The corruption

Even taking a shower together the way we did, meant showers would as well no longer be the same again. Well, hopefully anyway. Crowded as it was there in that small shower, we stood, the three of us, washing one another, Mila standing between as Mike and I soaped her up, not missing a single solitary square inch of her, nor she nor one of us. And it was nicely odd in another way too, seeing my brother’s hard stiff cock, standing there, proud and firm. Mine too, and neither one of us was embarrassed, or shy about it either as Mila stood between us, one hand holding each of us, working them up and down together.

“Ok, nuff of this shit,” she said none too politely. “Let’s towel off…and then go back into the living room. I want to spend some time amusing myself with the two of you. Not that I’m sure you’re gonna mind all that much,” she mused. And then stepped out of the shower, beginning to dry off as Mike and I soon followed.

By the time Mike and I had finished drying off and headed off towards the living room, Mila was already sitting there on the couch waiting for us. “Come here,” she pointed directly in front of where she was sitting, having already moved the coffee table out far enough so that we could do so even more easily.

“Stand right here,” she said again, directing. Mike and I stood side-by-side as Mila once again reached up, taking each of us in her hands. Needless to say, it was an interesting, but not at all unpleasant experience. Looking down, seeing your own brother’s cock hard in one hand, yours next to it, being held by the other as Mila now placed us both, or attempted to anyway…inside her mouth.

Somehow she did manage to suck us both in together, just fitting the heads of our respective cocks inside her mouth, sucking a little, mostly licking, but enjoying that as she did so. “Fuck!” We both said in unison, not having intended to do so, but lessening the tension of the moment when we did.

“I know!” Mila suddenly stated, an idea coming to mind. It had indeed felt good, looked even better perhaps…seeing our sister doing that to us, but she obviously had yet another idea running around inside that naughty wicked little head of hers. “You two are gonna need to get comfy together…and quickly. So get the hell over whatever hang-ups either one of you might have, and do what your sister tells you to do…ok?”

Suddenly Mila was indeed in charge here, and Mike and I both knew it. “What do you want us to do?” he asked.

“Lay down on the couch, both of you…but here’s the tricky-icky part…though maybe not for me,” she giggled excitedly. “I need you balls to balls. That way, I can place these two beauties side-by-side. One thick, long, hot fucking cock, which I am damn well going to find a way to fuck together. At the same time.”

“No way!” I exclaimed.

“Way!” Mila said determinedly. “Now come on you two…give me one fat juicy hard cock!”

It took some positioning, but believe it or not, we finally managed it. A little weird feeling, yes, me on one end of the couch looking down at myself…across the way, Mike doing the same. Our pricks meeting up there in the middle, which Mila now held within her hands, holding them together as she climbed up onto the couch, hovering over us.

“You don’t think this is really going to…”

She smiled, and then slid down….over both of us. It took a moment, it was tighter than anything I had ever felt before, that’s for sure. And probably a damn-sight tighter than anything my sister had ever had up inside her cunt either. But she did it. Somehow, she fucking did it! After a few really careful, really slow up and downs, she seemed to stretch a bit making it far easier for her to fuck us both.

The fact she had both my cock, along with my brother’s inside her was amazing. Just sitting back watching her was intense too. Seeing the way she cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples, riding the two of us was more sensual than anything I’d ever seen before.

The look on her face, the pure physical joy as she rapidly approached yet again another mind-blowing orgasm was enough to trigger my second one of the evening. As I felt my sister’s lubrications suddenly increase, along with another peel of deep-throated groaning that seemed to begin deep within her gut, suddenly spewing from her mouth in another ear-splitting scream of delight, I throbbed…

and then felt the juice explode from my prick. Perhaps sensing what I felt, Mike cried out seconds later, and I knew then he too was adding more of his own juice to the now saucy mix. Mila slowed, though still humping the two of us, the sounds of the now very squishy, very frothy mix of our combined juices easily heard.

“Wow, that…was fucking hot!” Mila exclaimed as she finally stood up on weak knees, somehow managing to wobble over to a nearby chair collapsing down into it. Looking up and over at my brother, it was an interesting sight to see, our two pricks now mostly flaccid, covered in spunk, his…hers…and ours.

“You can say that again,” I responded, barely able to speak yet.

“I will…as soon as we’ve all had a chance to recover. I’m sure we’ll all find something else naughty fun to do, and then I’m sure I’ll be saying that again afterwards!”

I had no doubt she was right about that.


Unfortunately, Mike had to leave for his part-time job, scurrying upstairs to shower again. Still sitting there across from my sister, it now seemed a little surreal, especially as she had made no effort to dress, deciding to remain naked though she had returned with hot towels in order to clean up with.

To my surprise, she came over towards me, and rather than handing me one in order to clean up myself, she began doing so for me. Mila always had been attentive in that regard, but certainly not precisely in this way, washing and cleansing my now very flaccid and very satisfied prick.

She seemed to take quite a bit of delight in doing so, even going so far as to skin back the foreskin, cleansing and taking special care there as well. She was smiling.

“What?” I was curious to see her expression.

“Just remembering something,” she answered back, smiling even wider.


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