Madam’s crazy notebook

“Besides, it’s not like he’s not seen me dressed like this before in the mornings either mother,” she continued. And in fact, as you remember, I wore that blue baby-doll nightgown the last time they were here when I was getting ready for bed, and you never said a thing to me about that.”

“Well, it’s because you were on your way up to bed,” Aunt Sue had said, and I think George was being enough of a gentleman not to sit there and stare at your breasts, even though they were fairly noticeable!”

They had been indeed. And I smiled remembering that, both then and now. I had been a bit surprised to see her wearing such a revealing outfit, though as my aunt had said, she’d appeared there only briefly in it before heading upstairs to bed. But I knew…as well as Mia did, she had done that on purpose, as a further tease towards me. It had been like that all day.

After breakfast was over, it was one of Mia’s chores to then go out and feed and water the horses. They had three, which were theirs, plus they stabled and took care of four others for neighbors, making a bit of money on the side for doing so. It was a chore I always looked forward to helping out with.

Not only did we very often go out for a ride later, but also there was the infamous barn, which was situated on the far end of their property. A good walk, it also ensured us of a bit of privacy, which is where our last visit had gotten interesting.

But as I sat there thinking about that visit, and what eventually happened, I couldn’t help but now wonder at what had also been going on after we’d left. As I said, my aunt always appeared dressed, refreshed for the day after her morning shower, but I now recalled that mom too had appeared to do that. We’d always be gone for at least an hour, if not two, plenty of time for my mother and aunt to spend some personal intimate time together themselves.

The puzzle pieces were beginning to slowly fall into place.


After we had walked a reasonable distance from the house towards the barn and the stables, Mia had reached down taking my hand. We walked together like that for a short distance, whereupon she suddenly dropped my hand and took off like a shot towards the barn. I stood for a moment simply watching her run. Her long legs, trim, sleek body was like poetry in motion. Moments later I took off after her watching as she soon after disappeared inside the barn. By the time I got there, she had disappeared.


“Up here!” Came her response, and though I couldn’t see her, I knew then she had climbed up into the loft. Climbing the ladder, I reached the upper level of the barn, but she was still nowhere in sight.

There were a lot of hay bundles stacked up there as well, and I could see that some had been recently moved, basically creating a bit of a partition or wall from prying eyes. I grinned knowing now where she was, but still not fully aware of what she was up to, until I came around the corner and looked down where she was laying.

She was totally nude. She had spread out, having prepared the place some time ago, as it seemed, a rather large thick quilted blanket over a pile of loose hay. Somewhat surprised, I could only stand there gawking at her, especially as she lay there, the evidence of another unexpected surprise awaiting me. She had trimmed her pubic patch into the shape of a heart. And I knew now, she had done so just for me.

“You like?” She asked, grinning up at me. “I guess you could say…I have a heart on for you!” she giggled excitedly. “Any chance you have a…heart on for me?”

“I don’t know about a heart, but I certainly have a hard on,” I told her. Which I honestly did.

“Then show me,” she said as she reached down between her legs, her fingers suddenly spreading herself so wickedly, and the look in her eyes wanton, lustful. I had honestly never seen her this aroused before, which she obviously was, nor had I ever expected to see her totally naked either like I was now. She was a feast for my eyes, and all I wanted to do was devour her.

Whatever guilt she had experienced the last time I’d come for a visit, seemed to have been dealt with. That she had offered her breasts to me to fondle the last time had been exciting enough. But after I’d left, with Mia acting so guilty about what we’d done during that visit, I certainly hadn’t expected or even hoped for anything like this.

“You sure?” I had asked looking at her, though my cock was now pressing almost painfully against the front of my jeans.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything before in my entire life,” she had told me. “I’ve been thinking about it, and almost about nothing else since the last time you were here. I finally decided…’fuck it’, it’s what I want…if you want,” she finished worriedly.

I gave her the answer she was hoping for as I undid my jeans.

Even then I didn’t move to join her immediately. Just looking at her as she so openly, so uninhibitedly played with herself was a fantasy of mine come true. Her breasts, though small, were firm, hard-tipped and pointed. She held one within her hand, self-teasing the rosy pink nipple, almost by way of an offering.

Her other hand, fingers delicately caressing her clit, just rubbing it back and forth, up and down her wet slippery groove. When she held that up towards me, I immediately knelt down in front of her, taking her middle digit into my mouth, sucking it off, tasting her for the first time.

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