Holding mood and time for her

This Story is part of Keeping It Together Series

“That would be nice…thank you,” she said simply, though I noticed a slight flush in her cheeks as she said that. We fell into an easy rhythm of working together while we put things away, even joking a little, which was in a way, a means whereby we both took the edge off the unspoken, and basically went on as though nothing in fact had ever happened. Relieved, I soon after retired up to my own room for a brief nap with mom assuring me she’d wake me up in time for dinner if I hadn’t woken myself up before then.

I had in fact woken up a short time later, a bit of a light sleeper anyway, hearing the sound of voices coming down from below. Obviously my sister was home and was talking to mom, though it was the sound of laughter that had caught my attention. Like I said, I hadn’t heard anyone laugh around the house in so long that I’d forgotten what it sounded like. Curious, I slipped out of bed and began heading down the stairs when the sound of their conversation drifted up towards me.

“Shh, not so loud,” mom said trying to stifle a giggle, “He’s still asleep!” I realized then they were talking about me, and froze just outside the door, listening.

“I still can’t believe you actually saw Joy,” Miya said, calling me by the name she always had, though everyone else of course called me Dan, or Junior after my father. “And not only doing that…but that you actually saw him squirting!” she added, laughing out loud once again, just as mom once again tried to quiet her down, though laughing nearly as loud herself as she tried to do so.

“I know! I know!” Mom now added, the chuckle in her voice obvious. “At first I didn’t know what to do, I just stood there, my eyes were riveted to Joy’s cock, watching it spurt, realizing that he’d discover I was standing there at any moment. All I could think to do was hurry off and hope that maybe he’d think I hadn’t seen him in there, and had just gone down to my room. But even now, I’m not sure he didn’t see me, I mean…he must have now that I think about it!”

Once again my sister was in stitches, the two of them laughing about it…laughing at me. But oddly enough, just hearing the sound of their combined laughter brought a smile to my face, even if it was at my own expense. It felt good hearing that once again.

“I never caught Joy ever doing it, but I did catch daddy once,” Miya suddenly started out of the blue. There was a momentary pause, and then another snicker as mom spoke.

“Oh my god no! You didn’t! Really?” Mom again giggled however, it was obvious now the two of them were enjoying this moment together. I was half tempted to return to my room and let them share this moment in privacy, but I couldn’t, now curious myself as to where and when she had seen him. “Where?” mom now asked, prompting my sister to continue, asking the silent question I had already asked myself.

Though she lowered her voice somewhat conspiratorially, I was suddenly glad to be standing just outside the kitchen doorway where I could still easily hear the two of them.

“It was during the last week of school, if you remember, there wasn’t much that was still going on. Aside from a few activities, there really weren’t any more classes, so the senior’s were permitted to go home early if they chose too. Which I did. Obviously daddy wasn’t expecting me home so soon. I remembered that he’d taken a few days off in order to clean out the garage, so that’s where he was when I came home, obviously he hadn’t heard me come into the house.”

“He was in the garage?” Mom was surprised by this obvious revelation, to which miya again chuckled, and though I couldn’t actually see it, I could imagine her sitting there nodding her head.

“Yeah, remember those old girly pin-ups he had on the walls before you actually made him take them down?”

“Yeah? So?”

“Well he may have taken them down alright, but he certainly never got rid of them! I had come into the kitchen to grab myself a snack, and heard him outside in the garage. I had intended to go out to let him know I was home. I walked over to the door, looked through the window, and saw him standing there. Which is when I realized his pants were down around his ankles, and then the next thing I saw was daddy jerking himself off. He’d actually spread out several of those old pin-up photos he still had, on top of the work bench he used to use, and was just standing there looking at them playing with himself!”

“Oh my god!” Mom exclaimed once again, still trying to hold down her own laughter, though it was quickly turning into tears, happy tears by the sound of it too. “He didn’t see you?” she then asked.

“Oh hell no!” miya retorted, I sort of ducked around the side of the door, though I continued to peek through the window at him just in case. Like you, at first I couldn’t believe I was actually seeing my own father doing that, but I guess now, I can tell you. I was fascinated to see that he was. I mean yes, it was shocking too of course, just like it was for you catching Joy, but at the same time…it was sort of erotic too ya know?”

“I know,” Mom whispered, sounding a little uncomfortable and even embarrassed, perhaps because she was actually discussing this with her own daughter, sharing secrets about me as well as the old man. “Maybe I shouldn’t admit this to you either, but yeah…it was somewhat erotic seeing Dan standing there doing that. I didn’t realize until now anyway, just how similar he and his father were in that department.”

“So he’s got a pretty good sized cock too?” Miya asked curiously. I felt my face redden with embarrassment at being discussed like this, especially being discussed between my own mother and sister. But I was also finding myself becoming aroused at hearing it, much to my surprise, and could have no more turned away now than fly to the moon!

“Well, from what I could see, for as long as I was able to see it…yes,” Mom giggled once again. Then I heard her sigh, the previous giggles suddenly turned off, as she sounded far more serious, and more melancholy once again. “And I’ll never again know the feeling of that now will I?” She asked herself as opposed to actually asking or responding back to my sister. There was a long momentary pause. I found myself actually holding my breath, fearful that one of them might stand up and discover my presence.

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