Something special beyond my home – 3

“Something special beyond my home” Part-3 Continues….

“I sort of gathered that by all the sticky notes you left me,” I laughed taking my seat, pouring everyone a wine. Even as I did that, I felt myself becoming aroused, but this time, I made no point of trying to conceal the fact that I was either. If my dick stiffened and ended up making a tent in my silk pajama pants, then so be it.

The dinner was in fact perfect. Just enough to satisfy the appetite without leaving you sitting there feeling bloated or too fucking full. The wine really put a nice relaxing mellow edge on everything else, and even with the girls dressed the way that they were, still looking provocative and sexy as hell, it wasn’t enough to reawaken my earlier erection. It too was relaxing quite comfortably, though obviously aware, and ready at a moment’s notice to make an appearance.

It was just starting to get dark outside when Thomas came over to me sitting down in my lap. “You get to clear away the table, wash the few dishes, or at least stack them in the washer, straighten up,” she said smiling at me, wiggling her bare ass affectionately over my now reawakening prick. “After that…or a minimum of fifteen minutes whichever comes first, then and only then…can you come down to the den, that’s where we’ll be waiting for you.”

By now it was clearly obvious as to what was in store for me, and though I no doubt knew this was to be a night unlike any I had ever known before, even knowing and realizing that, I had no idea! By the time I had taken everything into the house, straightened up and yes…washed all the dishes by hand, it was just then fifteen minutes.

I decided to wait another five before heading down the stairs to our den, wondering why there was one, though it was just about the largest room in the house save for the formal sitting area. Whatever they’d been up to all day, obviously Thomas had intended on having a bit of extra room. I poured myself another wine, laughing upon seeing the sticky note attached to the as yet unopened third bottle.

“Bring it with you,” it said. I stood out on the deck drinking my wine, enjoying the feel of my erection as it slowly grew in anticipation of things to come. In moments, the front of my black silk pajamas was sticking straight out in front of me, and it felt damn fucking good when it did too!

Like a kid waiting for the ok to get up on Thomastmas morning, I glanced at my watch one last time. Twenty minutes had now officially passed. It was time to head downstairs and whatever the hell awaited me. Even as I descended the steps, I could smell the aromatic fragrance of scented candles, not to mention the flicker of subdued light rather than the harsh bright glare of the fluorescents, which I’d actually been expecting to see. As I rounded the corner of the hallway, opening the door of the den, I could only stand there in pure awe at what I now saw before my eyes. It was almost too much to take in all at once.

They must have lit what appeared to be three dozen candles scattered about the room, and the only source of light. Soft music was playing in the background, giving the atmosphere yet again another sensual feel to it. I almost laughed at the fact that they had pushed all the furniture aside, however, now pressed against the walls of the room. In the middle of the wide-open space in between, Thomas had blown up and placed the two king-sized air mattresses we used whenever we’d gone camping. One of the funny things about that, as much as I loved to go camping,

Thomas and I both still enjoyed the feel of crisp clean sheets rather than some old smelly, almost too warm sleeping bag. We’d actually gone out and had custom sheets made to fit the mattresses, which were on now, making what appeared to be an enormous bed, or rather play ground right there in the middle of the floor. But what had really caught my eye of course, was the three of them sitting there together on the couch facing towards me, all three now entirely naked, sipping the wine they had brought down with them as they waited for my arrival.

“This…is nice,” I said, taking a moment to fully appreciate the efforts they had gone to here. Obviously there were great and wonderful things in store ahead of me. Thomas smiled, and then told me to take a seat.

“Relax, enjoy yourself…and watch for a while,” she said more seductively than I’d ever heard her sound like before. “We’ll let you know when we’re ready for you,” she added.

“When we’re all sure…you’re more than ready for us,” Olive said, joining in. Lucy didn’t say anything, though she was likewise smiling at me, more like grinning from ear to ear, obviously excited. Finally she stood and simply blurted out, too excited so it seemed to keep it in any longer.

“They’re both going to eat and play with me while you watch!” She said obviously aroused, and immediately slid into the middle of the enormous bed they’d created. I heard olive laugh…a bit nervously perhaps, making me realize when she did…this would indeed be a first for them. The mere thought of that makes my cock lurch in equally excited expectation!

“Try to keep from cumming,” my wife said teasingly. “But if you can’t…don’t waste it either, make sure you bring it over here if you find you just can’t control yourself!” With that, both olive along with my wife slithered onto the double-king sized bed joining Lucy. I sat, facing towards them, drink in hand, cock already standing about as stiff and straight as it ever had before, well tenting my once loose fitting pajama bottoms.

It became immediately obvious that olive was going to be the first one to lick Lucy’s sweet tasting pussy. A point not lost on me as I could almost taste it again myself. As I sat there watching them position themselves, I could very easily recall the incredible sweet taste of my niece’s bare pussy. It was like lapping up honey when I had done that, not to mention the thrill of seeing her produce even more of it, a white frothy little cream that just sort of oozed out of her pussy when she came. I knew then, that her own mother would soon be tasting her daughter’s sweetness just as I had.

My wife sat behind Lucy, cradling her upper body comfortably in her lap. Her hands are easily able to reach, and thus caress, play and fondle with the young woman’s perky firm breasts, her nipples well hard, and awaiting my wife’s touch. Just seeing her suddenly begin to finger them the way that she now was, the expression of pure pleasure on Lucy’s face as she did that was enough to send a surge of precum dripping out the head of my cock.

I reached down, my fingers feeling the slippery lubricant through the material of my silk pajamas, using both now to further enhance and stimulate those same exquisite sensations on the head of my prick as I dug a finger in, and rubbed it softly in a circular motion, all the while still watching the three of them together.

By now, Kris had indeed positioned herself between her daughter’s outstretched legs. Laying at just enough of an angle to me, I was easily able to see her when she first touched Lucy’s quim with her mouth and tongue. Lucy’s eyes had closed upon my wife’s caress of her breasts, but now flew immediately open, wide-eyed, and wild-eyed in a sense, as she looked down, moaning deeply, even quivering, as Olive went about lapping at her daughter’s sex.

“Fuck!” I spat throatily, allowing the decadence and the impact of the moment to be heard. Lucy groaned once again in agreement, the flick of olive’s tongue on her clit quick and furious for a moment as Lucy rotated her hips in supplication of her mother’s ministrations on her rapidly lubricating pussy.

In seconds, I could actually hear the free flowing juices as olive added a finger to her pleasuring, now fucking Lucy’s cunt with her hand and fingers, all the while continuing to suck and tickle the young woman’s clit. Thomas, as I watched, took turns pulling, rolling or simply kneading her soft pliant breasts, tweaking her nipples playfully, stretching or pulling upon them however she felt appropriate.

Something special beyond my home – 3 will continue on the next page

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