The companion act – 2

“Well, you probably were masturbating in there, weren’t you?” Henry now boldly and bluntly asked her sister. “Go on, admit it…you were probably using my shower massage.”

“Well of course I was, especially after you told me about how you enjoyed using it, you certainly can’t stand there and expect that I wouldn’t…after all.”

“No…but I can’t say that I expected you to put on a show for Samuel either,” she said a bit more seriously, taking the edge off what a moment ago seemed like a bit of harmless ribbing.

“The door was shut.”

“Not all the way…unless Samuel,” she paused once again looking towards me.

I don’t know if Robin had purposely not closed the door completely shut, or if she’d left it as a temptation for me. There was no real way of knowing. But…under the circumstances, it was at best circumstantial that she’d done that. And under those same circumstances, it is unfair to judge her by.

I had been the one to push open the door a bit wider than it had been. I had been the one to stand there and observe her, even after I’d realized what she was actually doing.

“It wasn’t entirely closed…but not open enough to see anything either, until I opened it a bit more,” I freely confessed, surprising them both. “It really was my intent to ask your sister to hurry things up in there, I just didn’t know at the time I attempted to do that…what things she was currently doing too,” I said trying to lighten the mood a little. “Which honestly honey…is when you came in.”

“So you’re telling me…you already had that when you came up here?” she asked once again nodding her head in the direction of my now…rapidly deflating member. At least it was doing that.

“He might have,” Tom said, coming to my rescue, though that too was quite unexpected in a rather unique sort of way as well. And at first, I wasn’t sure if she’d made things better…or worse in having said that. “He had one when I went out to give him a cup of coffee, just before coming upstairs to shower,” she informed her sister. “Maybe…he was still thinking about yesterday, this morning…which is why he had one, and still did…even now.”

Henry and I exchanged looks with one another. “What did she know,” we were both thinking without saying as much, though our mutual looks asked the same question. “Had she heard us…seen us?” I asked myself. “Or did she know about my adventure in the kitchen yesterday? Had she and her sister privately, secretly, discussed any of that?”

I felt a strange sense of relief, though why I didn’t know, catching a knowing smirk on Tom’s face as she eased by heading for her bedroom. “Time for me to dress…and get ready for the beach,” she announced. “And besides, you two need to shower…maybe even talk a bit before we leave,” she snickered, quickly dashing from the room as Henry playfully reached out in an attempt to steal the towel away from her.

“Women!” I said once again, shaking my head. Just when you thought you had them figured out, you realized, you really didn’t.

“Come on you horny old goat,” Henry told me shrugging out the rest of her clothes. “She’s right…we both need to shower, and what’s more, we really do need to talk too!”

“About what?” I asked nervously.

“About her…about her staying here with us. About you and I. About me and her…about a whole lot of things I haven’t told you about yet. And maybe it’s time that I do, before you hear anything from anyone else.”

Ok…this was starting to get interesting. “Like what?”

“In the shower,” she said simply. “I’ll tell you a little bedtime story in there, or maybe I should call it a “shower story”, she giggled good-naturedly, though it was the same naughty giggle I very often heard her use whenever she was aroused too. Which was a fairly decent sign under the circumstances, as that meant…

I soon followed her inside, my hard stiff cock leading the way.


Henry held my dick in the shower, soaping it up…making it slick. “I need to come clean with you about something,” she told me.

“Funny,” I responded back as she continued to manipulate my cock back and forth, using the soap in her hand while doing so. “Keep doing what you’re doing…and I’ll come clean all over you,” I said, gritting my teeth, pleasurably so.

“Funny back,” she laughed. “Seriously though…I really do need to tell you something, and now seems as good a time as any, especially while I have your undivided attention.”

“My cock you mean,” I groaned as she continued to work it, without missing a beat.

“In a manner of speaking, yes. But doing this might help in telling you what I need to,” she said somewhat seriously. And had she not been doing such a nice job on my very aroused blood engorged cock, I might have heard the subtle concern in her tone of voice. Fortunately for her however, I had more blood in my cock at the moment, than I did inside my other head, which might have alerted me to that fact.

“Go on…” I said pleasurably, meaning both. “Continue.”

“Two, almost three years ago now, when I flew out to be with Tom just before her wedding?”


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