One penny for your ideas – 2

“I did…and I was yes,” though what she had now said suddenly dawned on me. Leo!

“I don’t know whether to be relieved, or surprised,” she giggled flatly. “All this time, I’ve been thinking it was my own son who was confiscating my panties, when in fact…all this time, it had really been you! I almost approached him once regarding it. But after my own experience, I thought better about doing it. I didn’t want him scarred for life, or dealing with something that I later decided was perhaps a normal, natural thing that most young men probably did. Even if it was my panties he was doing it too. I am curious though…” she then added.


“Did you…well, did you ever take any of Mila’s panties as well?”

I figured I owed Leo one, though he’d probably never know it. I even blushed a little, cementing the effect. “A few times…yes. I did. But to be perfectly honest about it Grace, I much preferred using yours to pleasure myself with. I liked them better, and quite frankly…they made me a whole lot hornier. You tended to juice a lot,” I added, gambling once again, not sure if she really did…or if what I’d just said might actually disgust her in some way.

All she did was smile again, though blushing herself now. “I tend to do that whenever I’m really aroused. Hate to admit it, but I very often had to change panties once or twice a day.”

“I know,” I said, winking at her. “Trust me, I know.”


Though I had secretly hoped for a lot more to happen, things had pretty much run the full gauntlet here. Her nervousness suddenly reappeared, and with it, her inhibitions again. She fidgeted in her seat, once again changing the subject. This time, entirely.

“Well, we really got sidetracked there didn’t we?” She said nervously now, back peddling. “We’re supposed to be talking about the University itself, why you might want, or not want to attend there, not talking about my secret past, or yours either for that matter,” she now added in that Mrs. Davis, now Ms. Peterson, tone of voice she once used around me. It was time to go.

But I now knew we needed another session together, and I needed the time to recharge my ability. But I wasn’t about to leave with things quiet on this level again either. But I had just the reason, a very good one, for putting it back there again before I left.

“Actually Grace, I need to get going. But what I would like is to come back, perhaps on Sunday even? Maybe we could discuss things again. I’ve enjoyed this, and frankly…enjoyed sharing with you, finally being able to share with you MY big naughty secret. You’re right…it’s sort of cleansing, finally being able to do that in a way. I always did sort of feel bad, felt guilty about stealing your panties, even though I always did bring them back.” ‘At least I hope I did,’ I thought to myself.

“Not always,” she giggled again, slipping back some. “And in fact, I could now box your ears for taking one pair of my favorite panties that you never did return.”

“Oh? And which ones were those?”

“My red silks. Always wondered what happened to those. That was the missing pair that almost prompted me to speak to Leo about.”

“Oh yeah…those. Sorry about that. I rather enjoyed those too. So much so, I did decide to keep them, that pair anyway. I think I sort of ruined them anyway. Wasn’t sure everything would wash out, or allow them to look the way they should have after that. More than happy to buy you a new pair though!”

“Maybe…I’ll just have you work it off, doing things for me around here. I could, in fact, use a little help these days.”

‘Perfect!’ I thought again. “Yeah, more than happy too. Whatever you need, whenever you need me, I’ll be glad to come over and give you a hand…or whatever else I can give you,” I said pointedly. I could see by the look in her eyes, she knew what I meant, though it was again time to go, leave her with that thought…and something else as I now stood. I had a massive erection!

Her eyes were almost automatically drawn to it in fact, which I was hoping they would be. I made no attempt at hiding it either.

“Oh my!” She actually said looking down at it. And then back up at me.

“Sorry,” I said. “Can’t help it. Admittedly, I’m aroused. And in fact…as soon as I get home, I’m planning on doing something about it,” I again shared with her, firmly planting an image in her head that I hoped she’d be thinking about. Me…laying in my bed perhaps, jacking off…thinking about her. Which I would be.

“Oh…my,” she said again, blushing profusely. “Really? I mean…wow,” she just said again, though I had turned now heading towards the door.

“Yeah, really,” I said, turning the doorknob. “And if it’s ok with you…I’ll be thinking about those nice looking breasts of yours,” I told her quite frankly. “Amongst other things.” I opened the door, stepping out.


I turned towards her. Me half out, Grace just behind the open door. I watched as she suddenly lifted her summer dress. A brief shimmy, and then suddenly she stood up again. Only this time she was holding something in her hand as she glanced out the door looking this way and that, and then back towards me, holding out her hand.

“Here,” she grinned. “For old time’s sake. Just make sure you bring these back…on Sunday. How’d you like to come…for dinner?” She’s said, the emphasis on the one word unmistakable.

I accepted her pale yellow panties, grinning wickedly. “I’d enjoy that. And I promise, I’ll bring these back to you…and clean too.”

“Don’t bother doing that, in fact, I’d prefer it if you didn’t. I wash things differently than most people do,” she said by way of reasoning. But I felt that the real truth was, she wanted to see them, after they had been used, cum in, squirted on. I had every intention of making sure she was happy with the results.

“Sunday evening then…with these,” I said, holding them up just a little before stashing them into the front pocket of my pants. The motion once again directed her gaze at my still hard, firm erection. She laughed.

“Be careful you don’t go running into anything with that,” she joked. “You could poke someone’s eye out with that thing!”

The afternoon had gone better than I could have possibly imagined. I could hardly wait for Sunday evening to come around. And needless to say, I came several times in those soft pale yellow panties of hers, just thinking about all the deliciously naughty things I hoped I’d soon be doing to her. Sunday evening could come fast enough.


I had of course managed to recharge myself, grabbing another penny before heading out the door and running over to Grace’s place. I had a bit of a nice surprise waiting for me when I did too. Meeting me at the door, wearing something I’d never seen her in before. I had seen her wearing shorts before yes, but not quite this short. Just bordering on the edge of modesty, while still being modest, especially the way she usually dressed. But the biggest surprise was the fact she was actually wearing a tube-top, without a bra, which was clearly evident. That was something that was totally out of character for her to be wearing.

“Wow, you look nice!” I said the moment she invited me in.

“Thank you,” she pretended just a bit. “It’s still warm out, and since my air conditioning is still acting up, I was damned if I was going to sit around sweating to death like I have been.”

“I’ll see about looking into that for you,” I told her, though that was an area I was totally unfamiliar with.

“No need,” she told me. “I’ve already put in a repair call to have someone come out and have a look at it next Tuesday. Sweet of you to offer though,” she said now hugging me, and again kissing me chastely on the cheek. The thing was, I could feel the press of her now braless breasts against my own chest as she did that, and even though she had done so purposely, lingering like that for a moment more.

“Oh…and I brought these back,” I said, pulling out her very much used, cum in panties, out of my pocket, handing them to her. She grinned, taking them.

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