Pleasures with guilt – 8

With that, we said goodbye, excited to drive up together in their car the following morning and begin what I hoped and anticipated would be a relaxing, yet likewise exciting weekend together.

By the time I had finished serving up dinner, Rob had changed out of his work clothes and returned to the dining room. All he was wearing was his black silk Kimono, and nothing else. Perhaps not very appropriate to eat dinner in, but then again…certainly very appropriate for eating me shortly afterwards. As Rob poured us fresh glasses of wine, I ran up stairs likewise putting my own matching silk robe rejoining him. I had every intention of being just as ready as he was the moment we’d finished eating dinner.

Rob was indeed elated and excited to hear about the way things had gone earlier that afternoon. Particularly when I mentioned the fact that I had lay there with Sophia masturbating me with her breast, watching Jared the entire time as he stood back in the shadows, stroking himself with his mother’s panties, though it was my own moisture he was then feeling while doing so. It was the mere thought of that, which had Rob enormously hard and very much aroused as he spread himself out on the couch in our living room, me straddling him above as we slowly fucked,

moving together. My telling him in explicit hot detail everything the three of us had experienced together, though Jared of course had been totally unaware of his own mother’s involvement. Rob had come hard…twice, spewing his load first into my cunt, and then later into my mouth as we fucked there on the couch late into the evening. With an early morning ahead of us however, I finally begged off, still a bit tender from the day’s events, with an entire weekend ahead of us which I knew would no doubt continue on with more of the same.

We soon after retired to bed and fell quickly asleep.


I knew the boys were up to something as we began loading our luggage into the trunk of the car. Even Sophia seemed to sense it, smiling at me, but the way they were acting, almost like a couple of high school kids going out on a double date together was a dead giveaway.

“Watch out, they’re up to something,” she whispered to me as we handed the last of our luggage over to Bill to put in.

“Yeah, I know,” I said, winking back at her, wondering when we’d find out. We didn’t have long to wait as Bill stepped over to the driver’s side door, with Rob taking the passenger side. It was obvious they wanted the two of us to ride together in the back.

That in and of itself wasn’t so unusual. We had actually ridden that way before on a few sightseeing drives we’d gone on with them. What was unusual, was that they were the one’s now hinting at, and suggesting it. Usually, it was either Sophia or I who had done so in the past.

“And why is it you want the two of us to ride in the back together?” Sophia now asked as we both saw the boys looking over at one another more than a bit sheepishly.

“Well, we were sort of thinking,” Bill began, looking once again over towards Rob seeking his support. “That maybe…you know, to sort of help pass the time, and you know…keep things interesting this weekend, that well…maybe, the two of you might sort of…ah…”

Sophia laughed, interrupting his long drawn out explanation. “You want to see us get naughty with one another in the back seat during the drive up, is that it?”

They stood there grinning from ear to ear like a couple of Cheshire cats when she said that.

“Well yeah, that would be nice,” Rob grinned now jumping in. “And it really would help pass the time during the drive up, watching the two of you fooling around in the back, not to mention, keeping us all nice and horny to start the evening with.”

I almost burst out laughing. I had seen the look on Sophia’s face before, and so I sort of knew what was coming here, even if the boys didn’t. This was going to be a tit for tat sort of thing, and it was going to be interesting to see what it was Sophia would require from them if we were to do that.

“Tell you what, we’ll do that…sit in the back and fool around for a bit on the drive up, provided…” she paused. “The two of you do the same for us on the drive back. Tit for tat,” she added, which did cause me to burst out laughing at that point, agreeing with her.

“Yeah, our tits…for that, or rather tat,” I amended. “Otherwise, you sit in the back seat with me Rob,” I told him, though I had actually been looking forward to riding in the back with Sophia during the drive up.

Once again the boys stood there looking at one another, confused, worried expressions on their faces.

“You don’t have to touch one another…unless you want to,” Sophia now told them, seeing the sudden relief in each one of their eyes as she tried to maintain her laughter. “But…we do expect to see you jerking yourselves off on the way back, and perhaps we’ll make that a bit more interesting for the two of you if you do. But…your choice, tit for tat. What’s it going to be?”

They both nodded their heads in agreement, and then held the doors for us as Sophia and I excitedly climbed into the back.


Sophia and I waited until we were well out on the somewhat secluded highway heading up to the resort. As we were both a little exhibitionistic as it was, removing our clothing while riding in the back seat wasn’t of any real concern. We could easily duck down if the situation warranted it, though both Sophia and I, along with the boys riding up front got a kick out of the few cars that either we passed, or who had passed us, glancing over and catching a boobage or two looking back at them.

And as though having some sort of sixth sense about all this, she had packed her “toy bag” as she called it in the back with us, as opposed to having it packed away in the trunk along with the rest of our luggage. We sat initially, side-by-side simply toying and fingering one another much to the boy’s delight as Bill looked at us periodically in his rearview mirror, though keeping his eyes on the road as he did. Rob on the other hand had the luxury of looking over the backseat staring at us directly and loving every minute of it.

“Remind me to have you drive next time,” Bill stated a bit frustratingly as Sophia warned him once again about keeping his eyes on the road. As fun as this was, it certainly wouldn’t be if anything were to happen. Though I’m sure we’d be the topic of conversation amongst any emergency people arriving on scene who would no doubt be curious as to what had been going on.

Eventually however, Sophia reached down into her terrific little toy bag and produced two very similar looking vibrators handing one to me, her newest and most elaborate. It had so many whistles and bells on it, that for a moment I could only turn it on and sit there staring at it, trying to figure out everything that it was supposed to do.

“Fuck Sophia, does this thing cum too?” I asked as I sat there watching it rotate, move up and down, vibrate, and worm back and forth in random directions.

“Well, it can. But I didn’t see any point in filling it up,” she told me. “That’s what the little button on the sides is for…so you can make it squirt.”

“Squirt what?”

“Whatever you’d like,” she told me. “In fact…I once had Bill jerk off for me and added his cum to a bit of whole milk, just to add a bit of realism to it when I used it on myself for him.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I laughed. “What will they think of next?”

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