Dominants and Primates – 5

“You’re serious.”


“What if I say no?”

“Then she’ll be very, very disappointed when she gets here, especially as she’s expecting it. And quite frankly, I’d be very disappointed in myself. After all Kevin, it’s not like she’ll know who you are, or that you haven’t stood there and jerked yourself off in front of me before either.”

Which was true of course, and admittedly, the more I stood there thinking about it, the more and more exciting it became. Laurel naked, playing with herself, blindfolded while I stood there watching her, and then coming on her when it was time.

“Anywhere I want?”

“Anywhere…and everywhere,” Mila told me. “And to make it even more fun for you, I’ll of course be naked too, and even play with you a little myself while you stand there watching her. So…are you interested? Or no?”

It had become a moot point. “Sure, why the hell not?” I said grinning.

“Just remember, part of her fantasy is NOT knowing who you are, so try not to speak or make a sound if you can help it, though that part may be hard for you. I don’t think a little moaning will necessarily give anything away, but obviously she’s spoken to you, so should you slip up and say something, she might in fact recognize your voice, which would spoil the fantasy for her. So…still interested?”

The sound of a car pulling up into the drive alerted us that Laurel was in fact already there.

“Yes!” I said excitedly.

“Good, run upstairs and wait in the bathroom, I’ll come and get you when it’s time, when she’s ready. It might be a few minutes before I do, however, she likes me to sort of prime her pump a little first if you know what I mean.”

Seconds later I was sprinting up the stairs to the bathroom as Mila opened the door greeting her friend. I sat down on the toilet after having removed all my clothing, once again trying to calm myself, collect my breath as I heard them talking, soon after coming up the stairs.

“So, he’s here already?” Laurel asked Mila excitedly.

“Yep, anxiously waiting for us,” Mila acknowledged. “Looking forward to watching you touch yourself, while he stands beside you, jerking himself off as he does,” Mila told her, which had the effect of arousing Laurel even more.

“Have you seen his dick?”

“I have,” Mila acknowledged.

“Is it big? Nice and hard?”

“Big enough, but certainly hard enough…yes,” she informed her friend. I could hear them even more clearly now as they reached the landing, turning down the short hallway heading off in the opposite direction towards the main bedroom.

“Do you think he’ll cum on me…a lot?” she asked hopefully. “I want to feel lots and lots of his cream squirting on me,” she asked hopefully.

“I’m sure he will honey,” Mila told her. “Provided of course you put on a really nasty act for him in order to make him even more horny than I know he already is. Do that, and I can promise you that he’ll drench you. So do very naughty, dirty, wicked things to yourself while he watches you, and then I am sure that he will.”

Just hearing their conversation had made me like that. But Mila was right in another way now too, this had just suddenly become another fantasy of mine, and one in which I no doubt would think back on and jerk off to myself countless times afterwards. I was already looking forward to it. The hard part would be in keeping my mouth shut, I was half tempted to run back to my house and grab the duct tape.

Mila had already prepared for that however, which I would eventually learn.


I could still hear them talking though not quite as clearly. A few moans and groans later, Mila opened the bathroom door inviting me to come out. As I did, she held up what appeared to be a ball-gag. I shook my head no at first upon seeing it.

“Trust me, it will help. If you can’t stand it, I promise I’ll take it out, but it might be better for all of us if you were to wear it,” she told me quietly. I relented, allowing her to fit it inside my mouth. It took a moment to get used to it being there, but as I did, and as Mila led me down the hallway towards the bedroom, I was soon rock fucking hard.

“We’re here,” Mila told her friend. Laurel was indeed blindfolded, but otherwise unbound. She could have very easily removed her blindfold herself, but she didn’t. What she did do, and was doing, was fondling her magnificent breasts, pulling on her nipples almost painfully by the looks of it, pinching her thick fat nipples, and then lifting her tits up, stretching them, wiggling them, before letting go again. And then just as quickly, repeating the process.

“Does he like the way I’m playing with my breasts?” Laurel now asked. “Is he…is he stroking his cock?”

“He does, and he is yes,” Mila told her as she briefly took a seat next to the bed, watching me more than she was herself watching Laurel.

“Is it all nice and hard?” Laurel asked. “What does it look like?”

“Damn hard,” Mila told her while actually looking at it, which for a moment made me feel a bit shy and self-conscious.

“It’s perhaps six, maybe seven inches in length? But it’s really thick, fat and angry looking, all purple and swollen, and I think I can even see a little precum oozing out of the tip of it now in fact,” she said. There wasn’t yet…but there soon would be. She was right about the rest of it though, my cock felt like stone, and it was indeed purple, the tip swollen, fat and horny as hell as I stood there fisting myself, looking at the two of them.

“Oh fuck!” She moaned, one hand now snaking down between her legs running up and down between her lips briefly.

“Show him what you look like,” Mila urged her friend. “Go on Laurel, spread yourself, let him see just how juicy and pink your pussy really is, give him a nice view of how wet you are, how your juices pool just inside your cunt like they always do.”

She began doing so, her hands at first simply spreading herself apart. I had never seen anything like this, never…not even in a porn movie. It was in fact my very first glimpse at a woman’s cunt, all totally exposed. The pinkness of her inner flesh was amazing enough, but then I saw what Mila had mentioned already, an almost frothy white substance that seemed to be oozing from somewhere inside, coating her nether lips, wetting them.

“That’s it honey, perfect. Now…draw some of that juice out of yourself with your fingers, rub it on and around your nipples for him while he watches.”

“Is he stroking his dick? Hard? Slow?”

“Slow,” Mila told her. “Nice and slow while he’s watching you. A nice slow up and down motion, now he’s squeezing it, I can see another fat droplet of precum on his tip.”

This time, Mila was telling the truth, there was.

“Can I taste it?” She asked. “Feed it to me…please!”

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