I’ve been in love set up ch-03

“Save it for later girls,” Tom scolded, though teasingly when she said it. “Ok, Jacob, it’s like this. We decided a while back to celebrate our new-found freedom and sexuality every single day. But we also wanted to do it in such a way that it would be unique to that day, and something we could look forward to. So…on Feely Friday, we all know that during that day, we can freely, and as often as we want, and wherever we want…to feel up one another. No matter what.”

“Really…” I said drawing the word out.

“Yeah, really,” the twins giggled in unison. “It’s really a lot of fun and exciting Uncle Jacob,” Sophia added. “Regardless of what you’re doing, to have someone come up and simply grab you, or touch you, or caress you…is damn fucking erotic.”

I was trying to envision it. In some ways, perhaps…maybe. “Touch me Tuesday?” I now asked.

“On Tuesdays, we set aside some time to sit around and simply watch one another as we play with ourselves, and one another. But nothing more. That’s the rules. Touching only, watching one another, or touching one another. You’d be surprised at how erotic and exciting that can honestly be,” Tom explained.

Actually I could see that. Touch me Tuesday was a bit easier to comprehend that Feel me Friday.

“And the rest of the week? Can I assume you have things that you also do on the other days?”

“Well of course silly. And though we sort of missed Wicked Wednesday, which was yesterday, I think we were all a little wicked enough for it to count, don’t you mom?” Hazel questioned.

“Wicked Wednesday,” I said, shaking my head. I could only imagine the rest of the week. “OK…Thursday.”

“Theatre Thursday,” Sophia chimed in. Which was almost self explanatory. “On Thursday we usually pick out a really naughty movie to watch together. Which reminds me. Do you have any dirty movies around here we can watch tonight?” She asked.

“Yeah…a few,” I actually admitted, though I had them well tucked away at the moment. “Though if you don’t like any of the one’s I have, there is an adult store not too far away from here we can go to if you’d like.”

“Awesome!” Hazel giggled. “And it happens to be my pick tonight too!” She added. “So if I don’t see anything I want to watch out of your stash, maybe we can go and pick something else out for later.”

“Great idea,” Tom actually agreed. “We’re going to need to do a little shopping still too,” she added. “Stuff we’re going to need for Saturday.”

“Ok, while we’re on that particular day…just what is Saturday then anyway?”

“Saturday…is sensual Saturday,” Sophia began. “On Saturday, we all try to do something special for one another, something very personal or sensual for one another. Something to really make one another feel good.”

“Which is also why, we sort of picked Saturday for Hazel,” Tom informed me.

Under the circumstances, it made perfect sense.

“That still leaves Monday and Sunday,” I stated. Though I think I was beginning to get the jist of this. “Let me guess. Sexy Sunday?”

“Close…” Sophia laughed. “No…that’s sadistic Sunday,” she corrected.

It almost sounded blasphemous to me. And painful too. “Not sure I’d enjoy Sunday,” I told the three of them.

“Not what you think,” Tom grinned. “We really don’t get too carried away. A little light or mild bondage maybe, clothespins perhaps….tied tits? Things like that.” Ok, I could see the bound up tits on the one hand…as for clothes pins? Not so much. I’d have to tread lightly on Sunday’s if I were to participate.

“Ok, so Monday. This one I’ve got…I think. Masturbation Monday. Correct?”

“Nope!” Sophia squealed laughing hysterically, as was Hazel, though Tom fought back a snicker herself.

“No? What then?” I asked, unable to really come up with much of anything else at the moment.

“On Mondays, we try to have sex…intercourse, with someone at least.”

“Yeah…you two!” Hazel pouted. “I usually just watch.”

“Ok, it doesn’t really fit,” I said, trying to figure it out. How does that have anything to do with Monday anyway?”

And then once again in unison, they spoke. “Fuck Monday!”

I should have known.


We decided to take a scenic drive and then stop at a nice place for lunch. Hazel didn’t find anything in my meager collection that she wanted to see, so I told them we’d stop by the adult store on our way back home and see if we could find anything. We spent a really nice pleasant day together, and much to my surprise, I don’t think there was a single solitary sexual comment that was made, or even hinted at.

Oddly enough, just being together seemed sensual, or sexual. Obviously we’d all grown considerably closer in such a short time, but I wasn’t really willing to bet it was because of the intimacy we’d all shared together now either. It seemed to go deeper than that. There’d always been this unique special bond between my sister and I all these years, without the sex. But now for some reason, it seemed even stronger. As it did with the twins. In some ways, I envied my sister. If this is how it had been for her with the girls, I’d truly been missing out.

It was already dark by the time we pulled into the lot at the Adult store. And though I had been in here a couple of times, it had always been during the day, and it had always been fairly empty of customers whenever I’d done so. And though I wouldn’t exactly say the place was incredibly busy, I was surprised to see nearly a dozen cars parked in the lot when we arrived.

“I’m not sure what to expect of the clientele,” I warned. Doubting that we’d find anyone inside wearing a three-piece suit or anything. I was just hoping we wouldn’t…or rather the girls wouldn’t be accosted by some sick pervert or something while we were in there. I had every intention of keeping my eyes on the girls once inside. Though the moment we entered the store, they virtually made that impossible to do. As though on cue, Sophia took off in one direction, and Hazel in the other.

“Movies…and toys,” Tom laughed standing next to me. “And don’t worry about them. They can both fend for themselves,” she told me, winking. “My ex-husband paid good money for those self defense classes,” she grinned. “Trust me Jacob, there isn’t a man alive that could lay a finger on either one of those girls and not wind up with his own balls in his mouth.”

