I love her family; but one of them too much – part 5

“Grandma and I both agree, we don’t think you two should have sex when she’s clear. It’s not the same. I understand what happened today, it had to come as a shock to both of you, but no more, alright?”

I nodded, feeling ashamed. She was right of course. Being with Bob’s girl, when I was Bob, that was different. “I agree.”

Kate nodded. “Good. I’m worn out. Take me to bed, Glover.”

I lifted her in my arms, and she laughed, as I carried her through the house. “Put me down, Glover!” she squealed. “I’m too heavy!”

I ignored her pleas. “Don’t let them stay up too late, alright Grandma?”

She smiled and it lit up her face. “I’ve got the terrors under control. Take that wonderful wife of yours to bed, and show her how lucky you are.”

Grandma had never talked to us like that before. Things were changing. I hoped for the better, but I had my concerns.

I still managed to show Kate how much I loved her, even after a busy day with Grandma.

* * *

The next week was busy. Moving our bedroom into the addition, dealing with the work integration, and four days of Bob’s girl, with all that accompanied it. We moved our Bob out of the attic, and into our old room. Kate loved having the space, and the modern bathroom, and she insisted on christening our marital bed, once we’d installed it in place. I don’t mind saying that was the best part of the whole movie.

Grandma had several lucid afternoons, happy times. She was closer to Kate than ever, often getting together, whispering, laughing. It was great.

She cornered me on more than one occasion. “Did we? Today?” she asked.

I was always honest with her. The first time the answer was no, it had been a bad day, confused, wandering, looking for people who weren’t there. The second time I nodded. “Twice. You were naughty.”

Her face lit up, looking around to make sure we had some privacy. “How naughty?”

I pressed my finger to her lips. “Very. This pretty mouth got me going both times.”

“Was it good?”

“It’s always good with you, Kate. You know that. It was better than good, it was out-fucking-standing.”

She grinned. “I knew we did it. I’m a little sore. A good sore. Thank you, Glover.”

“I should be the one thanking you.”

“Is everything Ok between you and my granddaughter?”

“Pretty wonderful, actually. I take it you two are getting along?”

She nodded. “I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you two.”

“Sure you do. You loved us and supported us, and made me what I am. I’m never going to forget that, Kate. I’ll always love you.”

She teared up, and I hugged her for a while before she calmed down.

* * *

We’ve had a few awkward moments. There was a family & friends barbecue, when Bob’s girl showed up, instead of Grandma. She made a big scene about Kate “sniffing’ around her man,” and she was very physically affectionate, and extremely flirtatious with most of the men. It was pretty clear the cat was out of the bag, for anyone who didn’t know what was going on. She stayed Bob’s girl, and dragged me to her bed that night, making sure I knew who belonged to whom.

Another time was worse. She walked in on Kate and me on a Saturday morning. There was yelling and slapping, and I got a pretty nasty scratch out of it. My Kate was pretty scary, telling Grandma to deal with it, and getting all up in her face. I got called a lot of names, and I wasn’t out of the doghouse until the next day, when Grandma didn’t remember anything of it. Kate and I were on the outs for a while, but within a day, we were able to joke about it.

By the time summer was over, and the kids were off to school, we had settled into our new lives. Grandma was Bob’s girl, much more often than she was clear.

We had a loving relationship, which often spilled into the afternoons. Over time she accepted that I had a girlfriend. That was weird. The first time she suggested we all sleep together, I thought I’d have a heart attack. We didn’t go there, but the idea won’t go away. Kate’s even mentioned it a time or two. She says she’s curious about how Grandma is when she’s Bob’s girl. For me, the concept moves us beyond weird to seriously warped.

Then again, I guess I need to face the fact that what we’re doing is anything but normal. Through it all, the hero in my mind is my wife Kate. If it was Grandma gone, and Grandpa jumping on my wife four to five days a week, I don’t think I could handle it.

Not that Kate doesn’t get irritated with me on occasion, even mean, but it rarely lasts more than a few hours. And I go out of my way to remind her every day, and in every way possible, that I adore her, and am thankful she chose me to share her life with. With our expenses down to almost nothing, living in Grandma’s house, and my contracting pulling in pretty decent bucks, I do get to spoil her, with jewelry, evenings out, clothing, and a brand new convertible Camaro that she looks amazing in. (And no, not the ZL1 or Z/28. She’s fast enough as is.)

What’s going to happen in the future is still a mystery to me. I love my wife, and can’t believe how tolerant she is, but she’s standing up to Grandma whenever she needs to, and they’re best friends on Grandma’s good days. I’m getting more sex than ever, enough that sometimes I almost feel like begging off. Hasn’t happened yet. I’m not going to take a chance of ever rejecting Kate, not after all she’s done.

And Grandma? Lucid Grandma is a joy, and very, very grateful. Bob’s girl? She’s still a naughty girl, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. Everyone in the family knows about ‘Bob’s girl’ now, and when she’s around, we adapt the best we can. No complaints on my side. We’re working with the doctors, and trying some different medications, but Bob’s girl is still with us a lot.

The future’s unclear, but for the moment, it seems I get to love two Kates. And I can’t think of anything much better.


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