Trapped in the Snow – 9

Standing there as we were only a few feet away from the couch bed, we were in the perfect position to see Collette’s pussy squirt. As she released, the first jettison of her female nectar sprayed out in a long forceful stream. As it did, she actually managed to hit dad’s swinging balls as he stood there over the two of them, still milking his dick now by hand, his continued ongoing climax producing thick fat droplets of sperm that continued to splatter down on mom’s cunt.

As he continued to do that, she in turn continued to sweep up dad’s spunk with her hands and fingers, frigging herself. I almost laughed, and had I not been on the verge of spurting myself now, I might have. Seeing dad’s nut-sack swinging to and fro as Collette’s pussy juice hit it directly over and over again was simply too much even for me. I let go, shoving my cock into Sophia’s cunt as hard as I could, each thrust of my prick inside that tight wanton passage releasing yet another streamer of my own fiery hot spunk inside her.

And of course sure enough, feeling me do that, is when Sophia actually screamed in pure pleasured delight.


At mom’s insistence, though everyone readily agreed, the girls headed off to shower and freshen up. While dad and I waited for our turn, we headed outside to check on the generator and see to it that it had enough fuel to last us through the night. The power still hadn’t come back on yet, though that wasn’t too unexpected. As far out as we were, we’d always been amongst the last to see power restored whenever it had gone out in the past, though admittedly it had never been out this long before.

As I saw that, dad took the time to re-shovel the pathway we’d carved out from the house to the garage. And though it wasn’t snowing nearly half as bad as it had been, we’d still accumulated another two or three inches since the last time we had shoveled it. With the generator fully fueled again and operating efficiently, dad then decided we might as well plow the drive out to the highway again too as the girls would no doubt be a while yet.

Sitting beside him in the front seat of the truck, I decided to ask him a question, not sure if he’d answer me or not…but I was curious about it, and had been ever since mom and Collette had mentioned it. And now…with the totally uninhibited aspect of our relationship being what it was, I felt that now might be a perfectly good time to do so.

“So dad…tell me. What did happen when Aunt Jackie walked in on mom and Collette anyway?”

He looked over at me smiling. “Guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you, though Sophia might be a bit upset to discover that she is once again the last one to know…” dad chuckled. “But…if you really want to hear it, I’ll tell you,” he began. “And besides, there really is a lot more going on than either your mother or I have told you about, so you might just as well hear it from me first so you can make up your own mind about it,” dad said a bit more seriously as we slowly drove down the long driveway, pushing freshly fallen snow out of the way in front of us.

I sat patiently waiting for him to begin as he obviously sat there thinking about what he was willing to share with me about all this.

“Anyway, like your mom said, there they were, lying on the bed in our bedroom. Worried, especially as mom hasn’t answered her phone and is now late, something she never, ever is…your Aunt gets all freaked out and decides to drive over. To make matters worse, in her excitement, especially after seeing your sister in the tub, she forgets that she left the truck running out the front, door open. She’d initially meant just to run in and then out again, but obviously gets sidetracked. So…your Aunt arrives, finds the truck running, door open…with mom nowhere in sight. Cautiously, she entered the house, not quite expecting what she might find, but obviously scared, and frightened.”

“Damn,” I chuckled trying to imagine this. I could just see my Aunt Jackie, a slightly smaller version of mom, but even feistier sneaking into the house.

“So you know how Frank and I both keep a baseball bat hidden behind the front door?”

“Yeah?” I answered, now seeing that, already knowing what happened next before dad even told me.

“Well about that time, she hears…or rather hears what she thinks is someone hurting your mother upstairs in the bedroom, when in fact of course, Collette and your mom are at this moment in time, busily engaged in sucking one another’s cunts. So…now, Jackie grabs the bat and starts heading up the stairway, sneaking down the hallway towards the bedroom, still listening…her mind now imagining something else entirely other than what’s really going on.”

“Oh my god!” I laughed out loud seeing it in my head just as we reached the end of the driveway, dad pausing long enough to back the truck, turning it around for the plow back down the other side of the road.

“Oh yeah…I was laughing so hard myself later when your mom told me the story, I damn near pissed myself! Anyway, so now Jackie creeps up to the closed door, she turns the knob ensuring that the door isn’t locked, and opens it, not enough to see anything, as she’s already made it clear in her mind that she’ll only have a moment or two at best to swing the bat at your mother’s assailant. So now…she grabs the bat, raises it over her head ready to swing it, and kicks the door.”

“Oh fuck!”

“Oh fuck is right!” Dad’s laughing, and tears are in fact already coming into his eyes again as he retells the story. “So she kicks in the door, and then comes in right behind it, waving the bat over her head like a wild-woman. About that time your mom and sister of course look up, though they’re of course naked there on the bed, each one scrambling off to the other side as they look into the crazed eyes of your aunt, who now looks even more crazed, stupefied as she stands there with this bat still over her head, trying to make sense out of what it is that she’s seeing.”

“Fuck, I think I’m gonna pee myself!” I said laughing hysterically.

“Anyway, so your mom tells me that Aunt Jackie finally finds her voice, though she’s probably still in a state of shock when she speaks. ‘Just what the hell are the two of you doing anyway?’ she screams out at them still wielding the bat. Your sister, not at all sure of anything at this point, is actually thinking that maybe Aunt Jackie is going to actually hit her with the damn bat for laying there licking your mom’s pussy.

