Should you want to see mine – 2

“Should you want to see mine” Part-2 Continues…..

I froze, unable to move. There was no mistaking it either, she had seen me. For a long moment she just stood there looking into the mirror towards me, my eyes locked on hers.

“Try these shorts on,” she suddenly suggested, picking them up from a pile they had on the bed. “Let’s see how they look on you, and then decide which shirt might go better with them after that.”

I was blown away. I couldn’t have been mistaken, Xavier had seen me, of that I was reasonably sure. But the fact she hadn’t said anything, made an issue of it, or simply walked over and closed the door had confused me beyond imagination. She could have easily done so without alerting June I’d been standing there spying on the two of them. Now, I watched as June slipped off the jeans she was wearing, surprised to find she wasn’t wearing any panties at all as she pulled them down, stepping out of them and then kicking them off to one side.

“You have some panties I can wear with these?” June asked. “I don’t dare actually wear them without,” she giggled. “At least in jeans, if I get a little naughty feeling down there, it’s not as noticeable.”

Once again the girls laughed as Xavier disappeared from view momentarily. I heard the sound of her dresser drawer opening as she rummaged through it. June continues to stand there entirely naked now, looking at herself in the mirror as she waits. It seemed that Xavier was taking an inordinate amount of time to locate a clean pair of panties for her friend.

“It doesn’t matter what they look like,” June said, turning to face her, though I still couldn’t see her myself from where I stood. “Any pair will do.”

“Here, try these on,” Xavier said, tossing them to her. I now stood there watching her as she bent over and then slipped her legs through pulling them up. I watched in pure wondrous delight as she did so, watching her full heavy breasts sway as she leaned over, jiggling quite nicely, hanging there suspended for a moment,

wishing I was cupping each of them in my hands. A moment after that, Xavier reappeared, she too was now naked, and something I hadn’t expected to see as she crossed back in front of the mirror and now stood there as June slipped on the pair of shorts they had purchased. Once again, I saw Xavier look at me through the mirror, and this time, she actually smiled!

I now watched as Xavier stepped into a black thong, taking her time while pulling it up over her legs as she stepped into it. She then turned, reaching towards the bed, grabbing a skirt with the tags still on it. This time, she looked at me without the aid of the mirror, once again smiling as she did so.

“I gotta pee,” June announced suddenly. “Must be the beer!” The smile on my sister’s face quickly disappeared as she hurriedly turned.

“Wait!” She almost yelled out a little too quickly, tossing one of the tank tops they’d purchased at her. “Put this on first, see how it looks with the shorts.”

What I realized was that Xavier had just given me the one and only chance that I had to disappear back down the hall and into the den again without being seen. I turned sprinting away, easily making it, and then moments later hearing the door to the bathroom open and close. Seconds after that, Xavier poked her head in through the door of the den.

“Enjoy the show?” she giggled. “And don’t say I never gave you anything,” she then added, disappearing before I could comment.

Minutes later, I heard the bathroom door open and close, and then heard my sister’s bedroom door fully close. June must have done so when reentering. Even so, I stood, poking my head around the corner of the door looking down the hall and saw the cardboard carrier with four empty beer bottles sitting in it, parked just outside her door. I smiled, walked down the hall, retrieved it, and then added the two empty ones of my own and took it outside to bury it well beneath the rest of the garbage.


I went back to watching my movie, though I turned the sound way down so I could listen for them should they come out again. An hour later, they did, it was nearly ten o’clock by then, and June was heading home. She did stop at the den to say goodnight. I had a feeling that Xavier had at some point told her about my semi-innocent crush on her, and had actually been flirting with me, though not in a serious way. I think she was more amused by it, though flattered by it as well to some extent, and was just a bit friendlier towards me than normal.

“Goodnight Robbie!” She said, using a name I wouldn’t normally have liked hearing, but the way she said it, made me smile and grin stupidly, which I was still doing as Xavier peaked in at me a moment after that before following June back up the stairs.

“I’ll be right back…Robbie,” she mimicked, and then turned before I could stick my tongue out at her.

I got up, turned off the TV entirely, and then ejected the X-rated DVD from the player intending to head upstairs to bed. There was one more small issue I had to deal with however, as I quickly folded up my spent wad inside the hanky I had used, stuffing it down into my back pants pocket. I then started up the stairs just as Xavier met me coming down.

“Where are you going?” she asked, spotting the DVD I still held in my hand. “And what’s this?” She grabbed it, though I just managed to move it out of the way before she could.

“You already know what it is,” I told her, still holding it out at arm’s length far away from her.

“What? Seeing June wasn’t good enough?” she teased wickedly. “I thought you’d appreciate that a little more, guess maybe you didn’t if you needed that too,” she went on, making another grab for it. This time I let her take it, answering her question, which surprised her when I did.

“You…and June, are far more attractive and sexy looking than any of the women in the movie,” I said honestly. “And it wasn’t the movie I was thinking about afterwards either,” I then added, though why I did, I don’t really know.

“You…thought about me and June?” she asked curiously. “While doing what?” she then pressed a smile.

“You know damn well what,” I tossed back at her, seeing her eyebrows raise over the admission.

“No way…no you didn’t,” she challenged. I laughed at her.

“Yes…I did,” easily reaching for and taking the movie back away from her, which she didn’t even fight trying to keep.

“Prove it.”


“You jerked off thinking about June.”

“And you,” I said easily, seeing the surprised look on her face.

“You jerked off thinking about me and June,” she amended.

“Yeah, I did.”

Once again she stood there looking at me. “Prove it,” she said once again. Xavier knew me. I’d once made the mistake of adding a few of my own things in with hers when doing the laundry in an attempt to hurry things along. She’d come down to grab her things out of the dryer, realized I’d done just that, and then began sorting out her clean clothing from mine. Almost immediately, she’d noticed the inordinate amount of clean hankies in the wash, and knew that she hadn’t seen me running around blowing my nose all the time either.

I reached back into my pocket, producing the cum filled hanky I had used earlier. “Trust me…I did,” I said, holding it out to her, though she didn’t take it of course, nor had I expected her to. She was just curious if I actually had.

She actually smiled then. “Come back down stairs in ten minutes,” she told me somewhat mysteriously, “and I’ll tell you something.”

Should you want to see mine – 2 will continue on the next page

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