I made a mental note to never piss either one of the girls off, and then followed Tom deeper into the store. I followed her around as she browsed through a few magazines and videos, though as she’s said earlier, it was Hazel’s turn to pick one out. Sophia had found some skimpy, next to nothing outfit, and had disappeared into one of the dressing rooms to try it on, Hazel quite naturally going with her of course. I could only imagine what the two of them might get involved with while doing that.

“Cool! Come on!” Tom said, pulling me over towards the back. “Been a long time since I’ve been in one of these…I wonder,” she said more to herself as we stepped up to what appeared to be a long row of doors, a few of which had lights off and were open. I knew what they were, though I’d never been inside or felt the need to use one. Tom however…well that was another thing.

She peeked inside one of them, but then stepped right back out again before I could even follow her. “Nope…not this one,” she told me, and then skipped one, which happened to “be occupied” anyway, and into another. Once again she looked inside briefly, and then a second later, I felt her hand pulling me in behind her.

“Tom?” I asked.

“Give me some money,” she demanded. I fished into my wallet, though she immediately spotted a five taking that. She then fed what was obviously a bill slot, and in seconds the room grew much darker as a pornographic movie came on.

“Geeze kiddo…we could be doing this at home,” I announced.

“Shh,” she said pointing. Though it took a moment for my eyes to adjust and figure out what she was looking at. “There’s a hole in this one,” she grinned wickedly pointing at the wall that separated our booth from the one next to it.

“Yeah? So?”

“You really don’t know do you?”

“Know what?”


I watched as she knelt down briefly, peeking through the hole in the wall into the other room.


She stood up again with a smile on her face however. And this time she managed to slip a couple of fingers through, obviously wiggling them. Once again she grinned knowingly, removing her hand. Though as she did, something else came through instead.

“You’ve fucking got to be kidding me!” I exclaimed perhaps a bit too loudly. Getting a reproved look as she again hushed me.

“Relax, don’t be such a spoilsport. No harm no foul here,” she added. “Just a bit of naughty fun, that’s all.”

I stood there watching her as she began to fondle, and then more firmly stroke this rather large-sized cock that was sticking through the opening.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any condoms on you…do you?” She asked.

I didn’t. And even though I was pretty sure they were available somewhere inside the store, I wasn’t about to leave to go and get one either.

“Oh well, guess he’ll just have to be satisfied with a hand job then,” she informed me…along with our neighbor whose dick she was still toying with. He didn’t seem to mind though, pressing himself against the hole on his side, so that nearly the entire length of his shaft now poked obscenely through on our side.

I was almost jealous. Not quite, but almost. Not only was this guy’s prick fairly long, but it had a head on it the size of a small mushroom. Tom had a hell of a time even fisting it, though she seemed to take a bit of sadistic delight in jacking the guy off, somewhat roughly in fact. I could hear the ‘suck-pop’ sound of her hand as she stroked him. Gradually the sound becoming slicker, messier as she somehow managed to squeeze out quite a bit of the guys pre-cum fuck juice.

To my surprise, I found myself eerily, even weirdly turned on by this. Tom, my own sister, busily jacking off a complete stranger’s cock. Just then we started to receive the warning light, a small red light that began to flash telling us that our time was about up, and that if we wanted to continue, we’d need to put some more money in. But by the sounds of the heavy breathing we could both now hear, now that the movie was no longer playing…that wouldn’t be necessary.

“You gonna cum for me?” Tom asked, increasing the tempo just a bit.

“Oh fuck…yes! Yes!” Came the reply from his side of the wall. And then seconds after that, we both stood there watching this monster cock spurting and spurting what looked like a gallon of cum.

“Day-amn” Tom drawled, still aiming it, though only a long lingering sliver of semen clung to the tip now, stretching towards the floor. “That was one hell of a load there my friend,” she laughed. “Hope you enjoyed it!”

We soon left the room, gathering up the girls who had just barely decided on which movie they wanted to get, though it had been Hazel’s night to choose.

“See anything else you like?” Tom asked.

“Not here…not really,” Hazel stated. “Is there another place around here where you can get lingerie, stuff like that?” She asked.

“Yeah, there’s a mall not too far away from where I live. Maybe we can go there tomorrow, have a look around,” I offered. The girls giggled, looking at one another.

“And on Feely Friday too!” Sophia said.

And then I wondered if that had been such a great idea after all. I didn’t have time to consider it further however, paying for the purchase of a rather interesting adult movie that Hazel had selected, all the while being given an appraising look by the guy at the register as he rang us up. Only then did I notice a tall, fairly good looking guy as he stood next to Tom waiting to have his purchase rung up. He looked over at us then, smiling…and said simply. “Thank you.”


Needless to say, the girls demanded that Tom tell them the whole story, having obviously heard the guy say that to her just before we left. Which she did of course during the drive home. By the time we arrived, I was admittedly horny…and I doubted I was going to need to see a movie to get me in the mood either. I decided to go along with “Theatre Thursday” however, as it was tradition after all, and soon settled in on the couch, Tom snuggled up all nice and naked next to me, the girls on the floor likewise naked as the movie started.

“Glory Hole.” The title… as the film started. I should have known. Though admittedly, I settled in, in order to watch it. “Who knows, maybe it will be interesting after all,” I thought.

And then Sophia turned to look at me, grinning from ear to ear.


“The closet in your study…it doesn’t have a door knob in it does it? It’s missing right?”

It was in fact. I hadn’t gotten around to replacing it just yet. And then I realized.

She was still grinning, as was Hazel, as was Tom, as we all started to watch the movie.

“This is going to be fun,” she announced.”

I was already looking forward to it.

To be continued…

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