She is my time – 4

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

“Hey…I was just thinking about coming over and seeing if you’d be interested in going out somewhere for lunch? How about it?” Thomas asked.

“I’m a mess,” I told her. “I need to shower, get cleaned up…maybe you should go on without me.”

“Nonsense. I’ll wait. In fact…I could probably use another shower myself,” she grinned hopefully.

“As much as I’d probably enjoy that, I let you into the shower with me, we probably won’t get any lunch. And I am hungry. Not to mention the fact, I promised to meet Howard’s uncle later on this afternoon after he’s settled into his hotel. And then dinner this evening.” I hoped that my explanation would be reason enough to at least temporarily delay any further activities between us, as much as I would have liked that.

“You’re probably right. OK, how about you shower, dress, and then come over when you’re ready.”

I agreed to that, delighted that my ploy and explanation had seemingly worked. She stopped just inside her door looking back at me, however, adding: “I might prefer being with women…but I’d do him in a heartbeat,” she told me once more, giving me a wink and a smile. “If you two want an additional female to party with…just say the word!” And with that, she stepped back into her apartment. Only then did I feel a rather funny, unusual sensation. Looking down, and seeing what was no doubt the tail-tail evidence, as Chris’s cum ran down the inside of my leg.


Chris called me a couple of hours later just as she said she would. After explaining to her what had happened after she left, she laughed. “Might be better if you actually came here then,” she said. “I’ve already got things nearly in place now. Just finished renting out the entire top floor, two penthouse suites at the Marriott. Had to pay plenty to do that too. One of them was actually occupied at the time.”

“That must have cost a small fortune,” I agreed. “So the Marriott then? And why two suites? For the staff?”

“Sort of…they have the rooms just below us. Had to rent out most of that entire area as well.”

“Holly shit. You really must be loaded then!”

“Let’s just say, I’ve been fortunate. But…the other suite is where they’ll be bringing my husband. And I’ve also already made arrangements to have Maria transferred here as well, somewhat secretly of course, and that cost almost more than renting out the two floors did. Had to pull some strings to pull that one off. But it’s pretty much all set. They’ll be bringing Maria over sometime tomorrow afternoon, after Steven gets here. After that, we’ll be spending a great deal of time with one another…obviously.

But it is again important that we get some additional practice first. I’ll of course have my own team of qualified doctors and nurses here with us, keeping an eye on the two of them. But you and I will have a much more urgent requirement behind all of that. And especially after my visit today. I had a personal look at Maria myself, she is indeed coming around. She reacted quite strongly to the light in her eyes when I examined her. She could be waking up any time now. And so that does tend to complicate things just a little. If she does, then we’ll both have some major explaining to do.”

“Oh my god! What happens then? What happens if she does wake up before we’ve even had a chance to try and do this?” I asked.

“Only chance we’ll even have then. We’d have to find a way to convince her to join us, which makes things even more difficult for all of us after that. Then we’re not looking at just a climatic simultaneous climax…but a three way. And that…might be virtually impossible to achieve.”

“Yeah…no shit,” I replied in kind…though my thoughts at the moment were trying to even imagine that. Me…Maria, and Chris all jumbled together, with Steven laying in a bed next door to us in the adjoining room. Yeah…that would go over like a fart in a space suit.

“Well, so you ready to get in a bit more practice?”

“Yeah, I think that’s a pretty good plan,” I told her. “I’ve been damn horny all day, ever since you left,” I freely admitted. “But I was also thinking about something…something else that might help.”

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” Chris asked.

“Well…I know how you’re not really into women and all that, but since I’ve been in this body, I’ve really come to love having my pussy licked. Might help out a lot if you were to do that for a while before actually fucking me…get me a bit closer, more excited and aroused too, ya know?”

“Actually, I was thinking about doing just that. And I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy being with another woman, I have been. Just said I prefer being with a man. I enjoy eating pussy, and I’m pretty sure, I’m going to enjoy eating yours too. Though that sort of does raise an interesting question I have. How do you feel about giving me a blowjob? I’ve actually missed feeling that, if you can believe it.”

