I’ve been in love set up ch-02

“I did. They didn’t even know it at first for a moment or two. And I think I was too shocked at the time to do anything, one way or the other. I mean this was the last thing I expected to find the two of them doing. Locked in a ’69’ with one another there on the bed.

I thought about leaving, walking out of the room, pretending I hadn’t seen what I had on the one hand. On the other…I suddenly had other images, images of you and Jake, and why you and I ended up doing what we did together. And then suddenly everything became crystal clear to me. Just about the time the girls looked up to see me standing there in their room.

I know, and remember the looks on their faces at that moment, unsure of my reaction as to what was going on. I also knew that the way I responded to this at that moment would forever dictate the sort of trust, honesty and love for one another that we’d have going forward after this.

I’m not saying that what I did was right…or wrong, only that it seemed the only option I really had at the time if the three of us were going to get through this together, and maintain the same openness and trust that we had always had and shared together. That’s when I stepped the rest of the way into the room, closing the door, taking my clothes off when I did.”


As much as I might have wanted to hear all the juicy details, I figured now was not the time. That really wasn’t the point of all this anyway. As fascinating as all this was, it still hadn’t explained what my part in all of this played.

And the fact that I now found myself sitting here with a raging hard-on didn’t help much either. I really did feel like I’d been set up for some reason, and though maybe I should have been upset, even mad about it…I just couldn’t be. I’d always been exceptionally close to my sister with good reason. And now my nieces, even before that intimate little episode earlier.

“How about I get us another stiff coffee,” my sister asked, standing, looking down and spotting the obvious. There was no way she couldn’t have either. My prick seemed to have a mind of its own this morning. She smiled at me too, and then winked, likewise sort of nodding her head at my crotch. “And keep it that way,” she added. “I think that will go a long way when trying to explain to you… the rest of the story.”

I could just hear Paul Harvey saying that, leading into what I knew was going to be one hell of an interesting tale, though I also knew that never in a million years would he ever tell this particular story either.

I reached down into my shorts in some attempt to rearrange and adjust myself as things had rapidly become far more uncomfortable. I had just finished doing that when Jacobie came walking back outside with two fresh cups of her ‘special’ coffee. But it wasn’t the coffee I was looking at in her hands as she handed me one either. Now she too was naked. It had been years since I had last seen my sweet sister’s nude form, and even I had to admit to myself that it was just as spectacular now as it was then.

If not more so. As “nubile” as the twins were, each in their own unique little way, there’s something to be said about the beauty of a mature woman. Even after giving birth to two girls, not to mention all the stress and strife out of life that my sister had gone through, she was still quite the looker. Yeah sure, she had a bit of a pooch and a few telltale stretch marks to go along with it, so what? And yeah, maybe her breasts would never again sit on her rib cage the way they once did way back when.

But I found that little bit of tear-shaped droop to them damn enticing. And unlike the girls who were totally shaved, which was of the style and trend these days, which was ok with me…Jacobie still maintained a small little strip of hair for some reason, as though perhaps a reminder that she was a mature woman, and not a young girl any more. I don’t know, and at the moment I didn’t really care. I just accepted my coffee, and actually whistled at her.

“Damn sis…you really are good looking!” She actually blushed.

“Thank you,” she smiled, looking far more relaxed now than I’d seen her look, even since her arrival here.

“And not that I mind seeing you naked again either, but to be perfectly honest, I’m still a little confused as to what’s really going on here.”

“I promise…I WILL fill you in the rest of the way so that hopefully all of this will make sense. But before I do that, you have to do me a favor first.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Get naked.”

I shook my head and laughed her off like she was joking, teasing me the way she used to do. “Yeah…right.”

“No, I mean it Jake. I need to see you naked before I continue. And you need to be naked so that I know you’re as vulnerable as I am sitting here when I tell you everything else.” I glanced over towards the girls again, but they were both lying on their tummies now, probably taking a little nap.

“Ok,” I actually heard myself saying, though it wasn’t like the girls hadn’t seen me naked already, or that their mother had. But there was just something about sitting around like this trying to act normal and natural, that just didn’t seem that way. In moments however, I was sitting down again, hard-on and all.

Jacobie smiled. “That’s better,” though she also scooted her chair around so that she now sat a lot closer to me, and so that everything was now completely in view. We both had a pretty good view of one another in fact, and especially as Jacobie purposely I felt, spread her legs just a little.

