Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

Part 2 of Business woman and cam girl on special vacation begins here “I don’t know if I want to answer that,” I said. “That’s fine. I think I know already anyway.” “You do not!” “Do too.” “How can you even I don’t know? I mean… I think boobs are […] Read More… from Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

Margot and Katie have a sensational deal together

Margot arrived at the apartment after the day’s college classes, and when she saw that her roommate did the laundry, she knew she was fucked. Laundry day was supposed to be tomorrow. Not today. Her tender heart sank seeing that the bed sheets were already gone. Deflated, she changed her […] Read More… from Margot and Katie have a sensational deal together

Detective Hailey in high heels

This is a story about detective Hailey going naked and masked undercover. Enjoy. A case file was placed on the desk and Detective Hailey Paddy was eager to be given her first assignment in the homicide division. The Lieutenant was curt after opening the folder. “Look familiar?” “George Franko,” she […] Read More… from Detective Hailey in high heels

My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1

This is a story about tuning my boyfriend’s mom. comes in 2 parts and make sure you read both to cum. Let’s begin. Dating James had been going pretty well. He was sweet, good looking, funny, and respected that although I had turned eighteen a couple weeks ago, I still […] Read More… from My Boyfriend’s mom was better – part 1