She is my time – 3

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

“On your tits then.”

“For that…she gets a bra off the wall.”

Once more he sat thinking about it. “OK, deal. Early lunch today then. Go turn the sign and lock the door.” He stood up, coming around the counter as Sam scurried off towards the door before any other customers came walking in. Sure enough, he had a hard on, his thick massive dick sticking straight out. He led us into the adult novelty area, and I noticed there was another door leading through that into another area.

“The back office,” Thomas informed me as Sam just then caught up to us. “We’ve been in there a couple of times before,” she added.

Sam was already peeling the top of her leotard off by the time we had entered his somewhat cluttered office. Not too surprisingly, there was a leather couch sitting off to one side, about the only thing that wasn’t cluttered.

“I’m not sure I feel real comfortable about this,” I whispered worriedly.

“Relax. You don’t have to really do much of anything. He’ll want to see your tits, but beyond that, it’ll be mostly Sam going down on me while you play with hers and mine a little, something like that. He’ll get off on watching her licking me. After I get off…which I always do, she’ll finish him, then we’ll go back and do our shopping. Shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes or so, give or take a few.

” I was surprised when Thomas suddenly stripped completely down, like me…she hadn’t worn anything beneath her jeans and blouse either, though obviously she had come prepared for this. I just happened to be that way. I stood off to one side, nervously, though finally pulling my tee up and over my head, revealing my breasts. I was surprised to find myself a bit shy and nervous, until Sam came over, perfect height for her, as she now cupped and latched onto one of my breasts, sucking it. Already I could hear Bob’s breathing getting harder as he sat behind his desk, no doubt busy jerking himself off while he watched us.

“Come on baby. Come lick my pussy. It’s horny for you.”

“And I’m horny for it too!” Sam responded, reluctantly leaving off my tit, though she still held my hand, drawing me over towards the couch with her. “Play with mine while I’m licking her,” she informed me. “Two reasons…” she then whispered. “One…I like it. And two…Bob will get worked up really, really fast the more the three of us do together,” she winked at me conspiratorially. “Get the picture?”

I did, nodded back at her, and began fondling her sweet small, very perky breasts.


I was honestly surprised to find myself becoming quite aroused, and now starting to get off on this. Even when I heard Bob suddenly stand up, walking over to stand next to us there on the couch. Sam was still hungrily licking Thomas’s pussy. I had been asked, and thus managed to pull down Sam’s leotard completely where it now lay all bunched up around her ankles.

I was finger-fucking her twat, one…two and finally three fingers as she instructed me to do the wetter and wetter that she got. It was also oddly arousing to look up, watching Bob who had removed his own pants, though still wearing a shirt, he stood fisting his rather impressive looking cock. It was now making a lot of very slick, slippery sounds, much like I very often did to myself when I once had a dick. Though the sounds I was making in Sam’s pussy were just as wet and slick sounding.

“Fuck that’s hot,” he groaned deeply looking on. “I’ll throw in one of my best negligees if you’ll fuck Sam with a strap on,” he urged us all. “While she sucks me,” he then added to that. Sam looked back over her shoulder towards me, questioning. I looked past her to Thomas.

“Up to you,” she said noncommittally. “But I certainly could use a new one,” she implied letting me know that it would go much in the way of repaying certain favors here. I felt like I owed it to her. And besides…I actually did want to try doing that. We hadn’t gotten around to doing so the night before, and now I was thinking about it again…curious.

“Yeah, ok…sure. Why not?” I actually answered seeing the delightful look of surprise on both Sam and Thomas’s faces upon hearing that.

“A new one,” Sam then said looking at Bob. “And this one…I get to keep it!”

“Ok, ok…but the three of you are robbing me blind today!” He complained half-heartedly. “And I knew then, he was getting his money’s worth, even more so than we probably were. Sam finished pulling off the rest of her clothes and then ran bare-assed naked back into the novelty section of the shop, returning a few minutes later with a brand new package, ripping it open.

“Get the cleaning solution and lube,” she told Bob. He turned heading back to his desk, opening a drawer, and handing her a couple of bottles along with some clean towels. Sam was quick about her business, handing me the contraption a moment or two later. “Ever tried one of these?”