“So where were we…”

Jacobie gave a small audible sigh, took another sip of her strengthened coffee for support perhaps, and then began. “We’re at the part that I now tell you something you don’t know, never did know. That night…” She paused again, taking another breath, though this time; I didn’t interrupt her or say anything. What I found myself doing…was holding my breath.


“Jacobie! What are you doing?” I’d asked. Bad enough she’d been holding and fondling my cock, and that I had fallen into the temptation of actually playing with her tits while she did that. But now she swung around, straddling me. I could feel my sister’s pussy butted up against the root of my prick. And worse, felt her slickness as she lifted up briefly, not taking me in mind you, but allowing that super-sweet, super-tender, super-hot pussy of hers to actually caress me.

“What do you think I’m doing?” She responded back. “Come on, admit it Jake, after all these years, you’ve thought about this moment, or something like this plenty of times haven’t you?”

“Of course not!” I lied.

She called me on it. “Liar!” And then she raised up, and slid down again, her pussy lips just barely wrapping and then caressing the length of my cock as she slowly slid down. “Come on Jake, admit it. I will, if you will.”

“You…you thought about…”

“Fucking you? YES!” She stated simply and easily. “Hundreds of times.”


“Ok, well maybe not hundreds…but dozens of times yes. And I’m willing to bet that you have too, now admit it.”

“OK, ok…I admit it.”

“How many?”

“Hundred.” At least I was telling the truth.

And then I think before either one of us really knew it, I was actually inside her. She just sat on me looking down at herself, and then at me. I know that the expression on her face mirrored my own. A bit of awe and wonder. I mean after all, here I was, my cock totally and completely buried deep inside my own sister’s pussy.

“Don’t move!” She said,

I wasn’t about to. I knew without any doubt, if she moved even a fraction of an inch, it was all over for me. And maybe…just maybe…she knew it too. So there we sat, for what seemed like an eternity before either one of us said or did anything.

“Touch my tits.”

Crazy as it sounds, not that I didn’t want to…trust me, I did. But I couldn’t help wondering if in doing that, I’d still lose it all too soon anyway. I had barely managed to regain control as it was. “I don’t know…” I said instead.

“Do it. Touch my tits. I’m so fucking close now as it is.”


“Yeah, really. Go on, play with them, touch them…help make me cum.”

“Help make her cum?” I asked myself. “And what about me?”

I reached up, grabbing her boobs, not too firmly, but not too softly either. Reveling in their softness, their firmness, and the additional sensation of those amazingly hard nipples of hers as they dug into the palm of my hands. And as I did that, she rose up…and then down. Slowly, and then a little faster the next time, and the next. And then before I even knew it, we were thrashing and grinding against one another in what later seemed to me like warp speed.

The fact that we actually came together at the exact same moment seemed like one of those cosmic improbabilities. But somehow, we did. I remember her cry of delight mingling with my own. The stars in my head filled up a brand new Universe that was filled with sensations, the likes of which I had never known before…not ever. And Jacobie was there with me, hand in hand…cock in cunt yes, as we slowly, gradually came down into what was the best fugue of dreamless sleep I had ever known.


In an instant of time, I had relieved that entire moment again as she spoke. The sensations, feelings, even the smell of that night seemed to suddenly be there all over again. Maybe it was the close proximity as the two of us sat there. The fact that we were naked again in front of one another after such a long, long time. Jacobie stood, pushing her chair away, and just like that, crawling into my lap again. Just like that night, her pussy only a hair’s breadth away, literally.


“What you never knew…and what I need to tell you now, is that night…I didn’t just take your virginity from you, but you likewise, took my virginity from me.”

And then with that, I felt Jacobie’s pussy once again envelope me completely. I felt her heat, her moisture, her inner core surround, capture, control and so purely engulf me. I sat, looking up into her eyes.

“Don’t move.”

She laughed. “Really? You’re that close? Already?”

“No…far from it. It’s just been a while. And I want to remember now, just like I remember then,” I told her.

We sat unmoving, and then slowly, gradually, moving against one another, the tempo and speed of our coupling gradually increasing. I don’t even remember standing. I don’t remember walking over, laying Jacobie down on the table, though I did. All I remember after that was the stars again, the sound of her voice, her cry mingling with mine again as the two of us came, in unison…together.

Oh…and maybe the twins standing on either side of us. I do remember that.


