The broken hearts – 2

This Story is part of Lonely Hearts Series

She said that she didn’t want to get “hooked” on something like that. And that she preferred the real thing anyway. And yet…here she was, sitting on the couch in her business attire, fucking herself with a giant-sized cucumber, watching a Soap opera. I mean, I know I’m not hung, or anything like that. But if she could only really get off with monsters like that inside her, no wonder…”

I noticed then there was actually a tear in my sister’s eye as her hand finally found me, though holding me gently, not even really stroking me yet, just fondling my cock delicately. “Like I said Jacob, I’m sorry. I had no idea. And it’s not like you’re puny in that regard either,” she said, stroking my dick a bit more forcefully, enticing me once more.

“Trust me, I know. Cooper wasn’t even quite as big as you are, and he was more than adequate in that department, and certainly knew how to use it in satisfying me. So if Mila thought of you as being less than enough for her, that was her problem. But I can assure you, she never went outside your marriage looking for something else either. I would have known that, sensed that if she had.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that for a minute sis. I know she never cheated on me, though I almost wish that she had in a way. Her secret masturbation episodes, especially when I confronted her with them after catching her, drove me nuts. Her denying that she did, when it would have been more arousing and exciting for me to hear her actually admit that she did, or had instead. But then seeing her…seeing her like that, obviously off in some sort of weird twisted fantasy, well…it was almost too much for me.”

“Well, everyone has fantasies Jacob. I certainly do too. And I daresay, that some of mine could be considered weird or twisted as you say, even more so than Mila’s was. But yes…I do agree with you on the other hand, the fact she denied having them or more importantly at least sharing them with you, does seem a little strange. I mean…well, Cooper and I enjoyed some pretty sick or twisted pillow talk from time to time. And I’ll be honest with you Jacob, you know how much Cooper liked you, considered you more a friend than his brother-in-law.”

“Yeah, I know…felt the same way about him too,” I told her. Sophia nodded her head, though continuing.

“A few times…when we were sort of role-playing or fantasizing there in bed while making love, he’d on occasion ask me about threesomes with another man or woman. We’d discussed it several times, though up until then, we’d never actually pursued that or done anything. And then finally he came right out and asked me if there was any one person that I was willing to admit to as being sexually attracted to, or interested in. There was…so I told him.”

“Who?” I asked curiously.

“You,” she said leaning into me now, resting her head against my chest, still lovingly holding my rapidly hardening cock within her hands. The feel of her firm full breasts now mashed against my chest as we stood there beneath the water together.

“Me?” I asked incredulously. “You told Cooper that?” I was stunned upon hearing this.

“I did. And the funny thing was, Cooper thought that was damn fucking hot. His very words. And he even told me, of all the men he knew, friends he had, that you would probably be the only other person he would honestly feel comfortable sharing with me with. Watching me with. And that for him became a personal fantasy. I’m almost embarrassed to tell you Jacob…more than once, we both pretended that he was you while he fucked me. Those were some of the wildest most passionate evenings we ever spent together.”

“So did you two actually ever have a threesome then?” I asked, my hands now cupping my sister’s breasts again, coyly thumbing and teasing her hard extended nipples as we stood there.

“We did…a couple of times, yes. Once with another friend of ours, someone we both knew and who I was ok with. But even that just didn’t seem to reach the level of arousal and intensity we had hoped for. Another was with another couple, which I actually found more interesting as that was my first time with another woman.

But the guy was more of a voyeur, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But he was more interested in seeing me with his wife, and not so much in seeing Cooper with his wife. So that too was less fun and exciting than it could have been. We’d finally gotten back to discussing the possibility of approaching you…and then the accident happened. And well…that was the end of that, in more ways than one.”

“Jesus sis,” I said slowly expelling my breath. “I’m not sure I’d have reacted very well to that…back then,” I added, smiling at her as she looked up at me, and then suddenly dropped down to her knees there in the shower.

I looked down at her, sensing what she was about to do, not sure how I still felt about that at the moment either, right up until the moment she took my cock into her mouth and began sucking it. “Fuck!” I said simply, giving into the unbelievable sensation, opening my eyes again, which had closed of their own accord. Now looking down at my sister as she knelt, looking up at me, her mouth wonderfully working my cock.

“Always wanted to do this,” she grinned around my shaft, licking it rapidly.

“Another first for me,” I informed her, smiling back. Her eyebrows furrow just a bit.

“Don’t tell me, Mila never sucked you off?”

“No…she did, well not off…off if you know what I mean. But I actually never saw her doing it. I only ever felt her doing it…you know, in the dark thing.”

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