Putting together storm – 4

I fell beside her then, exhausted, spent…as was she. For the time being anyway. And we lay there listening to the sound of the wind. Amazingly…the sound of thunder and lightning had stopped. Only the wind and now our slowly returning breaths coming back to normal could be heard.

But the night was young yet, still two hours before sunset, when it would be darker than it already was. I had come so close to simply plunging inside her, the temptation to do so almost more than I could even stand. Only the thought at the last moment that I’d probably never again be with Sophia held me back from having done so. But I knew then as I held Joy close to me, I wanted her every bit as much as I wanted her mother.

I was half tempted to dress, drive home even as bad as it was outside. Only the thought of leaving this young woman alone, petrified, and truly afraid kept me from doing so.

But I now knew…I too was afraid. I knew I would never make it through the entire night alone with her if she kept up her torturous, tempting teasing.


With the sun finally setting, though we’d never really seen it do so, just getting darker instead, I thought it best to get a few candles ready in the event the power went out on us again. Already the lights had flickered twice, a sure sign that it eventually would.

“I’ll fix up some sandwiches for later,” Joy informed me. “No sense trying to cook anything, be in the middle of it and lose power again.”

“Good idea,” I agreed, and then opened a bottle of wine to share as we did that. If anything, it might further help to relax her, though again the thunder and lightning had stopped at least. Now it was only the wind. The good news was, according to the weather reports, Hurricane Kate had now been downgraded to a tropical storm. The bad news was, it had indeed changed direction, so we’d definitely catch a bit more of the high winds than had been earlier expected and reported. And those were already picking up now.

She had no sooner finished fixing up some cold cuts and cheese sandwiches when the lights once again flickered, and this time went out. “Good timing,” I told her as I hurriedly set about lighting a few candles I’d managed to position around the room.

“Romantic,” she giggled as a nice soft glow now surrounded us. I refilled our wine glasses, and then walked over towards the sliding glass doors looking out again. It was almost too dark to see anything, though standing there the way I was, I could see Joy’s reflection in the window as she remained there on the couch sitting behind me.

“I’m horny again,” she announced. Without even turning, I watched her in the reflection as she placed both feet beneath her on the couch, once again spreading herself open, obscenely wide this time as she waited on me to face her. Which is when she then produced a rather large looking cucumber that she’d placed on the sandwich tray, and which I thought she’d planned on cutting up.

“Since you won’t fuck me…yet, want to see me, watch me fuck myself?”

There was no denying it. Of all the women I’d ever known…ever met, both Sophia as well as Joy were more adventurous, scandalous perhaps, let alone totally uninhibited than any others I had ever known. I caught my own reflection in the window before turning. Not at all surprised to see my dick had already grown just a little upon hearing her say that.

“One thing in my favor,” I said, turning to watch her now. “You’ve already drained me twice today. If nothing else, I might not even be able to get it up again…so your trying to tempt me into fucking you might not even be worth the effort.”

“Sorry Charlie,” she giggled looking at my cock. “If you were dressed, I might actually believe you, but that sweet nasty cock of yours is already starting to rear its ugly naughty head.”

“You think my dick’s ugly?” I teased back, though my eyes were glued to her as she sat there slowly rubbing that rather large cucumber she was now holding up and down the split between her legs.

“Not ugly yucky…ugly naughty,” she said, which didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but then again…much of my stay here hadn’t either. I casually walked over standing in front of her, though keeping the coffee table between us, sipping my wine, watching her.

“You’re almost as big as this is,” she said, holding it up now, looking at it.

“Not hard,” I said, looking down at myself.

“Well not now, no…” she laughed. “But you were…and will be,” she added as she now wrapped her mouth around the cucumber, somehow managing to swallow nearly half of it. “Remember how that felt?” She asked to withdraw it then, replacing it down between her legs, rubbing it up and down her slit before easing a portion of it inside herself.

I sighed, remembering. Growing.

“You do know…you are going to fuck me before the nights over don’t you?” She asked continuing to tease herself, now easing at least half of that green fucking prick inside herself. Removing it, she showed me that she’d already bathed it in a bit of her own special sauce, now licking that off. “Wouldn’t you like to feel what it’s like? Having this surrounding your cock, only all the way…so nice and deep? So cummy full? Wanting to squirt, fill my cunt cove? Wouldn’t you baby?”

I was as stiff as I could possibly be, standing there as I polished off my wine, turning to locate the bottle and pour myself another as a way of retreat. She was getting to me, and she knew it.

