Pleasures with guilt – 6

“Pleasures” with guilt” Part-6 Continues…..

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over in bed looking at the caller ID. In the background I could hear the sound of the shower running. Rob was busy getting ready for work, it was 6:15. I knew without even looking that the only person who would call me at this ungodly hour would be Sophia. And sure enough it was.

“What’s up?” I answered, still sounding sleepy.

“I hope I woke you,” she laughed. “I hate that you get to sleep in and the rest of us all have to get up early and go to work.”

“So get a real job,” I laughed, stretching in bed enjoying the feel of my bare skin against the cool morning sheets. But I was also remembering the nice long slow fuck I had enjoyed with my husband after he had gotten home too. And…we’d enjoyed some panty play as well, something that had been a major turn on for us both.

He had licked and eaten me through a pair of my favorite panties, and then had tickled my clit with his cock through them as well (though that was something I hadn’t shared with him that Jared had done to me the day before…which had been a major turn on for me when he had). “So like I said…what’s up?”

“Thought I’d give you a heads up before you come over this morning,” Sophia began. “Jared got home last night in a fairly shitty mood. I don’t think his date with his new girlfriend went very well. I could tell he was frustrated, and though I got him to sit down and tell me a little about it, he was still a little uncomfortable telling ‘mom’ all the gory details. Suffice it to say, maybe you’ll have better luck getting him to open up about it than I did.

But don’t be surprised when you do come over, that he’s less than his usual chipper self.” Once again Sophia laughed. “In fact…at this point I think all you’d have to do is stretch out naked on our bed, and Jared would fuck you in a heartbeat. I think he’s about ready to blow a gasket after the way he looked when he came home last night.”

“I’m not an auto…or rather a Jared body shop,” I quipped. I don’t do repairs. But…if I can get him to open up to me about whatever problems he is having, perhaps that will give me some insight as to where things are headed…or not as far as his virginity is concerned. And don’t worry…I’ll fill you in on all the details later on, provided of course, Jared doesn’t swear me to secrecy about them. Like I told you before, if he does that…then I start playing doctor instead of mechanic here, and confidentiality becomes paramount for me.”

“Ok,” Sophia said, agreeing with me. “And what about this afternoon? Still want me to take off early and meet you?”

I had almost forgotten about that, though I had mentioned it to Rob the night before, asking him if he was ok with Sophia and I getting together the next afternoon for a bit of naughty fun. Needless to say, he told me to “go for it” as long as I filled him in later, once again…giving him a blow-by-blow description while doing exactly that. Aroused as he became after hearing Sophia and I might indeed get together the following day, adding a pair of my sexiest panties into our lovemaking after that was easy. It had been a long time since Rob had come three times in one night.

“Sure…looking forward to that in fact,” I told her. “But…let me call you before you do come home to make sure that Jared in fact is still meeting up with his friends later.” Once again Sophia giggled.

“Pretty bad when I have to call to see if it’s ok if I sneak back to my own home,” she told me. “But…I’ll wait to hear from you before leaving,” she added. “But speaking of naughty fun, Bill’s already asking me to check with you and Rob about having another get-together sometime soon here too,” she then added. “So ask Rob about that when you get a chance.”

Now it was my turn to laugh. Rob had stepped out of the shower coming back into the bedroom seeing me on the phone and knowing who it was I was obviously talking to. He was already sporting an erection much to my surprise. “Ask him yourself, he’s standing here in front of me with a nice morning woody,” I told her. “So why don’t you do just that…see what he has to say about it while I take care of this!”

I handed Rob the phone, leaned over and took his nice hard cock into my mouth. He groaned into the mouthpiece, moments later dropping the phone on the bed. I heard Sophia laughing on the other end.

“I take it that’s a yes,” she said…and then heard nothing but dial tone and the sound of Rob’s labored breathing.


I arrived around the time I usually did, but Jared was nowhere in sight. I did, however , smell fresh coffee, so I walked into the kitchen area to pour myself a cup. There was a small note propped up against the side of an empty cup with my name on it. In Sophia’s handwriting it said simply, “Good luck!”

I allowed myself a heavy sigh, poured my coffee, and then made my way upstairs to actually begin working. Whatever mood Jared was actually in, he’d have to be the one to approach me, if and when he decided to get up. Obviously, he was still asleep and indeed in a bit of a grumpy mood. This one I really was going to have to play by ear and see how things went, but I wasn’t very optimistic about it either.

It was well over an hour later when I finally heard his footsteps as he came up the stairs. I looked up from the PC as he poked his head into the room. He was bleary-eyed, his hair not even properly brushed yet as he stood there looking in on me.

“Sorry I wasn’t up to meet you,” he apologized. “Sort of had a late night,” he added.

“A late night? Or a bad night?” I asked, holding in a smile. He stepped a little further into the room.

“I took it, mom called you.”

“Yeah, she did. But she didn’t tell me much, only that you and your girlfriend of the moment aren’t getting along very well. Want to tell me about it?” I pushed my chair away from the desk expectantly, hoping Jared would see that as a sign of real interest. He did, smiling slightly and then walking over to take one of the two seats sitting in front of me. I now stood up, walking over, taking the other one. He sat quietly for a moment, perhaps wondering if he should. I sat patiently waiting for him to begin without saying anything.

“I like you,” he told me.

“I like you too,” I answered back while still waiting.

He smiled at hearing that and began to open up a little as I sat there listening to him.

Pleasures with guilt – 6 will continue on the next page

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