It’s my own damn fault – 2

I spun facing her, my hand still on my prick, though I managed to tear her mother’s panties away from my face…already too late of course as she stood there wide-eyed gawking at me with the most surprised look I’d ever seen. That look however soon turned into a more curious…interesting one as she then turned her eyes down between my legs.

“Stella wasn’t kidding…you really do have a gorgeous cock!” She stated.

“Listen Chris…I can explain,” I began already knowing I couldn’t. How the hell could I reasonably explain to her what I was standing here doing…but I had to try. But then I heard her words, only then registering. “Is that all the three of you do? Sit around and discuss my cock?”

“Lately…yes,” she laughed, still looking at it, though now she walked into the room, closing the distance between us a bit uncomfortably. “Before now however, all I could do was wonder what it actually looked like, now I know!” She grinned her hand coming out before I could react, grabbing it.

“Shit! Fuck! Chris!” I said dancing away, forcing her to release me. “What are you doing?”

“No…the question remains, what are you doing?” I hadn’t realized it, but as I attempted to move back and away from her, she’d managed in the meantime to grab her mother’s panties out of my hand, now twirling them around on her finger in front of me. “With these?” She then added leering at me. “And how many times have you done this anyway?” She continued to press, though at the moment…words failed me.

“Ever…jerked off with any of mine? Would I find any of my panties missing perhaps? Or at least all crusty, sticky with your semen?” She asked once again, stepping closer towards me, now damn near having me cornered and unable to retreat against the windowsill. Which is about the time we both heard another car pulling up into the driveway.

“Fuck! Mia!” I stammered out, just managing to grab the panties back and away from Chris as she turned towards the sound.

Rushing past Chris I sprinted across the hallway, once again heading into Mia’s bathroom where I immediately replaced her panties, and then back into the sewing room again, where Chris continued to stand there laughing at me.

“Oh this is too good!” She giggled.

“Please…Chris, please, don’t…don’t say anything, don’t mention this…please!” I begged as I hurriedly dressed again.

“Ok…I won’t, provided later on, you do something for me.”

“What? Ok…anything, whatever you want, just please…please don’t say anything about seeing me like this.”


I should have known better, but as I could now hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I didn’t have time to think it through before agreeing to that.

“Ok, I promise!” Chris smiled.

“I’ll collect later then,” she added, and then turned just as Mia entered the room. “Hi mom!”

I had bent over now kneeling on the floor smoothing out some more tape along the floorboards trying to act as though I’d been doing that the entire time. Only glancing over and up briefly towards Mia as she gave me a curious inquiring look, though speaking to her daughter instead.

“Thought you were meeting Rachel at the mall.”

“I was…but then half way over there she called me, said she couldn’t make it after all. Figured there was no sense going there all by myself, so I came home again. Anyway…thought I’d come up and see if Thomas needed a hand doing anything,” she smiled demurely, and then turned to look at me with a lusty grin on her face. “Looks like he’s about ready to start painting, figured I might as well help. I’ll ah…go put some painting clothes on and come back,” she said, slipping past her mother out the door and then headed downstairs again. Mia and I stood listening to her leave before turning to me.

“Damn…shitty timing huh?”

“You might say that,” I said without telling her why.


As it appeared we couldn’t do much but paint the room now, Mia too went into her room in order to change into something she could likewise paint in. Chris returned moments later, ready to “lend a hand” as she said, giggling softly as she reached down cupping my cock through my cut-off jeans.

“Jesus Chris…your mom!” I whispered softly once again pulling away from her nervously glancing towards the door.

“This…is going to be interesting,” she said as she walked over and began putting on one of the new rollers I had purchased onto the handle she’d picked up. Interesting was right. She didn’t look much different than she had this morning. She had chosen as painting attire, a pair of worn out cut off jeans that had more holes in them than material remaining. Most, if not all of her ass was sticking out the bottoms of them, if not through a fairly large hole on the left side of her ass. Even worse however, was the cut off tee she was now wearing as well,

barely covering the bottom portion of her once again braless breasts, which she’d proven out to be as she leaned over when picking up the roller. Both breasts stood dangling there momentarily as she did that. “Well…where would you like me to begin? Up here?” She asked to reach the ceiling, and of course while doing so…both of her tits immediately popped out from beneath the tee she was wearing. Which was also of course when Mia once again came walking in.

“Maybe you should do around the baseboards,” Mia suggested, though she at least didn’t comment on her daughter’s obviously exposed breasts. “Leave the ceiling for Thomas to do…he has longer arms than either you or I do,” she stated.

The thing was…Mia was almost as bad as her daughter in her appearance. Not quite…but almost! Mia too had an old pair of shorts on, not nearly as short of course as her daughters were…but she had also put on an old dress shirt, most likely one of Fred’s. She’d tied the front of it in a knot just below her breasts, both of which were threatening to force the buttons to pop off, obviously braless as well as evidenced by the deeper than normal cleavage I was staring at.

Tearing my eyes away from her, and from Chris as well, I was determined to focus my attention on painting the room. If I didn’t…I’d soon be in obvious trouble and unable to hide it when I was. Little did I realize this was going to turn into a titty-teasing fest of unbelievable proportions!

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