She is my time – 3

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

I dialed the number. The area code informed me he was in a neighboring state. He picked up on the second ring, his voice warm, friendly and very masculine.

“This is Chris,” he had answered, almost as though expecting my call. Though I am sure the unfamiliar number on his caller ID probably hinted at that.

“Hi…this is…” I almost didn’t know which name to give him. “Maria,” I finally stated, figuring the sound of a woman’s voice, using the name Howard might be just a little too weird, and put him on the defensive. I had no idea if he actually knew anything about what I was soon going to be telling him. If he did, then the name really wouldn’t matter after I had shared my strange little story. “I’m very curious about the message you left me,” he began. “Would you care to tell me what you meant by that?”

I had absolutely nothing to lose at this point, especially with time working against me now. The odds were that Maria would be waking up soon, and when she did…inside my body, all sorts of complications would no doubt arise from that. I decided to tell him everything, start to finish about how I had found myself now inside my cousin’s body…and she in mine. To my surprise, he listened intently without interruption. Only when I had finished, waiting for him to tell me I was some kind of a kook, or idiot, and that I had wasted his precious time, he said instead.

“Give me your address. I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

“You’re kidding right?” I asked. “You’re seriously going to fly here to see me based on what I told you over the phone?”

“For starters…yes. I need to meet you, see you. There’s a few other things I’m going to need to do once I am sure you are who you say you are. But it starts with me getting there first. Are you willing?”

Once again, I was growing desperate here, running out of options. “I am. What airline will you be flying in on? I can meet you at the airport.”

“Don’t worry about that. I have my own plane, which is why I will be in early. If what you’re saying is true…we don’t have a whole lot of time here. I’ll explain everything else to you once I’ve arrived, and we’ll take things from there.”


I got very little sleep. Waking early, nervous and apprehensive. And though he said he’d be here in the morning, he’d said nothing about what time I should expect him. I had put on the coffee, just sitting down to have my first cup, not even properly dressed yet when there came a knock on my door. I glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. It wasn’t even seven in the morning yet!

“No way,” I thought, gathering my robe about me, cinching the sash as I had little else on save for a pair of my own boxers, which felt just a bit more comfortable to me than the women’s panties did. Especially those we had gotten from the lingerie store Samantha worked at. I peered through the security peep, saw what appeared to be a middle-aged, attractive looking man standing outside, calling out to him. “Yes? Who is it?”

“Chris Smith. Are you…Howard?” He asked, not even hesitating, even upon hearing the sound of a woman’s voice. I hurriedly answered the door before either one of my neighbors could become curiously aware of his presence. That would be hard enough trying to explain to them, let alone anything else.

“Wow…that was fast,” I said, stepping back inviting him in.

“I left the first thing. Had a car waiting for me when I arrived. Wanted to get here as soon as possible. Like I said, if you’re for real…then time really is of the essence here.”

“I’m for real,” I assured him. “Everything I told you is the god’s honest truth!” He merely nodded his head, walking past me into the darker area of my still unlit sitting room.

“I need to do something,” he informed me. “It’s a simple thing really, and not exactly a full proof test as to what you’re saying. But it’s a start. I need to look into your eyes with a pen-light.”

Chris appeared to be in his early to mid forties. Reasonably attractive, though admitting that to myself seemed oddly strange. And yet there was something about him that I found intriguing. He had deep blue eyes, dark brown wavy hair with just a hint of gray beginning to form at the temples. He already had a few worry lines starting to edge about his eyes, telling me he hadn’t exactly had an easygoing life. And yet they didn’t make him look old, as much as just handsomely rugged.

“Ok,” I answered. “Where do you want me?”

“Over here in the dark,” he said. “Keep your eyes wide open, looking directly at me. Try to ignore the light until I say otherwise.”

I stood before him doing as he’d asked. He clicked on the small little light, and then brought it up towards my eyes in a flash after that. My vision was blurred for a moment, and then he stepped back, once more looking at me. “Ok, you can turn the lights on now if you’d like. I have a story to tell you.”

I sat in stunned silence as Chris began talking to me, beginning with the reason for the light. He had explained that he had met three others like myself, making this claim. And that all three…for whatever reason, passed this particular little test he had given me. Apparently, my eyes dilated a lot slower than most everyone else’s did. It wasn’t really all that noticeable. But to the trained, observant eye…it was enough. I passed the test.

“So you’ve…you’ve met others like me making the same claim about being in the wrong body?”

“Yes, like I said. It’s rare…very rare, but I have yes. That is actually all I do now, researching this phenomenon, seeking to find others, like yourself…and help them if I can.”

