Revenge is sweeter when done slowly – 01

They had gone out together for an evening of drinking and partying, and then ended back at the hotel room that four of them would be sharing, knowing full-well that none of them would be in any sort of shape to be driving home. She and Susan had split one of the rooms together. A room with a single bed, albeit a very large one. Even knowing that her friend was gay, she never once considered that the two of them would ever end up doing anything. Until they were. That same night, it had come about almost naturally.

Kathy hadn’t been dating, hadn’t been seeing anyone in fact. And she was still hurt and feeling lonely. Without the fear of another man hurting her, it seemed safer, and even natural to allow Susan to comfort her in ways that only another woman could.

They had spent the entire day in bed together the following day. And had met several times after that as well. And though Kathy had certainly enjoyed the experience, and now knew she wasn’t opposed to even exploring such with another woman again sometime, she didn’t consider herself a lesbian now either. She still had desires to be with men, and eventually had done so, actually evolving to the point where she could basically have a one night stand, no strings attached sex, and come away from it with a smile on her face as opposed to feeling guilty about it as she’d done in the beginning.

She was here tonight, to meet up with Susan, spend the evening just sharing drinks, having a few laughs before going home again. Susan was in a committed relationship now, so it was back to just being friends again, which was perfectly fine with her. Kathy smiled inwardly, following a few footsteps behind as she entered the club behind Bruce’s new wife. Odds were of course, she was just there to enjoy the evening with friends too. Just because Bruce’s wife was entering a lesbian bar, didn’t make her one, no more than it did her. But, she was curious, and inwardly wondered at what the night might reveal to her.

Kathy was also confident that should Bruce’s wife see her, she wouldn’t recognize her, even from any photos that May might still have lying about, if any. She had been a blonde back then, short hair, and even wore glasses. She had eventually allowed her own natural hair color to come back in, dying it as well of course, which was now a very dark brown, and well past her shoulders wearing it thick and full.

In addition, she’d taken to wearing contacts, and had even gone so far as to changing her eye color in wearing them from hazel, to blue. Even Bruce hadn’t seen her since she’d dyed her hair a few month’s back, so as far as he knew, she was still a blonde.

Kathy felt a little giddy, even wicked perhaps as she entered the bar, quickly spotting her friends. Though likewise taking note of where Izabel was now sitting, literally only two chairs distance from her at the adjoining table. At the first opportunity she had, she motioned for Susan to follow her into the bathroom, which she did.

Susan knew her dear friend all too well, and could see by the look in her eyes, and the expression on her face, that she had a story to tell.

“Did you catch that tall, good-looking redhead that came in and sat down close to me at the other table?” Kathy asked.

“How could I not?” Susan grinned, actually licking her lips. I might be in a committed relationship now, but it certainly doesn’t stop me from looking. Why? Are you interested in maybe hitting on her or something?” Susan mused.

“Sort of, but not for the reasons you’re thinking,” Kathy chuckled. “I think that’s Bruce’s wife Izabel’!”

Susan turned looking as though she could see through the wall, turning back a moment later. “You sure? You really think that’s his wife and not just someone that looks like her?”

“Pretty sure. I did see a photo of her on Bruce’s desk a while back, and I’m willing to bet that’s her.”

“Still doesn’t mean that it is. And even if it is, she could be here with friends, just like you are. Doesn’t mean she’s a lesbian, or even bi-sexual for that matter. She could be here just wanting to have a good time with the girls, just like you.”

“I already considered that. And that’s probably the case too, even if it is really her. But it might be fun finding out why she really is here, and more importantly, to discover if it really is her too.”

“And then what?” Susan asked. “Towards what end if it is?”

“I don’t know yet. I think I’ll play that one by ear, first things first though. Let’s see if we can find out for sure one way or the other.”

Susan grinned. “Then ask her to dance.”


“Best way in the world to find out. Watch her for a bit, get a feel for her so to speak, and then when the time is right, go over there and ask her to dance. Even if it isn’t her, no harm no foul right?”

“Right!” Kathy agreed, and then headed back out to her table.


Kathy sat sipping on her drink, keeping an eye on the woman she was pretty sure was Izabel’, finally hearing it confirmed when one of the other women she was sitting with called her that. Now she was one hundred percent sure this was indeed Bruce’s wife. “But why was she here?” Kathy mused silently to herself. “Like me? Just with friends?” But she was more than curious now too.

When the time came for her to make a move, she took it. Two of the girls she’d been sitting with stood up to dance, leaving Izabel’ to be sitting alone. With Susan likewise looking for opportunity, she also stood, taking Joyce by hand leading her off to the dance floor as well. That now left Kathy sitting alone, only a few feet away from where Izabel was sitting, and quite naturally, the two of them sort of glanced in one another’s direction for a moment. It was now or never.

“Would you like to dance?” Kathy asked. And to her surprise, Izabel nodded her head, standing.

Kathy surprised herself, reaching her hand out, as Izabel took it, now allowing herself to be led off to one side of the floor, purposely doing so as the lights were purposely a bit dimmer here. It wasn’t uncommon to see a few intiBrucee personal touches taking place over in this area as the women danced together. 

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