One penny for your ideas – 2

“Go right ahead!” Grace said. “You know that doesn’t bother me, I’ve seen you with your shirt off more times than I could possibly count,” she said almost wistfully. “Just wish I could,” she then added, surprising herself. “Even with this light summer dress on, it’s almost too hot still.”

“Wouldn’t bother me any…if you did,” I said looking directly at her. “After all, it’s your house, and we’re just friends sharing secrets right? I’d certainly never tell anyone.”

I think she almost would have too. But it was still early. She laughed the suggestion off, making light of it. But she did undo one more button. So there was that. And I now saw just how lovely her breasts hinted at being, purposely looking at her, letting her know that I was. She even leaned forward a little, finally continuing her story. I left my own shirt on, tempted as I was. But it was a start nevertheless.

“Now…where was I? Oh…yes. I was getting face fucked by the fraternity.”

I openly laughed, causing her to do the same, but in such a short brief time, I had seen this sensual, erotic woman begin to emerge from the cocoon she had wrapped herself in, just now starting to emerge.

“Here’s the thing Brian,” she said, suddenly getting serious again, so I did. Listening. “It’s hard for me to say this, admit this…but since you asked, and since we’re already there anyway, I’ll finish it. Back in the day…” she said again smiling, trying to lighten things up a little as the mood had again turned somewhat somber. “I loved the feel, and yes…the taste of most men’s cum. So much so, that when I found myself kneeling there like that, having one man after another spurt his cream all over me, all over my face and body…I was in heaven.

What I didn’t know however, is that someone with a camera had been taking pictures of me. Kneeling there, dripping cum, covered in it. Eventually someone distributed a few of the photos unbeknownst to me. One of them landed on the Dean’s desk. Naturally, I was called in. I was of course stunned, dumbfounded, though oddly enough, the blindfold I had on obscured my face just enough that the accusation of it, couldn’t be supported. I lied Brian.

I didn’t confess to any of that happening. And without anyone stepping forward who’d actually been there, witnessed it, they had nothing to basically convict me of. The damage was done however, and the compromise became my resigning from the Sorority in order for the entire affair to be dropped after that, and thus keeping me from being expelled from the University.”

Grace sat back in her seat now, looking suddenly younger in a strange way. It was obvious, finally sharing, and telling someone that story had relieved a major burden from her. One she’d been carrying around all these years.

“The problem is…well, was anyway Brian…it affected me greatly after that. I was never really the same person after that. I quit partying obviously…but it did something else too. The thing I’d once enjoyed, as decadent or wicked, as I know it sounded, was something I never did again. Not for anyone. Including my own husband Brian. So you see, the ending of our marriage was just as much my fault as it was his.

My refusal to do for him, give him what he wanted and needed, is my fault. I couldn’t do it anymore Brian. Not for him, not for anyone. Every time I even considered it, those memories, those horrible images would come racing back. I’d get physically ill, and quite naturally, that would be the end of it.”

“I’m sorry Grace, I do understand a lot better now what it was you must have gone through, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Sure…it’s something you have to work through, but I’m confident you can.”

She laughed nervously. “Fat chance of that happening now sweetie. I mean look at me, a middle-aged woman, no one in my life, and not very damn likely anyone will be any time soon. And on top of that, there’s no assurance I’ll ever be able to get through that mental block, and truly enjoy an intimate relationship with anyone ever again.”

“Hey…you said fuck! It’s a start!” I smiled at her. Once again making her laugh, and making her squirm in her seat just a little.

“I need some more lemonade,” she said suddenly standing. “It really is hot in here. Can I get you another?”

“Yes…thank you,” I said, handing her my glass. She returned a minute or two later, and I noticed as she leaned forward just a little, giving it to me, she had undone one more button on the summer dress she was wearing. One more, and she might just as well take it off.

She again caught me looking, though I made it obvious that I was actually commenting. “You really do have nice looking breasts, from what I can see of them of course,” I told her now looking up into her eyes again. She was blushing just a little, but then leaned forward a bit more, this time giving me a quick brief kiss on the forehead.

“Thank you. It’s been a long time since anyone’s told me that. Not like I’ve given anyone an opportunity to do so…it’s just been a very long time.”

She sat down again, sipping on her drink for a moment, the two of us once again just looking at one another in silence.

“Well…so now you know my whole sordid story, my past. Are you shocked by what I told you Brian, especially knowing me all these years?”

“No, not really. I mean I’m sorry you went through what you did, yes. But offended, or shocked? No. I think I’ve always felt that there was something about you down deep, just beneath that surface of shyness, even professed inhibitions that I never fully accepted was the real you. I still think, the real you, is that same sexy, uninhibited erotic woman just waiting to come out and play again.”

Once again she laughed, this time crossing her legs, giving me the quickest, briefest glimpse of her summer dress. I saw the light yellow color of the panties she had on, though again my look was brief as she re-crossed her legs again properly.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were flirting with me.”

“Who says I’m not Grace? Truth is…you’re definitely a MILF! That’s for damn sure.”

“MILF? What’s a MILF? Never heard that term used before. What’s it mean?”

“Mother I’d like to fuck,” I said simply looking directly at her. I watched her eyes grow wide upon hearing that, saw her tongue come out and absentmindedly lick her lips briefly trying to give them moisture as her mouth had obviously gone dry.

“Ah, well at least now I know what that means,” she said, obviously skirting the issue, trying to change the subject, though keeping things still intimate between us. “Anyway…I told you my big deep dark secret. You promised to tell me yours.”

I nodded. I’d already decided what I was going to share with her. Which was a big fat lie of course. But I’d already made a pretty good assumption she’d believe it, accept it…and perhaps even, enjoy hearing it. It was a gamble for me at this point of course, I had no way of knowing what she’d think when I told her. But by now, I was reasonably certain, she was almost as aroused as I was.

“My secret has a little something to do with you. Back in the day…” I said using her terminology, seeing her smile at that when I said it. “When I’d come over here, hang around, waiting for Leo to come home, or even when he was here. I’d sometimes sneak into your bathroom, rummage through your dirty clothes, hamper, and ‘borrow’ a pair of your panties,” I said with as much of a straight face as I could muster. “I always brought them back of course…afterwards.”

I wasn’t sure at first how she’d respond to hearing that. But after what she’d told me, I figured I needed to give her something that was equally obscene, though a bit more personal even.

I actually saw her smile then, and then broader a moment after that. “Well…that answers that question!” She now laughed. “You did?”

“I did. What question?”

“I always assumed…” she laughed again. “So, you’re telling me…it was YOU then who was using my dirty panties to masturbate with.”

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