“Nope…first time using one this way,” I stated. Once again, she seemed to understand my statement.

“Cool. First time for everything I always say. Ok Bob, as soon as she’s in me…you’re up.”

Thomas had slid off the couch by this time and helped me to secure this interesting contraption on me once I had also finished undressing. The three of us were all now entirely naked as Bob seated himself on the couch, Sam leaning over, already starting to fondle and suck his cock while I stood behind her,

Thomas helping to guide my fake prick into the opening of her pussy. I had no misconceptions about this either, or so I thought. About to fuck my first cunt as a woman, I knew going in that I wouldn’t be feeling or sensing it the way I would be doing as a man. This was about her, her pleasure, and me giving it. And Bob getting it watching me as I did that, as I fucked her.

Well…that and the blowjob she was now giving him too of course.

Boy was I surprised.

As I began to ease in and out of the young woman’s pussy, Thomas stood behind me, her hands coming around to cup and fondle my breasts. Once more that direct line connection from nipples to clit seemed to fire up again. And even more startling, with each thrust into Sam’s cunt, I felt the press, and the tickle of the device which fit snugly over my mound. It was stimulating me too, caressing my split, especially as I impaled her, and then stood grinding against her for a moment before withdrawing again.

Sam was gyrating and rolling her ass as well, fucking me back, somehow managing to hold on to Bob’s prick as she sucked it without biting it off as I caused her to moan repeatedly. With Thomas behind me, just the press of her bare breasts digging into my back was enough added stimulation, and I reached back, quickly finding her wet succulent pussy with my fingers, now toying with her all the while shoving and thrusting away.

“Fuck! Fuck! I’m gonna cum, gonna cum!” Bob announced. Almost immediately Sam backed up, almost standing up, though ensuring I remained deeply inside her.

“Here they are!” She said cupping her small little breasts, not even then managing to make enough of a difference in doing so, so firm and perky where they were, and not even large enough to press the two of them together in doing so either. Bob stroked his own cock now, fiercely, rapidly, and soon began spanking her tits with a rather large copious amount of semen, that was honestly…rather impressive. They were soon drenched in rivers of his cream, so much so that it was running down her tummy, dripping onto the floor.

“Make…me…cum…too!” She finally cried out, half standing, half bent over as I slammed wildly in and out of her. Enjoying the sensation, going through the motions so to speak of what I was used to, and yet…finding pleasure in it, in an entirely different way. Feeling the slap, tickle caress of the device against my own clit. Before I realized it, I clenched, clenched again, heard Sam crying out just as my own orgasm washed over me. Even Thomas joined us somehow, having now straddled my leg, humping herself against me like a dog in heat. The slickness of her own cunt juices bathing my leg as the three of us actually managed a near-simultaneous climax together.

Our supposed lunch hour had indeed passed quickly. Not wanting to lose any more business that he already may have, Bob dressed and hurried back into the sales area, leaving the three of us to dress and straighten things up again.

“That was fun!” Sam announced playfully. “We’ll have to do this again…and soon too!” She added to that with a wink. We then followed her out back into the main area of the store, did our shopping, and soon after left with a plethora of goodies in our bags. Including a brand new double-dildo that Sam had managed to toss in while Bob was busy with another customer.

“Call me!” She said, speaking to Thomas, though looking at me. “I’d enjoy fucking you sometime myself.”


It had been another very interesting day, and it was still early afternoon by the time we arrived back at my place.

“You’re coming over for dinner again later, yes?” Thomas asked. As tempting as the offer was, especially as I was interested in seeing what the new toy would look and feel like, I was honestly exhausted. And at the moment, all I really wanted to do was take a nice long nap, catch up on some much needed sleep, and probably spend time doing a little more research.

I begged off that evening, telling her I still had a lot to do, being honest about the sleep, and promised that we would get together again real soon. Though slightly disappointed upon hearing that, Thomas at least understood. We kissed as friends, and then went our separate ways into our respective apartments. The moment I walked in, I saw a small flashing light coming from my PC. It was an alert that I had an email waiting for me. I rushed over to it, looked at the subject line. It read from Chris Smith:

“If you mean what I think you mean…call me. Right away.”

I clicked on the message, opening it. He had given me a phone number.


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