I knew what she meant. I was rather missing that myself. This whole thing was becoming more and more convoluted by the second. And I could also see what she had meant earlier. It was dangerous being Maria. The longer I was, the less it became difficult for me in keeping the two separate. I was beginning to enjoy my time as Maria. And that did worry me…just a little.


I met Chris in the lobby of the hotel an hour later. Using her special passkey, the elevator by-passed all the other floors, taking us straight up to our own rooms.

“One of the perks of having these,” she said, smiling at me. “We don’t have to ride up with anyone else, unless we choose to do so. Keeps things nice and private too,” she added. “We’ll be doing that late tonight, long after most everyone has gone to bed. Even then, I’ve already arranged to have a security escort, temporarily closing off the lobby area when we bring my husband, and your cousin in later. After that…it’ll be up to the two of us…with a whole lot of luck.”

“No kidding,” I agreed as I began to undress, just as Chris was. It was still light out however, and she then turned to me.

“We can draw the drapes, make it a little darker at least, if you’d like.”

“Actually…no. I think this time, I do need the visual aspect as a part of this. I need to see you, see what you’re doing to me. And I want…to see what I’m doing, and how you’re responding…to me.”

In the light, it was strangely different of course. Christine came towards me as a woman in a man’s body. And me…just the opposite. It was a little unnerving, and yet…as I felt her place the head of her cock inside the opening of my pussy again, it felt heavenly. I opened to her, feeling it as she slid inside and slowly began sawing in and out of my soaking wet cunt. It felt far less awkward than the first time too. And there was no doubt that I could see the danger, feeling myself succumbing to emotions and feelings I had never felt before.

For the moment at least…I was a woman, I was Maria…I was no longer Howard as I thrust back, taking Chris’s shaft deeper and deeper, faster and faster until I knew I was hovering on the edge of climatic bliss. Chris slowed. It was obvious she too was fighting it, trying desperately to hold on long enough for me to ride the crest with her. But as she slowed, it actually hurt more than helped my own pleasure. I felt it ebb, and then suddenly began to back away.

“No!” I cried out. “Fuck me Chris! Fuck me…fuck me hard…faster! Faster! Faster!”

She did, but in doing so…the inevitable happened for her. Once more I felt the sudden surge and throb of her prick inside me. Once again so close, though as she emptied herself, finally spending herself, I too felt the delicious tickle of orgasmic release, though it was far less than what I had actually given myself, or even experienced when Mila had fucked me with the dildo.

We had again just missed the mark, though we had gotten closer. But it was a reminder to us both, just how difficult this would be, if not actually impossible. To achieve a level of nirvana that would allow either one of us to experience this “Little Death”, this split second of out of body spiritual ecstasy, was beginning to look bleak.

“I’m sorry,” Chris said again, sitting up. “That was better…but still far from what we’ll need to achieve. And we’re both running out of time here.”

“Maybe next time…we’ll do even better,” I said hopefully, though the look she gave me didn’t mirror my sentiment.


We both began dressing again, I knew that Chris still had a few things she needed to do in preparation for the arrival of her husband, and my cousin. But I was starting to think this would be all for naught.

“Mind if I ask you something?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

“You mentioned that there were others…others that you found. What happened to them? You never told me.”

Chris walked over taking a seat next to the bed where I remained sitting. “There were three. Well four actually. The first two were never really confirmed much beyond the same simple tests I gave you. But there was nothing to suggest that they weren’t telling the truth. There were other things of course, things that are foreign to most men, or women…and yet they knew of them in explicit detail, much like you did. The problem was, with the first two, both of their spouses, or partners, had already passed. So there was no help for them, or for me for that matter.

The only other couple that were together, and who had crossed, had lived that way for the better part of twenty years. By then, they had grown used to their new identities, new lives. Neither one of them wanted to run any risks, or face the very real possibility that something might happen to either one…or both of them. Needless to say, they were thus content to live out the rest of their lives together, as one another.”

I fell back onto the bed, the realization suddenly hitting me that I too might have to permanently accept my own status. Could I indeed adapt, accept, and begin to live a life as a woman…or rather as a man, trapped inside a woman’s body? I had no real answer for that, and was now more than ever determined to find a way to make this thing succeed, if that was even possible.

“No others then?”

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