I enjoyed that peek moment

This Story is part of De'Ja'Vu Series

Deja Vu

This is a new story called “I enjoyed that peek moment” let’s begin….. I ran and owned a small little convenience store/gas station at the mouth of Mystery canyon. In addition to that, I also ran a tow truck service, which had proved to be even more lucrative than the store. I don’t know how many times I pulled four-wheel drive vehicles out of places their owners had no business even being in. Once again, expensive for them, lucrative for me.

One of the nice perks of living and working where I did was in having a small, but nice looking cabin about two and a half miles further up the canyon. It was secluded, tucked well back within the tall pine and fir trees. There was an abundance of wild-life all about, which for me was my favorite brand of TV as I’d very often sit outside on my deck, in the nude, and just relax watching deer, elk, and even a few moose wander onto my property.

As was usually the case I had left the store in the very capable hands of two of my employee’s married to one another, though they lived in the city. They didn’t mind the nearly hour long commute coming into work either as they appreciated the beauty of the surrounding wilderness almost as much as I did. Especially on the weekends as they would usually just spend the nights there rather than driving back into the city. I had a small bedroom which was spacious and furnished just behind the office and on some occasions, especially during really bad weather, stayed there myself rather than making the short drive up to my cabin.

It was a Sunday evening just nearing sunset when I headed out intending to go home. The skies had been darkening most of the afternoon with the threat of what eventually would turn out to be a fairly serious thunderstorm. As I began the short drive up the canyon I was hoping that either Thomas or Stella wouldn’t call me on the radio informing me that we had some idiot stuck somewhere up on the mountain.

The last thing I wanted to do was get stuck out in the pouring rain myself trying to pull him out, though I had done so before. Normally it was well worth the money to do it, but I wasn’t in the mood to be doing anything like that this evening. The truth was, I was damn fucking horny and simply wanted to get back to my own place, throw in an X-rated movie, sit back and enjoy myself.

And it wasn’t like I was wanting for female companionship either, though at the moment in the mood I was in, I wouldn’t have minded that. I was reasonably attractive, or at least I thought so anyway, and had never had much of a problem finding women to sleep with. Unfortunately at the moment, I had just come out of a nearly two year long relationship with an attractive woman, which had ended badly. As good-looking as she was, she was still more of a city girl and had recently been pressuring me to sell my cabin and move into the city with her. Something I wasn’t about to do. Needless to say, that ended that.

At just thirty-five years of age, I had dark colored hair, which I wore long, usually kept in a ponytail. Part Native American, I had very little hair anywhere else, and preferred it that way. Though I had somewhat of a crooked nose, which had long ago been broken and never set correctly, I’d been told that it actually added character to my face, giving me a somewhat rugged, though still handsome appearance. Because of that, I’d never gone in to have it fixed. It had become part of who I now was.

On Friday, it was perhaps because I had met a fairly young, attractive woman who’d come into the store for a restroom stop and a cup of coffee. As we quite naturally got to chatting, she informed me she was driving up to spend the weekend with friends at their summer lodge as they were spending the week there themselves. Since I pretty much knew everyone who had a cabin up Mystery Canyon, the only really large place was Wolf Lodge which was situated a good hour’s drive up nearer the summit.

She informed me then that’s where she was headed, to spend the weekend partying with friends. The way she was dressed, I could only begin to imagine the kind or type of party she might be going to. Mila, as she told me her name was, introducing myself to her as Ricky Two Streams, was a sexy voluptuous redhead with amazing green eyes, full lips and a figure to go along with them.

As we stood there chatting briefly, I found myself having to tear my eyes away from her chest as her boobs were all but pouring out of the halter-top she had on. Not to mention the firm, well-rounded slopes of her ass cheeks that were barely contained within the almost too short pair of shorts she currently was wearing too.

I’d had a hard on the rest of the day, not to mention nearly the entire weekend just thinking about her. Normally, I might not have, but she’d definitely flirted with me, and had even hinted at the possibility of inviting me up to the lodge, joining their party. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in my teens or even early twenties, and had a business to run. So I couldn’t afford to go gallivanting off, even with Thomas and Stella minding the store.

The rain had just started to come down when I left the store heading for home. Thunderstorms, especially as promising as this one had appeared to be, could be very often quite spectacular, as well as dangerous. The reverberations of the echoing thunder up the canyon could be quite deafening,

not to mention the dangerous lightning itself. But it was the downpour of rain that could make the roads themselves quite treacherous, and even in the four-wheel truck I was driving, I drove slowly up the canyon keeping an eye out for any wildlife scurrying about in order to find cover. Too many cars had gone off the road in a wet rain, unable to brake in time when deer had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Call it fate, destiny perhaps, or whatever. I was just about a mile away from my cabin, just slowly coming around the bend where I’d now begin a slow gradual climb up the mountain through a series of twisting steep turns on a fairly narrow stretch of paved highway. As I made the bend, my headlights caught what was obviously a car up ahead which had partially left the road, crashing into a nearby tree.

Even in the rain it didn’t appear to be too serious, thankfully the driver hadn’t been going all that fast coming down. But it was obvious they were now stuck, and some damage had been done to the front end of the vehicle though it appeared to have occurred mostly to the front bumper as it was hanging down. What immediately drew my attention however, was that it was the same red little sports car I’d seen Mila pull away from my store the previous Friday. Now worried, I immediately pulled up in front of her car.

I was relieved to see her suddenly step out the moment she saw my headlights, waving frantically towards me. In the pouring rain, she was immediately soaked, only wearing what appeared to be a lightweight windbreaker that wasn’t meant to protect her in conditions like this.

“Mila? Are you ok?” I half had to scream out at her because of the howling winds and pouring rain, not to mention the now very frequent peels of thunder and lightning that were also occurring. “Are you hurt?” I then added just reaching her as she all but fell into my arms, a look of relief clearly etched within her face.

“I’m fine, thank you. It’s just such a relief to see anyone on the road tonight,” she then added. “And my cell phone doesn’t work, I can’t get any reception here.”

That wasn’t a surprise, but finding her had been. I quickly ushered her into the front seat of my truck, wishing now I had actually driven the tow truck, though it was currently parked at my cabin. I did a quick cursory review of her car, realized she would indeed need to be towed out of where she’d gone in, and then had to change what appeared to be a blown out front tire now as well. Not to mention taking off the front bumper temporarily just so she could even drive the car once we’d changed the flat.

Cold and shivering though I tossed her a spare blanket I kept in the back, there were but two options. I could either take her back to the store, or take her up to my cabin, which we were actually closer to, not to mention the fact that that’s where my tow truck was currently parked. It was a no-brainer, though I found myself suddenly not relishing spending most, if not all the night getting her out and back on her way again. When I told her what my plans were and why, she surprised me.

“If you don’t mind…I’d rather just spend the night if that’s ok with you. I don’t really feel like trying to drive back down the mountain tonight, even if you do manage to get my car fixed up well enough to be able to do so. I’m cold, tired…and emotionally exhausted,” she informed me. “I’m not sure it would even be safe for me to drive, even if I could,” she then added.

Needless to say, I was extremely pleased to hear her say that. Not because she was an attractive looking woman either, even with her hair plastered to her head and face, but because quite frankly, I wasn’t looking forward to spending half the night trying to get her out and on her way again.

“No problem, my cabin’s just a little further away,” I informed her. “We’ll get a nice warm fire going, and you can dry out your clothing, get you something to eat and drink if you’re hungry.”

I enjoyed that peek moment will continue on the next page

Series NavigationI enjoyed that peek moment – 2 >>

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