I almost wanted to cry. “So you do believe me then. You believe that I am Howard, and that I’m in my cousin’s body. And that she…is currently in mine.” He already knew of course about my body lying in a comatose state in a nearby hospital, though unlike me…the news that I could be coming out of the coma at any time now, wasn’t necessarily good news to him.

“The reason I believe you implicitly, Howard, is because of this. You see…my name IS Chris. Or to be more exact, Christine. I’ve been living in my husband’s body for ten years now. Very few know that, less than a handful, most of which are on my personal staff.” I stood there staring at him, taking in every square inch of him again. There was nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing about him that suggested he was anything other than a man. And a very masculine one at that. There was nothing effeminate about him in any way shape or form.

“How?” I said almost collapsing, sitting down on the couch now on shaky legs, no longer able to support my weight as he took another chair sitting next to me.

“Like you, my husband and I went through a rather traumatic experience. We enjoyed going on white-water rafting trips, not the easy ones either. But the more adventurous, somewhat dangerous excursions. As luck would have it, we hit a particular area that was known for turning rafts, capsizing them, but up until then anyway, no one had ever drowned because of it. Before I knew it, our boat was caught, tossed, and overturned. The current was unusual however, the water level was a bit lower than it usually was, and because of that, the undertow was a bit stronger, unbeknownst to any of us.

The next thing I know, I have this sensation of leaving my body, underwater no less. I could see my body, flapping about, lifeless…and knew almost at once, I was dead. And then there were people, in the water with us, pulling on us…and I saw myself, as well as my husband’s body being taken back up to the surface. What was odd, and somewhat different than the way you described your own experience, was that I saw someone giving CPR to me…and then breathing! I knew that was virtually impossible.

How could I be breathing, and yet still existing outside of my own body? I then heard someone else saying that they couldn’t find a pulse, couldn’t get Steven to breathe. Someone else said that it was too late, that he was dead. I don’t know why, but I knew that we would soon both be, unless I acted, and thus did what I did. What you did. I entered his body with my soul. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital…in this body. Not my own. And it’s been this way ever since.”

“What about your…your husband?” I asked, hearing the strange words coming out of my mouth, speaking to a man as though he was a she, and not vice versa. But then again…look who was talking here.

“Like your cousin, he’s been in a coma ever since. For a long time I went through the nightmare, trying to figure it all out, learning what I could, until eventually stumbling on someone else with a similar story. And then things just sort of took off from there. I’m financially well off, so I have plenty of means to do the research that I do, with very few knowing anything about it.

There would be far too much judgment, disbelief for one thing. But for another, I have no desire to subject myself to being put through a battery of tests either, or eventually being labeled a lunatic. Something I am sure you’ve had the same worries and concerns about yourself.”

“Ten years? And he’s still alive then?”

“Yes. He is seen by my own personal staff. It has been my hope that one day I would find a way to reach him, to convince him that he’s still alive, and unfortunately, just residing in the wrong body. I even believe that once I actually came close to touching his consciousness, I could feel it, sense it…like a nagging thought, or a word just on the tip of your tongue like you can’t remember it. And then it was gone. I haven’t felt it since. And yet, I know he’s still in there, still alive…just hiding for lack of a better word for it.”

“So…what do we do next then?”

“That’s the hard part. First, you’re going to have to trust me…implicitly. Second…you have to also believe that what I’m telling you…is as true as what you have told me. Do you believe that Howard? Do you also believe that I am who I say I am without hesitation? The reason I ask you that, is because in the end…it may make all the difference in the world…for both of us. For all four of us.”

“All four of us?”

“Yes, because if this works…and I’ll be honest with you here Howard, there are no guarantees. Only a hunch. But one I have studied carefully, and done all the research that I can. I’ve since come to the absolute conclusion, from everything I’ve read, everything I’ve seen, and everyone that I’ve actually traveled around the world to actually speak to about it. There’s only one possible solution to any of this if we’re to have any chance of living out the rest of our lives in our own bodies again.”

“And what’s that?” I had to ask.

He…or rather she, looked at me intently, and then said. “I need to fuck you.”


“You need to do what?”

“I know…it probably sounds strange to you hearing that. So let me explain, or try to anyway. So please…hear me out, and then decide. But trust me…”

“Yeah right, where’ve I heard that one before?” I thought, though he continued.

“The French have a phrase for it. They call it “little death,” have you heard that saying before?”

I had…nodding my head.

“Well there’s a lot more to it than that of course, even the Buddhist Monk’s have some teachings on it…the spiritual aspects of it. That the moment of orgasm, is about as close as we come…as human beings from actually leaving our temporal forms. But there is a moment, when as some believe, we actually do.