The four of us were sitting down now late in the evening. We’d intentionally put off discussing anything, and everything until after we’d all had something to eat and a chance to relax, winding down after what felt like to me, to be the craziest day of my entire life.

I had poured everyone a glass of wine, and we now sat sipping it, first watching the sun going down, before opening up things for discussion. And as I’d also agreed to, all four of us were naked as well.

“So you’re telling me you were a virgin that night as well? How is that even possible? I mean there was nothing…you know, to suggest that you were, or that I had…well, you know.”

“Then let me clear things up for you,” Jacobie stated. “Technically, I was a virgin…at least in the biblical sense. I had never actually been with a man before, not intimately in that way. Yeah…I had lost my hymen long before then to a vibrator I found in one of mom’s drawers. So that’s why there wasn’t any trace evidence of my not being one,” she finished confessing. But in every other way, you were my first. And truth be told Jake? You were my best too.”

It was an admission I’d never even remotely considered. I had thought that the experience as a whole, was due to my sister’s previous experience, and that it had been her, guiding and directing me in my lack thereof…that had made it the incredible experience that it was. Now, knowing this…it was even more so.

“Wow…I never knew.”

“I know. And for good reason too Jake. Because I wanted to be with you every day after that again. I wanted to experience what we experienced again, because I never really did. Not with anyone else…not ever. I came close, very close…and because I did, or at least nearly did…I knew then that one day, eventually…I had to be with you again.”

She had looked over at the girls when she said that. And then I knew what she’d meant by that. “You and the girls…” I trailed off, knowing.

“Yeah, the three of us. Ever since that day, and very often after that too. We’re not ashamed of it, nor do we regret even a single solitary moment of it either, do we girls?” My sister asked, turning to them. As though on cue, they both stood, walking over to stand next to her, simultaneously reaching out to cup one of their mother’s breasts. It was erotic, confusing yes, but crazy sensual and erotic far beyond any of that. And then Jacobie likewise reached up, cupping each one of their breasts as they stood and sat there together, looking towards me.

“So…where do we go from here?” I asked.

All three looked at one another smiling, and then Hazel spoke even before her mother could.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

“Say what?”

“We’ll discuss other things later,” Jacobie said standing up now. “But right now, I need to be with you again. And I need the girls to be with the two of us while we do that.”

“Yeah, we want to see it from the beginning this time,” Sophia added. “And we want to try and cum along with you too…if we can.”

Together we headed back into the house, into the bedroom where I knew we’d all be far more comfortable. And then, just like that first time, that first night so long ago, Jacobie straddled me, and then slowly slipped me inside her. But unlike that night…the girls now took up positions on either side for a moment, situated close enough, and well enough that they continued to paw, and caress their mother’s breasts, or leave lingering finger traces down and across my chest towards my groin.

I reached out, enjoying the sensation of slipping a finger into each one of them, felt the excitement and flush as they joined in the dance, fucking my fingers as Jacobie fucked my prick. The three of us in unison now…reaching, climbing…and eventually exploding together.

“Isn’t that…amazing?” Jacobie asked as she lay next to me, languidly toying with my well spent cock. I had lost track of the number of times she’d cum, and of those that the girls had, having had three major orgasms myself. And now, here they were, once more lapping away at one another, by the sounds of it, their climatic release only moments away now.

“Amazing isn’t the word,” I offered, not sure what word I would use to describe this. Breath-taking maybe, as I was still trying to catch mine. I had cum once inside Jacobie of course, and then a short time later, cum again as the three of them somehow managed to take turns licking and sucking me until I had exploded in yet again another fountain of flying sperm that seemed to cover everyone and everywhere at once.

And then later, slowly…without urgency, even need, not even realizing that I would…or could, as Jacobie mouthed, and so beautifully brought each of the girls off with her mouth and tongue as they held onto one another, almost cumming by osmosis, or so it seemed. Sure enough, within mere moments after that, the twins brought one another off again. Their mewls of delight, so soft…so sweet, filling the room seemed to be the breath that blew the light out on the candle that night.

We all fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. I still had several questions on my mind. But I knew they would wait. I knew that there was yet still a lot that Jacobie hadn’t told me. But I had learned more than enough to try and digest for one day anyway. There was only one thing I was in no doubt of now, that my life had truly changed. Whether that was for the better, or the worse remained to be seen.

But for now, all that mattered was the softness and warmth of my sister and nieces, as they curled up next to me in the bed.

To be continued…

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