Madam’s crazy notebook

Once I had, I quickly skimmed through it looking for that same particular date. I had already learned through briefly reading through some of her other entries, that even in the mundane, mom was particular in writing a lot of detail. I wasn’t too terribly surprised then upon finding the dates for that weekend that she indeed had. Nor that those two specific dates had far more of a longer detailed entry than most. A lot obviously had gone on that weekend, much of which I remembered of course, but a lot more that until now at least, I hadn’t been aware of.

I quickly skimmed through our arrival, and even some of the things we’d said and shared during breakfast that morning. What I was interested in, was seeing what she had written after Mia and I had left to go down to care for the horses. Now knowing what I did know, I was more curious about that.

“…As I stood looking out the window, watching George and Mia walking down the hill…” She paused, and then I noticed a footnote she had written there in parentheses. (Perhaps it was a mistake to have named our son George, I cannot help but laugh every time I write their two names down together, especially watching them as they move off. I can only hope that neither of them will ever hold it against us for having done that…but I digress here) She then continued on.

“Sue made mention to me a bit later how she thought it was very likely that the two of us had possibly already become intimate. I wasn’t as surprised to hear her tell me that as I might have expected to be.

I’d been thinking along those same lines myself now, ever since our last visit here. Just seeing the two of them together, the way they very often teased one another, even flirting a little hinted at that very same possibility. When I discussed it at length with Sue, her thoughts were that it was simply bound to happen at some point. She’d been actually expecting it to, long before now. The fact that George and Mia are both adults now,

and most capable of making their own decisions with regards to any furthering of their relationship, should that include sexual intimacy, was something they would themselves have to deal with. Sue and I both feel that it could and very possibly would have far reaching complications should they decide to do so. But to interfere, to try in any way to keep it from happening, would be a very hypocritical move on our parts.

What we did agree on, was to be there for each of them, when and if such a thing were to occur. Though seeing them as the two of them walked down the hill together, eventually taking one another’s hands as they did, was only the beginning of what the rest of the day would eventually offer up.

It was then that I felt Sue come up from behind me, kissing me ever so sweetly on the back of the neck, her hands coming around to cup my breasts, caressing them as she stood there fondling and kissing me. I was already wet between the legs in anticipation of some time together, watching the kids walking off as I turned towards her. Her hands now come up to begin undoing the buttons on my blouse.

Aroused as we both were, we soon after headed upstairs to her bedroom where we once again enjoyed the intimate touch of one another’s bodies in ways I now knew I could never do without. The only concern I had was when we sat for a moment afterwards basking in one another’s arms after having given one another what was yet again another explosive climax, was her comment about George.

It’s not as though we hadn’t shared certain thoughts with one another about other such intimate things, even fantasies, neither of which I think at the time we’d have acted upon. And sometimes just because we might admit to having thought them, wasn’t in and of itself a bad thing necessarily, or one that would tug at my conscience later on. But I got the impression that if something ever should happen, Sue wouldn’t exactly be opposed to it. What bothered me the most however, I’d been wondering about that myself.”

Once again I sat back, wondering at what she had meant, though now knowing without any doubt whatsoever, that the two of them had been enjoying one another intimately at the exact same time that Mia and I had. It was an ironic piece of information to now know and come to understand. But I also knew there was more. A lot more. I had barely read through a quarter of the day’s events as they’d eventually unfolded.


I remember just getting back to the house when mom and Aunt Sue came down from the bedroom, now dressed. I had noticed at the time that their hair was still damp from having taken a shower, but as I also recalled, mom’s face had a bit of a flush to it still. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Now I did.

They had told us they were going out to do some grocery shopping to pick up a few things for the weekend, and then something special to drink as well, as mom and I had not yet told them I’d be leaving soon. Looking back, I almost wish that we had.

They soon after left, and I knew almost immediately that we had a good two hours or more once again to ourselves. After our time together in the barn, I knew by the look in Mia’s eyes, she was thinking the same thing I was. Though instead of heading upstairs to her bedroom, Mia took me by the hand leading me out towards the back patio instead. It was much cooler outside than in, in the shade for one thing.

And for another, the old hide-a-bed couch was what we very often sat on outside, and had in the past on several occasions, still used it as a bed to sleep in at night out beneath the stars. Which we’d in fact do that very same evening.

As quickly as we’d gotten dressed, we’d gotten undressed once again. Though even though we had, it was at that precise moment that Mia said something that would have significant importance for me later on that same night.

“George? I want you to know…I’m still a virgin,” she told me. “I’ve been saving it…not for marriage, but for the right guy to come along. I now know…that person is you.”

I was myself a virgin too, and though we’d never really discussed it, I think she was fairly certain that I was, and believed me when I told her that I was in fact. As we crawled onto the couch and began kissing, I wondered if she had said that by way of informing me, that this was to be that moment for each of us. In a funny sort of way, I was almost relieved when she told me it wasn’t.

“If you’re willing…I’d rather wait until tonight,” she told me. “I want to lose my virginity beneath the stars. It’s the way I’ve always imagined losing it, and now that I know who will…I’d like to wait until later on this evening after mom and Aunt Darlene have gone to bed.”

I didn’t have a problem with doing that, with waiting. If anything, it made the excitement, the expectation of that eventuality all the more arousing for us both. In the meantime however, I was already crawling up between her legs, to once again sample her sweet tasting pussy with my mouth, and hopefully, enjoy my only second ever blow-job too, hoping this one at least, would last a bit longer.

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