I never forget this enjoyment journey – 4

“I never forget this enjoyment journey” Part-4 Continues……

“Well, admittedly that part looks interesting, but I’m not so sure about the ass-whipping thing!”

It was then that we heard a familiar laugh coming from behind us, it took me a moment or two to recognize that this was in fact Madeline who had come up now joining us as we stood there. She looked like something out of the movies, she had somehow managed to pour herself into what appeared to be a uniform, complete with cap, and tall very high boots reaching just below the knees. Her uniformed blouse was completely undone however, exposing her more than ample breasts, each nipple clearly showing a piercing, which she’d not shown having had earlier.

“Oh come on now Brad, I certainly didn’t hit you that hard, and to be honest, I do think you could have tolerated a lot more than that as well. Maybe I should give your wife a few minor pointers in the fine art of the cat o-nine tails hmmm?”

I tried laughing that off, but the thought of having my ass smacked with a whip, leaving it red and welted, wasn’t something I was particularly into. About that time the guy on the table groaned, his semen suddenly spurting out as the two who sat beneath the table happily lapped at it, trying to drink it all down together. The four of them moved off shortly after that, and Madeline once again coaxed us to get on and try it next.

“Come on baby,” Nova said, getting into it much to my surprise. “I promise, I won’t hit you very hard, just for fun…but I’m willing to bet you won’t mind having your dick sucked and played with while I am either!” she stated, likewise surprising me at the consideration.

I was also surprised to discover that I really did have an erection, which was becoming more and more uncomfortable with it pressing so tightly against my already too tight fitting black leather pants.

“Just don’t get too carried away here,” I whispered to her. “This is only a fantasy, remember?”

She laughed at that, but her laugh had a mixture of something in it I had never heard before. I’d begun to think I’d already made a mistake as Madeline and my wife finished securing my arms and legs to the table, making it virtually impossible for me to move or go anywhere, though I did find some minor comfort in the fact that my pants at least, weren’t designed to bare my ass cheeks, so there was that. Whatever spanking or whipping I might receive, I sincerely hoped might be cushioned by the leather pants I was wearing.

I was still somewhat disconcerted however when Madeline chose what appeared to be a rather nasty looking strop, and then proceeded to show my wife how to use it. I felt the gentle sting, which didn’t hurt quite as much as I expected it would, followed by another, and then another. Even those didn’t seem to sting all that much, though seconds later the combined impact of all of them was suddenly felt.

My ass…even through my leather pants felt suddenly warm and more than a bit tingly. That sensation was quickly followed by another, one I wasn’t expecting as I then felt what was obviously a tongue, and then two of them marvelously lapping away at my prick. I looked over to where Frank was standing next to Beverly as I received yet another series of paddling, this time from my wife, which in fact stung a little more than those I’d been given from Madeline.

“See? I told you, you could tolerate more than you realized you could,” she informed me. But it wasn’t even her comment so much that I lay there listening to, having asked a question of Frank just moments before that.

“Who?” I asked curiously, not having seen anyone slip beneath the table, though obviously someone had, and that two someone’s in fact were now deliciously gobbling up my hard stiff prick. He looked at me, smiling, though his smile through the mask was still a hard one to see as he spoke.

“You don’t really want to know now do you?” He said chuckling just as Nova delivered another fairly stinging blow.

“Ouch! That one fucking hurt!” I told her, just as someone all but swallowed my cock from below, turning that brief moment of pain into pure unbridled pleasure. Whoever the hell it was, that was at the moment teasing and sucking my dick, certainly knew what the hell they were doing, it felt damn fucking good.

So much so, I didn’t even realize that Madeline and my wife were busy undoing my straps in order to give someone else a turn. When I realized I was free, I was actually disappointed, especially as I could no longer feel my dick being played with.

I stood up, but whoever had been beneath the table had just as quickly disappeared. Once again I looked over towards Frank, who just stood shaking his head.

“Like I said buddy…I’m not sure you really want to know.”

Shortly after that we wandered around for a bit, sipping our drinks, taking in the sights and the various activities. I did notice that my ass felt rather rosy, and had rubbed it a few times. We’d gone by what appeared to be some sort of “soothing” station, or area, several men and women who’d had their asses attended to even more harshly than I had, were being attended to. Something that actually looked quite nice as soothing ointments were delicately placed and massaged into those very reddened looking areas.

“Would you like someone to take care of your red cheeks for you?” Nova giggled, and then led me by my neck collar over to one of a few empty tables that looked very much like massage, or even examination tables, which had been set up. Another woman, this one dressed in what appeared to be a nurse’s outfit, though again her blouse was undone all the way to her waist, revealing the fact she had large breasts,

no bra, and was obviously unlike any nurse I’d ever seen before, attending to several worthy patients. I happily slipped out of my leather pants, only then taking a backwards view at my ass, surprised to see it as deeply colored as it was.

“Damn woman! I told you that last one really hurt!” There was a very distinguishable mark on my left ass cheek, and I honestly think Nova felt a little bad upon seeing it.

“I promise, I’ll kiss it better for you later, though I think your nurse here might make it feel a whole lot better too!” She said winking at me as I lay down on the table. It was then that I noticed a couple of other nurses similarly dressed the way that she was, each of them seeing to those who had come seeking some sort of comforting attention. One of which then strolled over towards where I was laying.

I never forget this enjoyment journey – 4 will continue on the next page

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