It’s a split second, a fraction of a split second in fact…where we actually can, and where some have. It’s that moment…that gives us the one and only chance we’ll have to reach out in the world or plane of neither here…nor there, to contact Steven, and hopefully Maria as well. But we can only do that, only accomplish that, if we’re able to reach that exquisite plane of ecstasy together…simultaneously.”

I couldn’t count the number of times on one hand where I had actually experienced a simultaneous orgasm with anyone. Let alone…it needed to be the most intense, most cosmic, most explosive orgasmic release possible even when we did.

“That’s it…that’s the solution. We have to fuck…and then come…simultaneously, and it has to basically be the best orgasm ever. That’s what you’re telling me.”

“In a nut-shell, yes. But that’s also why we need to get started now. Why we need to fuck now, and get the preliminaries over with.”


“Yeah, let’s face it Howard. Until you and I are comfortable and totally familiar with one another’s bodies, how we respond to sensual touch, what drives each one of us over the top most of all…we’ll never achieve that level of pleasure unless we practice, become familiar with one another. Inside and out so to speak. So you see? We do need to start, and start soon…before Maria does wake up in your body, and very possibly make it even more difficult for you to reach her. You in fact have a far better chance of reaching her, that I do of reaching Steven.

But I have to try. And in the trying, hopefully…you’ll have an even better chance of being successful. But yeah…we need to get started then as soon as we can. We need to get the awkward moments out of the way. We need to get in tune with one another, comfortable with one another, totally…and completely, uninhibited with one another. And that means…”

“We need to fuck. Only in this case, you’re the man…and I’m the woman, even though it’s actually the other way around.”

“Yeah, sort of makes things interesting doesn’t it?”

“I’d say that’s a major understatement,” I told her. “To begin with, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you are indeed a woman…and not a man. I mean…you do have a penis you know, and you’re going to be putting that inside me. It’s the visual picture here I’m going to have a little problem dealing with.”

“Well if it makes you feel any better Howard. Same holds true for me too. I know some believe it’s a lot easier for a woman to be with another woman. But not in my case. I know, because I’ve actually tried that. Not that I haven’t enjoyed the experience, but it’s simply not my cup of tea. And then try to imagine the other side of that coin. Approaching another man, someone I AM actually attracted to.

And not the feminine, truly gay men either Howard. I’m NOT gay…I’m a woman. I’m a woman who is attracted to men. Not gay men. Not lesbian women. So you see, in many ways, it’s been far harder on me. Which is why I don’t mind telling you…it’s been a while.”

He/She…had a point there. There were a whole bunch of things I was going to have a problem dealing with here myself. “I think in the beginning, it might help if we do it the first time in the dark. Try to see ourselves for who we truly are as human beings. With luck, the real us…will relax and reveal themselves, and get us both through the first few awkward moments.”

I hesitated for a moment…weighing the options. But there weren’t any. “So no real chance that we’ll somehow manage to accomplish it the first time?”

She laughed. “I seriously doubt it. Like I said, for one thing…I don’t know about you, but I’m damn nervous. It really has been a while for me, with a man or a woman. And secondly…I’m pretty sure, I’m not going to last a long enough time to get us both to that simultaneous point anyway. If anything, I may be a bit, well…shall we say premature in that department?”

Now I had to laugh, the tables suddenly turned. “Ok, I see your point. So…we get used to one another first.”


“We need to…find a way…to arouse and excite one another.”


We were standing there in my bedroom now, looking at one another. I felt like a bride on my wedding night. Though why that thought suddenly filled my head, I had no idea.

“You want me to undress first?” She asked.

“How about you start…and then I’ll catch up. You’re wearing a bit more than I am,” though suddenly I then remembered, I was wearing a pair of my old boxer shorts. At least, I sort of looked cute and sexy in them.

She took off her shirt, kicking off her dark brown very expensive looking Wingtips. I then realized that she…or he under the circumstances was actually blushing a little. She paused briefly, unbuckling her belt, unzipping her fly. I undid the sash on my robe, allowing it to part, revealing to her…him, my perky full breasts. Though that wasn’t where her eyes were at the time. She was looking at my groin, suddenly smiling, and then laughing.

“What’s so funny? You don’t like the way I look in boxer shorts?”

“Oh it’s not that. Not that at all. Funny how some things never change , do they?” She opened her pants fully, letting them fall around her feet. She…he…stood before me wearing a black, lacy, skimpy pair of women’s bikini panties.

To be continued…

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