By the time I turned back to face her, she’d somehow managed to insert almost the entire length of that dark green cucumber inside herself. Only the last couple of inches perhaps remained sticking out of her, which looked truly vulgarly obscene. Once again she laughed, allowing an inch or two more to slowly ooze out of her.

“Naughty huh?” she teased, her hands back up on her breasts again, cupping them, holding them together for me. I watched in abject fascination as she actually used the muscles in her pussy to slowly let it ease out, and not just plop out. She couldn’t keep it from doing so however, nor suck it back in…though I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had. It was still wickedly hot watching her do that. And I felt a bubble of cum-drool suddenly drip off the tip of my cock as I stood there. She saw it too, and waved me over to her. “Can’t let that go to waste now can we?”

She said as I eased around the side of the coffee table, now standing precariously close to her. She just managed to grab the cucumber as it slid the rest of the way out, simultaneously sticking her tongue out, not quite touching my dick, but easily spearing the line of cum-drool now dangling off the tip, slurping it in like a spaghetti noodle.

“Very…” I just managed to hear the lusty tones in my own voice. Already I felt weak in the knees, my resolve crumbling with each passing moment.

I then felt her hand as she wrapped it around me, and then seconds later, something foreign, cool to the touch as I looked down. She was holding the cucumber against me. “See? Almost the same size!” She giggled appreciatively. “So…imagine how it would feel inside me Tom, inside my hot…wet, very tight cunt.”

I was two seconds away from pushing her back onto the couch and diving cock first into her cunt.

And then her cell phone rang.


“Saved by the bell,” she said, picking it up looking at it. “It’s mom,” she then informed me, answering. “Hi mom…how are you doing? Everything ok? You get a room?”

They spoke for a moment more, and then Joy held out the phone towards me. “She wants to talk to you,” she said as I came around taking the phone from her. Though as I did that, she reached up, effectively sandwiching my prick between her breasts, and proceeded to tease my dick with them as I stood there.

“Hello?” I barely managed, listening.

“Sorry about the way things turned out Tom,” Sophia began. “I know how hard it must be for you.”

“You have no idea,” I said looking down, watching my dick as it slid up and down between her daughter’s gorgeous tits. She laughed at that.

“I bet it is hard. How many times have you cum anyway?”

“More than I can remember,” I actually responded back. “And will do so again soon if Joy has anything to say about it,” I added honestly. To which Sophia again laughed.

“Wish I was there to help out, sorry I can’t be. But…you’re holding out? Still?”

I groaned, for two reasons. Now Joy was licking the tip of my prick every time it poked out of the end of her tit-fuck-tunnel. That…and because I now had no real hope of surviving the evening.

“So far…” was all I could manage. “Damn it Cyn, I wish you hadn’t left,” I moaned once again. “This is…damn fucking hard you know?”

“I know Tom…I know it must be. But I’ll be there as soon as I possibly can, just stay strong for me…ok?”

“I’ll try Cyn…I really will. I’ll try.”

“What’s she doing now?” Sophia asked me. I looked down.

“She’s titty-fucking me…or I’m tit-fucking her at the moment, I’m really not sure which.”

“Oooh…I bet that looks hot. Wish I was there to see it, or join you…titty-fuck you myself,” she moaned. “Would you like that Tom? Having each of us doing that for you? To you? We can know…and will too, provided you keep your promise to me. Just remember that Tom? Don’t give in…don’t fuck her. Promise me you won’t Tom. At least promise me that.”

“I promise,” I responded, though even as I spoke the words, I had no idea how I’d ever be able to keep from doing so.

Seconds later as I was spurting all over Joy’s tits again even before I handed back the phone to her.

“I love you too mom. See you in the morning then,” she said as she sat licking off her fingers. “No, it’s not so bad at the moment…just the wind is all. That…and this big mess that Tom just made, other than that…we’re both doing fine here. Yes, yes…I know. I’m trying to be good too, but you know me. I can’t seem to help myself.” She laughed then, said good-bye to her mother and then looked up at me.

“Ok baby…now it’s my turn again. Come lick my pussy. And after that, when you’re all nice and hard again, maybe you’ll be ready to ask me…to fuck me.”

Even with renewed promises made, I wouldn’t have bet against doing just that. I stood there looking down at her. Half tempted to just fuck her and let it be done with. I took a deep breath however, somehow stealing my resolve. One last time at least. I knew if I failed now…I was done for. Joy had been right, it really was only a matter of time.

I now decided my only defense was a good offense. I was bound and determined to lick her into oblivion, give her as many orgasms as I possibly could, for as long as I could, even if it meant my mouth and tongue went numb for life. If I didn’t, if I failed. I’d be packing my bags first thing in the morning.

To be continued…


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