I love doing with these people – 3

“That’s nice to know,” he said, continuing to smile. “It appears our neighbors aren’t exactly prudes either!”

I took the glasses from him peering through them towards the houseboat. On the upper deck I saw two women sun-tanning together, neither one of them wearing a thing. Surprisingly, one of them appeared to be considerably older than the other, gray haired but even at this distance, certainly not unattractive. Moment’s later two men came up on the upper deck carrying drinks, likewise naked. And once again, one of them appeared to be considerably older than the other, and I wondered momentarily as to their relationship.

Stella and I had treated ourselves to a quick, but thoroughly satisfying fuck inside one of the small caves nearby. It had been a naughty little adventure, made even more so by the near discovery of another couple who had actually walked by without coming inside to explore or investigate. I wondered if they had perhaps heard Stella’s audible moans of pleasure as I stood there fucking her from behind,

passing by without coming in to explore the cave upon hearing us. After coming out again a short time later, we in fact climbed up past a younger couple who were standing on the ledge overlooking the cove. They smiled knowingly at us as we passed them, and then headed back down to the cave we’d just come from. Stella and I wondered if perhaps they might not end up doing the same thing we’d just enjoyed doing ourselves.

By late in the afternoon we headed back down the cliffs to the cove and the boat. We began preparing dinner when Mike and I noticed the older gentleman, and the younger guy heading our way across the beach. Steven came over joining us as well just as they arrived.

“Since we’re neighbors, I thought we’d come over and introduce ourselves and ask you a question,” the older man said introducing themselves. “I’m Thomas, this is my son in law Brian,” he began. Mike quickly introduced the three of us to them. “We were wondering, and thought we’d ask first, if you have any qualms or problems with us being nude on the beach while you’re here,” he asked politely. “We didn’t want to upset or offend anyone if you did.”

Mike laughed, explaining we’d been wondering the same thing ourselves, though admitting to having seen their wives lying out earlier on the upper deck of their houseboat. We then invited the four of them to join us for a barbeque later on the beach, a “come as you are” barbeque as he then called it, letting them know that we were certainly ok with it, and would be naked as well, though we hadn’t as yet informed the girls what we’d just all agreed to.

“That sounds great!” Brian responded, and then suggested perhaps they send their wives over, calling them by name as Maria and Susan, and let them introduce themselves to our wives, and perhaps coordinate the dinner menu together, and furnish whatever they had to supplement the meal we were planning on cooking later. We had plenty, so there weren’t any concerns of having enough to go around.

Most everyone else had pulled out before nightfall, only one other large speedboat remaining behind, which we soon learned was owned by the younger couple we’d bumped into earlier.

“Wouldn’t be neighborly to not invite them,” Stella stated, which we all agreed wouldn’t be, so she and Sara soon made their way over to their boat to invite them to join us for dinner.

“You might want to forewarn them however,” I said grinning. “At least so they know what they might be walking into, or seeing…if they do decide to.”

“Oh, I think they’ll know,” Sara said, removing her bikini top, and then boldly walking along the beach with my wife by her side, though Stella wasn’t quite as brave as Sara was as they passed by the neighbors boat, heading towards the much smaller speed boat docked a short distance away.

“Well, one thing’s for sure,” Mike said grinning. “They’ll either join us, or we might end up hearing them leave a few minutes from now once they discover there’s going to be a lot of naked people running around on the beach tonight.”

“Speaking of which,” I responded. “I do find it interesting that it’s obviously Susan’s parents who are with them, and they’re obviously quite comfortable being around one another in the nude, don’t you?”

“Not too terribly surprising no. I grew up in a fairly open-minded family as well. Saw my own parents, brothers and sisters in the nude quite often. Never made a big deal out of it either. So it might be, they’re as like-minded as my own parents were.”

“Maybe so…but just running around naked is one thing, doing anything else is something else entirely,” I reminded him, letting him know we might not have the same luxury we’d enjoyed the evening before.

“Let’s just see how it goes, play it by ear,” he stated as we stood there watching the two girls return a few minutes later. “Well?” Mike then asked as they drew closer.

“Looks like a party!” Sara grinned. “Dinner for twelve!”


The younger, recently married couple as we came to find out, David and Amber joined us for dinner. Though they’d indicated they had no problems with any of us being nude there on the beach, neither one of them had opted for doing that themselves, though Amber at least wore a rather skimpy bikini. She was fairly petite in size, small breasted in comparison to the rest of the girls, and perhaps a bit self conscious because of it. Though Sara attributed their shyness to simply being newlyweds. Even so, they didn’t at all seem to mind that everyone else was, especially David as his eyes seemed to be everywhere at once, taking everything in.

Series Navigation<< I love doing with these people – 2I love doing with these people – 4 >>

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