She Made Me my hidden Desire

“I’m trying to. Now shut up and let me tell you, unless of course you’d like to go first.” To my surprise, that actually seemed to shut my sister up, though I was now more than just curious to hear what it was that she had to say.

“About a month ago I was helping Mila with the laundry,” she began. “Mila had just taken one load up out of the dryer to fold, and I was sorting through another one to put into the wash. I noticed as I was doing that, that Jack’s underwear was in the pile I was sorting through too.”

“Eeew!” Bobby said, though Sophia continued, waving her off. “It’s not what you’re thinking…though close,” she grinned mischievously. “Obviously your brother wears colored bikini briefs, not tighty-whities like most guys do. Anyway…I was in a bit of a horny mood as it was. Mila had already told me she was going to show me her new vibrator after we finished up with the laundry.”

“New vibrator?” I asked myself.

“I figured that Mila would be busy for a bit, and wouldn’t miss me for too long.” Sophia turned looking towards my sister, but by the look on my sister’s face, she was anxious now more than ever to hear the rest of the story. “I knew Jack wasn’t home, so I snuck into his room.”

“You did?” I thought. “Why?”

“I quickly found his underwear drawer.”

“Eeew!” Bobby said again, though everyone ignored her, waiting for Sophia to continue.

“I found a pair of bright red ones,” she giggled. “And then I took them…and shoved them up my cunt.”

“Oh my god!” Almost every girl there stated, including Mila, though she was also laughing hysterically at this point.

“And then I put them back, as neatly as I had found them.”

I just sat there dumbfounded having just heard this. And ironically enough…it just so happened I was wearing the only pair of red briefs that I had. Sure…they’d been washed by now. But still.

“That really was naughty!” Mila quipped. “Though I’m not at all surprised. I’m almost half tempted to tell Jack what you did!”

“You do…and I’ll tell him one of your secrets!” Sophia warned.

“Touché!” Mila said, nodding her head. “Ok, Bab’s? Your turn to roll.”

I sat listening intensively as the girls took turns telling their own amusing, naughty stories, along with several shots of tequila being consumed. When it finally came to be my sister’s turn, I was all ears. Not too surprisingly, she told the story of how she’d walked in and caught me masturbating.


“So, did you actually see it?” Sophia asked.

“Briefly, yes.” Mila giggled. “But then he tried to hide it behind the porn mag he’d been jerking off to. He even made a tent out of it,” she went on to explain in detail. Even going so far as to tell the rest of the story how she’d been laying on her bed, actually playing with herself, intending to let me see her doing that as I passed by her room in the hallway. “But then I chickened out, and sat up instead,” she laughed. “Can only imagine what he would have thought had he actually seen me doing that,” she finished.

“Eeew,” came the response.

“Listen, Bobby. If you’re gonna keep doing that, we’re gonna gag you and strip you.”

“Promise?” She answered back to which everyone laughed. At least my own suspicions were confirmed now anyway. But I was also starting to get really horny. My cock long ago has gotten all nice and hard.


With each passing moment the stories got raunchier and dirtier, though I am sure it was with the help of all the tequila being consumed that they were. I wished now that I had thought ahead to grab my digital recorder, half tempted to go back for it, but not wishing to miss anything else, or worse, run the risk of getting caught.

Both Bab’s as well as Amber were naked now, having already reached their three turn limit. Mila had no doubt “improvised the rules,” saying that once you were naked…that after that, if your number came up…then that person had to have another drink. I could tell by the slur in her words she was close to reaching her limit as it was.

When “Bobby”had finally reached the get naked part for her, I was a little surprised at just how seductive she was when removing her clothes. And even after that, as she now sat naked more or less looking on, she seemed to constantly be touching herself in one way or the other.

Though her breasts were small, they were by no means insignificant, and it was damn fucking hot, seeing her as she actually reached up to tweak her nipples from time to time. Not too surprisingly either, both her stories had included only women in them, though one I found especially hot when she spoke about fingering one of the nurses at the hospital when she’d been there to see her mother. It was an interesting story, and once again had me sitting there with a hot-throbbing cock.

I’ll be the first one to admit. I was horny as hell at this point. I had long ago in fact taken my cock out, and had been teasingly playing with it. Especially now, with three of the girls naked. And hopefully…the rest of them soon would be. Oddly, I even found myself looking forward to seeing my sister naked. After all, I never really had yet…and she had seen me. So all was fair as far as I was concerned.

And then Mila’s number came up.

“And now…a NASTY story!” Someone said,

Series NavigationShe made me my hidden desire – Part 2 >>

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