The balanced stay was life changing – 02

“That’s what I’m counting on,” she laughed, and then went inside to make that call. Dad and I looked at one another a bit sheepishly.

“Mellow out you two. Relax. No one said anything about swapping wives, or incest. “Just relax and realize that we’re all open-minded adults here. That’s all. No more…no less.”

“Uh huh,” I thought. I could just imagine what might happen after Aiden and Hannah arrived.


Mom came out a minute or so later. She had a certain look on her face that I had seen before…playful. But under the circumstances, that told me something else was up.

“They’ll be here in a couple of minutes,” she said grinning, and then leaned over whispering something in my wife’s ear.

“Ah oh…” dad said.

“What?” I responded, now worried. He just looked at me.

“I’m sure we’re about to find out,” he started, turning to look out over the railing down the beach to where Aiden and Stacy’s bungalow stood. Moments later, he nodded his head again, turning back towards mom. “Like I said…” he left. Now it was my turn to look, and saw what he had. Aiden and Stacy were indeed headed our way. And neither one of them had a stitch on.

“I had no idea this was actually a nudist resort,” I chuckled trying to sound normal when I did. Though I was surprisingly nervous and apprehensive for some strange reason, Riley and mom both seemed as relaxed as I’d ever seen them. So much so in fact, that Riley now stood, slipping off her shorts, now standing bare ass naked as well.

“Like they say…when in Rome.”

“We’re not in Rome,” I attempted to tell her just under my breath, though Riley either ignored, or pretended not to hear me. I noticed that even dad seemed a little surprised by my wife’s sudden baldness, though he had in fact already seen her topless a bit earlier.

It was when mom went back inside to grab a pitcher of Margaritas she’d made up earlier that really set me back a bit. She too was now naked. Aside from the photos I had seen, and then her actually baring her breasts in front of me, I had never before in all my years actually seen my own mother naked. As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself…she looked damn fucking good!

“Ah…you’re here!” She smiled, pouring drinks as Aiden and Stacy climbed the short flight of stairs leading up from the beach to the deck. Introductions weren’t really necessary of course. Mom merely acknowledged them to us unnecessarily. “Aiden…Hannah,” she grinned, handing over their drinks. “Glad you could come.”

“Hope we do,” Hannah teased just under her breath.

“Ah oh,” I thought. “Just what I was worried about.”

Don’t get me wrong here. It wasn’t the thought of perhaps actually engaging in something with Aiden and Hannah that bothered me. It was the idea or thought of doing so in front of my own parents, or visa-versa. I just wasn’t at all sure how I would react, or deal with that. Though it appeared quite obvious to me, that neither Riley or mom seemed to be having any difficulty with that. Perhaps only dad and I. But then again, maybe even more so than him. A fact that was confirmed moments later.

“Seems I’m a bit overdressed,” he laughed. Which we both were all things considered. With a shrug, dad simply slid off his shorts and underwear, removing the sports shirt he had on after that. That left me standing there with the only thing still on. My own shorts.

I couldn’t help but look of course. Though somewhat thankful and relieved that neither dad, nor Aiden were sporting erections…at least for the moment anyway. And though I had seen dad’s cock a time or two as he’d never been shy about walking into the bathroom to pee, rarely closing the door when he did (unless mom was around), so seeing him flaccid like he was, wasn’t all that unnerving.

The problem I was having…was the fact that I was indeed partially erect. All this bare female flesh was getting to me, whether I liked it or not. And whether mom just happened to be one of them. Like I said, mom was in pretty fine shape for her age, even more so than Hannah was at this point. And I had found Hannah attractive the first time we’d met.

“Don’t tell me you’re cock shy Caleb,” Riley teased. “You’ve never been like that before.”

“I’ve never been naked in front of my folks before either,” I shot back…revising my comment. “At least not as an adult anyway.”

“With an adult, mature penis you mean?” Riley chuckled, just as both mom and Hannah did.

“Would it help if I helped you remove those?” Hannah offered.

I laughed at that, stepping back slightly. “About the only thing that might help with, is making me more aroused than I already am,” I freely admitted. Though that was perhaps received as a direct challenge. As though they’d discussed it beforehand, both Hannah as well as my wife suddenly approached. And together, simultaneously pulled down on my shorts. In one fell swoop, both my shorts, as well as my briefs were suddenly yanked down around my ankles. And just as I feared, and now confirmed, my rapidly swelling member sprang up like a pogo stick, even bouncing for a moment with the sudden extraction of my clothing.

“Oh my!” Mom actually exclaimed, which didn’t help much. But neither did it help when Hannah suddenly placed her hand firmly around my prick, actually fondling it right there in front of everyone.

In moments, I was even harder than I had been. “Anyone mind if I suck on this a little?” She asked…not to me, but glancing over towards my wife…and mother. It was like I didn’t even have a say in the matter. And though my brain might have been thinking one thing, my cock was certainly thinking something else.

“I don’t mind…if no one else does,” Riley stated, only then looking first towards mom, and then dad.

“Fine with me,” dad said first. “I know I don’t mind watching that, not at all.” His comment surprised me. But then maybe, just maybe, dad and I were a lot alike in that department as well. I’d always considered myself to be a bit more of a voyeur as opposed to being an exhibitionist. It never failed to turn me on, watching or seeing someone else actively engaged, especially with my wife. He even walked over, sat down, picking up his drink as though settling in for the show.

“Mom?” I heard Riley prod, once again surprising me in a sense, now turning to look directly towards her, locking eyes with her as I did.

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