Trapped in the Snow – 2

“You’re doing that now aren’t you?” I asked boldly, almost instantly turning towards my other sister, “As are you,” I then said seeing the surprised look in her eyes that I’d actually caught her doing so.

“Oh like…and you haven’t been?” Collette responded back. “I’ve felt your hand once or twice there Max, I knew where it was going. And frankly, the thought that maybe you were, had been…is what got me horny. That, and thinking about that night. Admittedly, I got pretty aroused when I felt your cock brush my breasts, I even masturbated a few times after that just thinking about it, wondering what you looked like.” She now looked over directly at me as she spoke. “And after all these years…I still don’t know…what you look like,” she breathed hotly.

“But…but you’re my sister!” I stammered a bit awkwardly, yet highly aroused even so. The admission that she was, had been lying there next to me playing with herself, which Sophia had likewise been doing, was an unspoken excitement. 

As long as no one acknowledged that we were, had been…then there was nothing to feel weird or ashamed about. Now that we had however, it was something else entirely. Though why I could personally accept, and find it perfectly normal and natural that the two of them could touch and play with one another escaped me.

“Yeah so? You’re my brother, Sophia’s my sister, we’ve done this for years now, and neither one of us feel guilty about it, so why should you?”

I didn’t know what to say, what to feel. “Ever since that night?” I asked curiously, still in a bit of a state of shock as I thought back.

“Oh yeah,” Sophia said, chiming in. “Especially that week that I went to California for a visit,” she said grinning, and then sighing. This time it was in fact Collette that shot her a look. “Well! I warned you,” she now added.

“Obviously, there’s even more to the story,” I said catching on. “What else have you two done?”

“What haven’t we done?” Sophia giggled.

Outside the wind was really howling now, and though there had still been periodic claps of thunder, most seemed to be off in the distance now. Because of it, we were all taken by surprise at the sudden unexpected sound of one happening close by, enough so that we all jumped, though both Sophia as well as Collette rolled into me almost simultaneously. As they did that, each one of them came into contact with my cock, now sandwiched between them.

“Goodness, he’s hard isn’t he?” Sophia said, collecting herself. I’d lost my ability to speak, especially as I felt my other sister’s hand suddenly wrap itself around my shaft even though she did so through my underwear.

“Ok, that’s it!” She suddenly announced, whipping the covers off the three of us. “You two have seen one another enough times, now it’s my turn!”

My only defense was the fact I had a thin layer of cotton briefs covering my stiff shaft, though the head of my dick was already trying to peek over the waistband anyway. There was also a very noticeable wet spot on the front of them which all three of us saw when she did that.

“Ante up little brother,” Collette told me. “Lift up your ass!”

Without even thinking really, I did so. Which made it a hell of a lot easier for her to reach up and literally rip my shorts down away from myself. My cock sprang like a Jack in the Box, and stood there wobbling about briefly, much to both of their delight.

“Fuck me!” Collette actually said as she sat there staring at it. “That’s huge!” She exclaimed.

It wasn’t not really. I knew…I’d actually measured it several years ago when I once wondered about it. I knew from what I’d read it was considered to be in the average-sized range, though perhaps at the top end of that. What it was however, was a bit thicker around than most, a bit more above average, which I think made it appear a lot bigger than it really was. Which made me think about that little warning in the mirrors that you see about objects appearing much larger/closer than they really are.

“No it’s not,” I answered back, though I was somewhat proud of the way I looked at the moment. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this big or this hard before. And now, sitting there with each one of my sister’s actually looking at it, fondling it, I was pleased…more than…with their reaction.

“Don’t tell me it isn’t Max,” Collette said suddenly sitting up, sitting Indian fashion on the bed there even as cool as it was in the room. Suddenly none of us were cold any more as things had suddenly heated up considerably. “I’ve seen enough hard cocks to know, yours is as big, if not bigger than any I’ve ever had,” she informed me.

“Oh? And just how many hard cocks have you had?” I asked her somewhat teasingly, though curious about that now too.

“Never mind,” she said simply, though she continued to sit there fondling it, as Sophia now sat up on the other side, joining her. Before I knew it, both of my sister’s were sitting there, passing it back and forth to one another like it was a baton or something.

I didn’t mind though, as crazy as all this was, it felt too damn good to suggest they do otherwise. Until she said:

“I wanna see it squirt Max.”


“You heard me! Sophia’s seen it, now…I want to see it.”

“That was different, I didn’t know,” I said, trying to beg off. “And besides, I don’t think I can.”

“You don’t think you can cum?” She asked incredulously.

“Well no, not with an audience, not like this,” I said honestly worried. Even then I was already starting to feel it lose a bit of his rigidity as we sat there talking about it.

“Would it help matters any if we did?”

“If you did what?” I said not quite sure I had heard her right.

“What do you think I mean?” she said, though Sophia had already raised her own concern on top of mine.

“You’re not suggesting…”

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