The Magic of a Quality Massage – 01

“Maybe so,” I responded in kind. “We have been experiencing several thunderstorms lately, so you might be right.” The fact I had actually been staring at her breasts didn’t go unnoticed by her either. I had sat down on the table as I usually did, but when she turned to face me, I lay down on my back, instead of my stomach.

“You want me to start with the front first then today?” She asked quizzically, as I just then realized my error. Sheepishly I smiled at her, already rolling over. “Or are you just in a hurry to get off…the table,” she’d added, though I swear there had been the briefest of pauses in her comment when she’d asked that. Was she indeed teasing me?

As I mentioned, we’d grown close, close enough over time that we could sort of flirt, and tease without getting too intimate, or too serious about it. So something like this comment wouldn’t have been that out of line had it not been for the fact that as she reached up towards my shoulder blades, I felt both breasts briefly digging into my backside.

“No ah…hurry whatsoever,” I responded back. “In fact, I do indeed have an area you can focus a little more on today,” I informed her.

“Oh yeah? Where?” She asked enthusiastically. It was a rare thing for me to actually point out a particular area for her to concentrate on.

“Sort of in the small of my back,” I indicated, actually reaching around to try and point it out to her. “Don’t know what I did, or how…but it’s been a little sore all week long.”

I felt her hands immediately go to the area, and softly begin working on my flesh, looking for any abnormalities perhaps as she likewise added a little additional oil to my back. I felt a trickle of it actually slither down between my ass cheeks, causing me to squirm just a little involuntarily.

“Oops, sorry about that,” she giggled in kind, as she went after it with her hands and fingers. She’d of course massaged my ass cheeks before, but I swear I felt her finger tips dive a little more deeply than normal down between my legs. I couldn’t have sworn to it in court, as I may have very well imagined it as well, but for an instant, I thought I felt the tip of her fingers actually touch my balls as she searched out the errant extra oil she had poured on me.

And this time, when it came time for me to roll over, I had a hard on. Not just a bit more fullness from arousal, a real full-blown erection. I was hesitant to even turn over, but I knew by making a scene of it, that it would perhaps make it even more awkward than it already was. And so all I could think of to say as I turned, was…”Sorry,” likewise grinning from ear to ear like an idiot, and no doubt blushing a little as I lay there. Susan couldn’t help but see it of course. But the professional, which she was, she still managed to defuse the situation a little.

“No reason to apologize David. That’s not the first erection I’ve seen when giving a massage, and I’m sure it won’t be the last either.”

The thought of that had actually never occurred to me, until now. Susan had appointments all week long, so I was sure she had indeed seen more than a cock or two fully erect. Hell the way she looked, and the way she gave a massage, I was surprised I didn’t have one every time I came to her. Though that has appeared to be becoming more and more frequent for me lately. More than once, I had had to throw a hard on before turning over, though this time had been virtually impossible, though I hadn’t really tried to do so either. And what did that mean? Did I subconsciously actually want her to see me like that?

“Close your eyes…relax.” I tried my level best, but laying there with this thing sticking straight up in the air as she went to work on my calves wasn’t easy. I didn’t dare look of course, even when I was tempted to. Wondering if she periodically looked over at it as she worked.

“Sorry,” I said again. “It’s not going away.” This time she did laugh, openly.

“Don’t worry about it. Like I told you, not the first one I’ve seen while doing this,” though she paused before actually adding. “But I will admit, it’s the biggest, hardest one I think I’ve seen.” Now my eyes did shoot open. What I had just heard her say went considerably beyond our usual joking and teasing. And…she was looking at it as she continued to work around my upper thigh now. “And don’t laugh, but men aren’t the only ones to get a little aroused either,” she added to all this. “I’ve had more than one woman on my table who has gotten more than a little aroused as well.”

“How could you know that?” I actually asked without really thinking about it.

“Well the most obvious of course,” she said looking down at her own chest, though at the moment, her nipples remained well hidden beneath the material of her top. She almost looked disappointed upon finding that they hadn’t made an appearance…yet.

“But the other way,” she actually smiled, “is even more telling. I have one customer that actually gets so wet, that I have to place a small towel beneath her ass because of it. We both know what’s going on, we just don’t talk about it. But I swear, somehow, someway, she usually has a mini-orgasm of sorts during the massage, though I never do anything to help that come about of course. She always wipes herself off afterwards, and then usually leaves me a little something extra after she leaves by way of a tip. So I usually know then that she’s actually had one.”

“Holy shit!” I actually exclaimed, envisioning that in my mind, which didn’t help my own particular situation any, as I now looked down and saw a small droplet of pre-cum oozing from my prick-tip. I nearly went for it, though with her currently looking into my eyes, there’s no way I could have safely done so without drawing further attention to it, so I just let it finally drool down the side of my cock, hoping she hadn’t seen it.

“And a couple of guys have had orgasms too. But like I said, I didn’t have a hand in either one of those, no pun intended. And both of them always had a towel on too, it wasn’t until after I was cleaning up that I realized, and then saw…the towels had been cum-stained. So it happens. Perfectly natural she added to that as her hands seemed to glide up my thighs, just brushing past my balls, not quite touching them, but damn fucking close.

She worked on my lower abdomen then, and then back down, changing sides as she worked my left upper thigh for a time, repeating the process. The problem was, I could not only see…but feel another little droplet of cum-drool seeping down the inside of my cock. And this time, though she said not a word about it, (though nor did I), I saw her hand sort of pass by, one finger seemingly gathering up that small bit of moisture as she passed, now adding it, and combining it to the rest of the body oil she was using.

“So, same time next week then yes?” She asked, again as she always did, and as was always unnecessary. Like clockwork, she knew I’d be there. I sat up on the edge of the massage table, but this time as I glanced towards her, I noticed that her nipples were straining hard and erect against the material of her top. And likewise, her eyes had followed my own as she looked down at herself.

And thankfully, she giggled, though somewhat nervously. “Never say I don’t get a little aroused as well,” she informed me, once more looking down towards my crotch. “So it’s not all that uncommon that I usually have to take care of things afterwards,” she openly admitted to me. “Just as I’m sure you’ll have to do.”

This was indeed, the most intimate we’d ever really gotten with one another. Perhaps more than either one of us should have revealed, or even allowed. But after two years, we really were pretty comfortable with one another too.

“Yeah, I might not even make it to the car,” I tried joking back with her. As she in turn joked back, or as I thought she did anyway.

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