Even though mom was of course licking hers at the same time as well. But, stunned because of the way Jackie came bursting into the room, no one’s really had any time to think clearly yet, I mean…this is all happening within seconds here. So now your sister looks up at your aunt, and simply says, “I’m eating mom’s pussy!”

“Oh my god no! She didn’t!”

“Oh yeah, she did…just like that. Even hearing your mom tell it the way she did, I thought I was gonna die.”

“So what happened next?”

Dad was wiping the tears away from his eyes, even having to stop the truck half way back as he couldn’t see clearly enough to keep driving.

“So now, having heard that, poor Jackie’s even more confused, though her mind is finally beginning to register the fact that your mom’s not in any danger here, and actually drops the bat. And I guess she actually just spoke the first thing that popped into her mind after she did that.”

“Which was?”

I saw dad trying to hold it, trying to control his laughter, though he still lost it anyway as he answered, almost making it impossible to understand him when he replied.

“How come you never wanted to eat my pussy? She asks. And then collapsed down onto the bed, almost fainting, but it was the sheer relief of knowing your mom wasn’t in any real danger, though her mind then had to deal with what it was that really was going on. So she’s laying there, your mom and Collette now worriedly sitting on either side of her, attending to her and wanting to make sure she’s ok, when she looks up at the two of them and says, ‘No really, how come you never wanted to, even when I told you I would, if you would,’ she then stated.”

I could only sit there shaking my head, still laughing.

“Anyway, that’s when your mom and Collette undressed your Aunt. They spent the rest of the afternoon going down on one another. I heard about it all later on that evening, after she’d left. And then of course, she had later on told Frank about it that night too.”

I waited for dad to continue, but he didn’t. By then we’d reached the garage and had pulled the truck back inside.

“Anyway, enough for now. Time to grab that shower…and some grub. Hopefully your mom will start fixing dinner soon. I have a feeling we’re going to need the energy, it’s apt to be another long evening,” he smiled looking back at me as I followed him into the house.

I knew there was more to the story however, a lot more. And I was anxious to hear it, but that would have to wait. The first thing I needed to do was shower, and then eat. I was already looking forward to discovering whose turn it was to be next, not including my own.


Mom had made homemade, chicken-noodle soup for dinner. Something nice and warm, nutritious and yet filling without stuffing is too much and not having the energy or the desire to continue on things a little later. Unfortunately the storm outside began picking up again, and with it the wind, howling even more threateningly than it had done the first day. Dad said that it was yet another front moving in,

and that we no doubt would be in for another long night, and very likely, another day of shoveling snow by the looks of it. After that, we hurriedly stoked up the fire, got things all nice and toasty warm, and then seated ourselves around it waiting for mom and Sophia to finish up with the dinner dishes. They came walking in several minutes later, carrying the Tupperware bowl in with them, smiles on their faces.

“Ok, so Collette? I think it’s your turn to draw,” mom grinned.

We were down to three, mine, dads and Collette’s, though dads even if it got drawn would be held off until the following day for some reason, a reason he still hadn’t as yet explained.

Mom stood holding the bowl just above Collette’s head as she reached in scrambling the three single little folded papers about. She continued to do so, on purpose, all the while looking down at my sister. Sophia refused to comment however, and sat glaring at her as she did that, something which would have continued on forever if mom hadn’t finally gotten involved.

“Ok Collette, enough already, you made your point. Pick one!” She then did, drawing one out, opening it. As she did so, she glanced over towards me.

“Surprise, surprise,” Collette stated, nodding her head as though she’d already had an idea, though by the look on her face it obviously intrigued her. “This one is Max’s of course…” she said and then began reading. “As you all know, one of my hobbies is photography, so…what I want to do for my fantasy is to photograph everyone in different erotic poses, poses in which you really are pleasuring one another while I walk around taking pictures. I want to pose you in different places throughout the house, wherever I see something I think might look sexy or erotic, and use as many of you, or even as few of you as I find enticing.”

Even before Collette finished reading my note, mom spoke.

“I don’t know Max, I’m not really very photogenic for one, and two…just what do you plan on doing with these pictures after you’ve taken them anyway?” she now asked. “Though like I said, I’ve got too many…you know, flaws,” she added a bit awkwardly trying to beg off here.

“”Ah come on mom, please? And remember, like we all agreed earlier, that we’d all honor everyone else’s request, otherwise it really wouldn’t be fair for some to experience their fantasies, and others not. And besides…want to do more sensual shadow work than anything else. Some interesting highlights with light, though still concealing identities, totally. I was even hoping that maybe the three of you might start out by wearing some sexy clothing, not nightgowns or stuff like that necessarily, more like garters, bras, and stockings. That sort of thing, and then from there, move into some really sensual nude shots. So…how about it? Please?”

“Yeah Marge…come on,” Dad spoke in support of me, though I honestly think he was quite taken with the entire idea too. “All’s fair…or it isn’t,” he reminded her to which she finally gave in, though her face brightened as my sister excitedly began discussing what sort of things they had they could wear.

“Let’s go upstairs and see what all we can find,” mom told them both, “while your brother gets ready. I think I’ve got a few things we can use for Max’s naughty little photo shoot. Who knows, maybe it really will be fun and sexually exciting after all!”

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