I asked, hearing dad’s laugh.

“Sorry son,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it. “Unfortunately, you’ve opened Pandora’s Box here, so you might as well settle in for the duration. It’s apt to be a while, while they rummage through your mother’s things, looking for just the right look, the right feel. It’ll be worth it though, trust me. If they feel sexy, then they’ll be sexy. Even more so once you start posing them and telling them what to do. But if you hurry them before they’re ready, your pictures won’t turn out nearly as well as they could have. Trust me…I know,” he actually said, winking at me.

He was right too, and I knew that he was, accepting a drink from him, which he’d made for us at the bar, which surprised me a little as he’d never offered me one before. A beer yes, but never a stiff drink like we were suddenly drinking now. Upstairs we could hear the girl’s excited chatter as they continued trying things on, commenting on them to one another, deciding which things looked good, and which ones didn’t. Even though he was right, I was still fidgety, agitated, waiting, and sitting there as I was, though I was enjoying my drink.

“So, Max…would it shock you to learn that I fucked your mother’s sister? Or that mom had sex with Frank?” Dad asked out of the blue. I spun around looking at him.

“So there had been more,” I thought to myself, not too terribly surprised, or even shocked to discover that. I might have been earlier, but certainly not now. “Because of what happened with Aunt Jackie walking in on mom and Collette?” I asked.

“Well yeah, that certainly opened the door there,” dad grinned. “Of course by then, Frank had heard what happened too, and was just as aroused as I was about it. So…when we went over there for dinner the following week, needless to say, we all sat around talking about it. Before any of us knew it, though Frank and I were both certainly hoping for a repeat, and as your mom had promised me, once she had…then perhaps she would do so again for me, they did. Only it didn’t end there. We ended up doing together what we’ve pretty much been doing here, and have been doing so ever since.”

“Wow!” I said once again trying to imagine it. “Uncle Frank and Aunt Jackie!”

Dad grinned, looking relieved at my reaction.

“Anyway, I was just wondering.”

“Wondering what?”

“How you’d feel about fucking your Aunt?”

I sat there for a moment with a dumbfounded look on my face to be sure. “Aunt Jackie?”

“Yeah…Jackie,” dad repeated once again. “Unless of course you don’t want to,” he told me. “But…she did ask if maybe…just maybe, if the opportunity ever presented itself, if you might be interested. Obviously…it has, which is also why I’ve asked to have my fantasy delayed until tomorrow. Until this weather screwed things up, they were supposed to be coming over to have dinner with all of us. Not sure they still will, or even try to drive over here in this weather, but hell…Frank’s got that big-assed Hummer and I seriously doubt even this weather could stop him from coming over as much as he likes driving the damn thing around in conditions like this.”

“Jackie,” I said again, thinking it out loud.

“Yeah well…I won’t say anything to anyone about it, especially her. Not until you’ve made up your mind about it. Hell…she won’t even know about any of this yet, not unless your mother decides to tell her, which I still haven’t spoken to her about yet either. So, until I know what she is or isn’t going to say, or even how you feel about it yourself, I’m not planning on saying or doing anything. But just so you know, just in case they do come tomorrow. Just thought under the circumstances, maybe I’d better mention it.”

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t know what to think. What had happened already so far with the five of us was intense enough, the fact that we could all so easily accept, and thus ease into this incredibly erotic, albeit decadent situation amongst ourselves was one thing. But…to then accept that mom’s sister, her husband Frank, “Even if I did like the guy…a lot, were to be included as well?”

It was something I’d definitely have to sit down and think about. And I also knew…I wouldn’t be the only one either. It would be interesting to see what both Sophia and Collette thought about it, once they were told. I decided until they had been, there was no point in worrying about it now. Chances were, we might not even see them tomorrow anyway, Hummer or no Hummer as bad as the weather was.

It became a moot point moments later anyway as mom, Sophia and Collette began to slowly make their way down stairs, each of them dressed up in what was the most alluring, sexy, sensual clothing I’d ever seen any of them ever wear before. And even then, all they had on were lace bras, stockings, garters and matching panties along with high heels. Even dad’s intake of breath behind me said it all, as attractive as my sisters were, mom had never looked better.


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