The broken hearts – 2

This Story is part of Lonely Hearts Series

Sophia just shook her head, almost apologetically for my wife. “In that case Jacob, settle back…watch, and enjoy yourself. I’m about to give you a real treat here. And then afterwards…I’ll expect you to do the same thing for me.”

“You want me to eat your pussy?” I thought, but didn’t quite say. The words just melted in my mouth, becoming nothing more than an intelligible amount of gibberish as my sister’s mouth and tongue began doing things to my cock that I didn’t even think were possible. The fact I was actually watching her doing it, was almost as good as the sensations were.

“Fuck Sophia…” I moaned now placing my hands down on my sister’s head as she fucked me with her mouth.

“I know Jacob…I know.”


I was so fucking close, but sensing that, Sophia stopped what she was doing, only then standing up again. “Not yet,” she grinned. “Not here. Now you finish washing me, and then we’ll go into the bedroom.”

Though I liked the sound of that, I was still nervous and apprehensive. Thinking with my cock again, instead of my head. I still had reservations about some of this…not sure I could ever actually fuck my own sister, even if she was ok with it. I’m not sure I was. I know…I was walking a fine silly line here perhaps.

But it still was a line in the sand for me that I wasn’t sure I was willing to cross. The fact I’d enjoyed, allowed…and wanted my sister to suck my cock again, and me…licking her pussy too, if that’s what she wanted, seemed like something that didn’t quite take us over that edge. Incestuous still yes, but not quite decadently incestuous, if that was even a measure of things. Though for me at the moment…it still was.

I soaped her breasts, once again enjoying the feel of them in my hands, slippery soft…yet firm, pliable, erotic. I was having fun playing with them, holding tits in my hand again, looking forward to sucking them again, tasting my sister’s milk even. I had now washed (well sort of washed) her everywhere except actually touching her pussy. Sensing my nervous hesitation perhaps, for that’s all it really was, Sophia took my hand in hers, guiding it down between her legs as I held the soap in my hand almost as a protective barrier.

“Go ahead honey…wash my pussy. Let your fingers feel me, feel how wet I’m getting for you.”

I didn’t say it, or tell her…but the last time I had actually touched, well…rather fingered a woman’s pussy was when I’d dodled Rebecca Ann Sue’s cunt back in high school in the back seat of my car. It had been that long. Sure…I’d more or less petted my wife’s pussy a few times, but “fingers” didn’t belong there was her response. (Her…or mine?) I’d always wondered. So my experience in that particular department was sadly lacking.

Hell, I couldn’t even remember what Rebecca Ann Sue’s pussy even felt like by this time. But I was sure as hell finding out what my sister’s felt like as I now stood there enjoying the sensation of slipping a single digit inside her. Not only was I taking delight in the slippery, slick almost oily-like lubrication that was now coating my finger, but the spongy-like texture as well, especially just inside as I stood there caressing it.

“Oh Jacob…that’s my…spot!” She moaned deliciously.

“Women had a spot?” I asked myself, though continuing to grin, nodding my head like I knew what the hell she was talking about. Whatever it was I was doing…I continued doing it, until she too seemed to be growing weak in the knees on me.

“Ok, enough…or you’ll have me turning into a cum puddle here,” she stated. “Time to get out, and take this back up in the bedroom.”

Stepping out, we dried ourselves off so as to expedite things, and then I once again followed my sister into her bedroom, standing there at the foot of the bed looking on as she crawled up into it. I started to climb in with her, but she stopped me once again.

“Not yet…I want to watch you again for a moment,” she explained. “I want to watch you jerking your cock off Jacob, while you stand there and watch me finger my pussy. You’d like to see me do that, wouldn’t you?” She asked hotly, her tone of voice taking on that sultry tone to it once more.

“Yes,” I basically hissed, looking down at my own sweet sexy sister. Maybe some wouldn’t find it sexy, but I sure as hell did. Her large full breasts now flattened out some, spreading out to either side of her ribcage like thick fluffy pancakes. Her nipples however, standing stiff proud and tall off each breast. Hard thick thimble-sized protrusions that looked inviting, making me salivate for the taste of them again. Especially when she reached up with her hands, now capturing each, pulling on them until she managed two pretty good spurts of breast milk that shot up, and then cascaded back down onto her tits and belly.

“You like seeing me milking my titties?” She asked as I stood fisting my cock, showing her I did, likewise milking my own cock so that a streamer of pre-lubrication now appeared at the tip. It actually oozed down in a long filament that stayed connected, starting to swing a bit too and fro before finally separating, dripping onto the floor.

“Oh fuck…that was hot, make it do it again,” she told me as I produced another, stood looking at it, watching it begin to lengthen out again. “Bring that here,” she told me, before it could separate again. “Carefully…I want to taste it.”

I took a single step forward closer to the end of the bed as my sister scooted around on her back, suddenly scrunching under and beneath me. The dangle of fluid just hovering over her open mouth now as she reached up, grabbing my dick. I watched as it just then dripped, disappearing into her mouth as she savored it, licking her lips,

squeezing my prick again in hopes of another. But even as she did that, I felt her tongue suddenly snake out, now tickling and licking at my exposed scrotum, my balls still hanging a bit loosely, but tightening with each and every passing moment as she suddenly sucked one gently into her mouth and began tonguing that.

“Holy fuck sis!” I spat, knees suddenly growing weak on me.

“Bet she never did that either did she?”

“No.” I said simply. Though if she had, I’d never seen that either, though I don’t remember ever feeling anything like this, so I was pretty damn sure she never had. Needless to say, I was in heaven. Two distinct treats for me. One, getting my balls licked and sucked was one…having had no idea that my sister doing that could feel that way. Two…he’ll make that three. The fact it was my SISTER actually doing that to begin with. Three. That I was standing there looking down at a nude woman. Fully nude. No frills, no lace, no nothing.

Just beautiful bare tits (even if they were spread out some) and this puffy, swollen pair of bare pussy lips. Cunt lips…labia and all. Which I had actually played with, ran my fingers through, sensed and felt the wetness, the slickness. A cunt I had actually finger fucked…once again, my sisters. So all this was going through my tortured pleasured mind. Which in my book anyway, was far beyond anything I’d ever enjoyed all at once.

“I bet there’s something else I can do that you’d like,” she said, still mouthing my nut-sack.

“You could be doing anything sis…and I’m sure I’d like it. Shit babe…you’re driving me nuts enough as it is.” She laughed at that.

“Nuts enough,” as she licked them again. “Guess you could say that I am. But how about…a titty fuck?”

Now that I had enjoyed it. One of the few things it seemed Mila hadn’t minded me doing. But then again…only once ever with the lights on, and only because I’d insisted on it. Well…that and it being my birthday and all.

This time Sophia had me crawl up onto the bed with her, now straddling her tummy, pointing my stiff aching cock at her face as she leaned up just enough to give it a little lick, before holding her breasts together, giving me a nice soft passage to slide my prick between.

“And here’s something a little extra for you,” she said, once more pulling on her nipples, making them squirt, much more this time…though she’d been basically priming the pump for me so to speak. It was just wickedly decadent enough, seeing her tits spraying, both nipples squirting,

with that very warm sensation of her mother’s milk suddenly raining down on my thrusting cock. She milked them some more, adding more cream to the mix as I now plowed through her milk covered valley, further pleasuring my own dick. “How’s that feeling?” she asked.

“Fuck Sophia…you have no idea! This is…sensational!” I grunted, enjoying the tease of the slippery passage back and forth between her succulent looking breasts. “Man oh man…that’s naughty hot!”

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