Pleasures with guilt – 5

“I should probably go down and check on the laundry,” he told me.

“I’ll come with you,” I said, still breathless…but I wanted to do so and have the opportunity to confirm what I hoped I would find. He initially appeared nervous in my saying that, but then quickly led the way back downstairs once again.

It took only a moment for me to confirm my suspicions, smiling inwardly without making the obvious known to him. I had specifically positioned my panties in such a way on the colored pile, that I would know if they had been touched or moved again. They had been. Ignoring them completely however, I now removed the dripping wet panties I was wearing, now smeared with even more cum than before. Rather than adding them to the pile beneath me, I handed them to Jared.

“Keep these. I’ll tell your mother how I spilled coffee on my stuff, and how I had to borrow a pair of hers to wear home. I’ll leave mine here until she’s had a chance to wash them later. In the meantime, if she ever asks, or wonders where these happened to disappear to, I’ll tell her I misplaced them and offer to get her another pair.”

Jared was grinning from ear to ear as he accepted this special gift from me, of our erotic naughty little encounter. With my skirt now dry once again, I put it back on, along with the top I had left upstairs. With Jared spent, as much as I was myself, he retreated to the security and comfort of his own room for a while, left with his own thoughts perhaps, just as I was.

Two hours later about the time I usually went home, Jared returned.

“I’ll be here in the morning,” he informed me. “For a while, just in case there’s anything else you’d like to discuss or look into,” he said. “But I have plans tomorrow afternoon with my friends that I can’t really get out of,” he said almost dejectedly.

“Then we’ll see you in the morning,” I told him. “And I’m sure after I read through and finish up the stuff I started on today, there might indeed be a few more things that might be interesting to…discuss,” I said grinning at him.


As promised, the moment I got home I called Sophia. I gave her a blow-by-blow description of everything we did, everything we said. I wouldn’t have bet against the fact she was sitting there in her office playing with herself as I did so. I could hear the excitement in her own voice as she periodically stopped me, asked questions, or had me repeat to her what I’d just told her again.

“So anyway…I owe you a pair of panties,” I told her, to which she laughed.

“Don’t worry about them,” she again giggled. “I consider them a good investment. Though I am surprised he didn’t just fuck you when he had the chance.”

“So am I,” I freely admitted to her. “But I honestly think he was relieving something else at the time, and that took precedence even over losing his virginity.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. But obviously now…I think it’s only a matter of time.”

In that, I agreed with her. It probably was.

“By the way…what was it about Rob you were going to tell me?” she now asked just as curious as she’d been when I’d hinted about it before, if not more so now.

I then told her everything that had happened the night before, and how that had given me the idea to do this, curious if it might have the same effect on Jared that it obviously had on Rob.

“Have you ever caught Bill doing that?” I asked her.

“You know…funny that you mention it now, after all this. I can’t say as I’ve actually caught him doing it? Though I have in the past had a few suspicions here and there that he did. But…I can tell you, that more often than not, if we’re just masturbating one another, or fooling around that way? He does prefer it when I finish him off with my panties. So in that sense, I’d have to say yes. And one more thing while I’m thinking about it.

About a year ago, we were both getting ready for work. Bill had commented on how cute and sexy my panties were, which at the time was all I was wearing. I then commented on how cute he looked in his short boxers, to which he said he thought I’d look damn fucking sexy in those too. I laughed…I remember telling him that I thought he’d look damn fucking sexy in my panties, and as a lark, we traded…just for the day.

But the thought of him wearing my silky’s and me his, kept us both horny and on the edge all day long. That night, we fucked like minks for what seemed like an eternity. It turned out to be one of the more passionate evenings we’ve ever spent together, and he admitted to me that wearing my panties all day had been a major turn on for him.”

I was curious, asking her if they’d done that again.

“Only once, but it was damn near the same thing all over again. Though why we haven’t done so since then escapes me. Perhaps it’s time we do so…past time!” she laughed out loud. “Especially now after having heard all this!”

Having heard that, I couldn’t help but wonder if all men, at least at one time or another hadn’t jerked off into a pair of women’s panties. I had never myself ever used them before today to pleasure myself with. But the erotic, almost obscene use of them as I did so today, was something I knew damn well I would eventually want to do again. I giggled as I thought about it, wondering…and then knowing just how excited Rob would be, should I ever suggest it to him.

“Well, now I’m horny as hell, and Bill’s got bowling tonight! I’m half tempted to come over to your place and make you and Rob take care of me!” she then added, though I heard a hopeful tone to her voice as though actually wanting me to invite her. Any other time, I might have considered it, but tonight…I fully intended on relieving the experience of what I’d gone through today with Rob after he got home.

Especially after wanting to hear all the juicy details. And I knew, when I told him, though I would keep secret from him my own knowledge of what I’d seen him doing, that it would still no doubt escalate into the very thing that I wanted to do, and to feel again.

“Tell you what girl-friend. Your son told me he has plans with his friend’s tomorrow afternoon, so he won’t be there. Why don’t you take the afternoon off and come home, meet me at your place then. I’m sure, the two of us can come up with something exciting to do.”

“You’ve got a deal!” Sue told me, as I now knew she had indeed been playing with herself. “I’ve got pussy juice all over my fucking chair thanks to you,” then she giggled, and perhaps…another soiled pair of panties to add to the pile in the laundry.

She called me later that evening, informing me that my panties were no longer in her laundry room, just as I hoped they wouldn’t be.


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