Cucked on Vacation – 01

This Story is part of Cucked on Vacation Series

This is a new story called “Cucked on Vacation”. Let’s begin……

It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt therapeutic to finally have a week away all to ourselves.

We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber. Hazel was approaching thirty-five but she appeared more a girl in her twenties. She’s a beautiful woman, really – standing she’s roughly five and a half feet tall. Her frame is curvaceous and thick, having filled out slightly after our two children.

I drank in her image as she lay curled asleep, expensive bedding draped across her plump behind, barely concealing her large natural breasts. My dick stirred suddenly. Our sex life had been less than exceptional in recent years, the both of us succumbing to the routine and daily stresses that sometimes make an appearance in a relationship. There was something about the expensive bedding and the ocean air that this hotel provided though…

“Are you staring at me?” her voice snapped sweetly through the previously silent void of our hotel room. She had awoken.

I smiled at her, “Couldn’t help it, you look gorgeous.”

“Creeper.” she joked, tossing a pillow towards me in vain.

I mounted the bed, and moments later, her. I kissed her with passion, morning breath be damned. She opened her legs slowly, wrapping them around me seductively. I glanced down at her beautiful pussy, brown pubic hair trimmed and inviting, her glistening folds slowly pulling apart as her legs opened, exposing my home for the last decade, the place where I loved to be.

I shuffled my boxers down just far enough to allow my five inches to strike outwards, and I immediately planted my dick against her dampening mound. We kissed again, tongues swirling. There was a passion present in this bedroom that had been sorely missed in ours back home, and before we could speak another word I was inside of her.

Her moans were muffled but passionate as she buried her face into my chest. My wife’s femininely sweet voice is notoriously sexy, and her coo’s and gentle moans always aroused me to no end. I knew that I wouldn’t last long, but I was desperate to make her cum. My mind wandered to the perverse thoughts that sometimes made an appearance in my head. Thoughts that made me curse my genetics for not having a bigger appendage, thoughts that made me aroused to think how Hazel might react to one. I quickly shook them from mind, and just as I was about to lose control, I felt her orgasm clamp down on my shaft. We both came pleasurably.

“That was great.” she said with a smile, breathing heavily as she now lay next to me. A light sheen of sweat had begun to make itself apparent on both of our bodies. I kissed her deeply, “Sure was. This entire week is gonna be great.” I said, meaning it.

The hotel, more resort really, was incredible. Hazel and I weren’t wealthy, but we had saved up enough in preparation to really allow ourselves to enjoy this trip. On location there was a cavalcade of amenities, world class spa, world class gym, immense pool and exterior bar areas, a number of various restaurants, and not to mention the lovely surrounding beach. We spent that first full day wandering the premises, exploring the beach, and really soaking in the sights and sounds that would make up our surroundings for the week.

As dusk fell we showered and prepared for a ritzy meal at one of the hotels finer restaurants. I enjoyed a succulent sea bass with a wine pairing and Hazel, for lack of a better word, wolfed down a perfectly cooked filet. We quickly ran through a bottle of red whilst sharing smiles, laughs, and great conversation. My wife looked absolutely divine in her black low cut dress, which did an excellent job at accentuating her large tits and ass. I was pretty certain one of the bus boys nearly tripped through the kitchen doors while gawking at her.

After dinner we decided to continue our escapades at the lobby bar, which was an immense room with crystalline light fixtures suspended from a massive vaulted ceiling above. We found a seat in between a few patrons and ordered a couple more glasses of wine. We sat for a moment to soak in our surroundings, and eventually struck up a casual conversation with the person sitting next to us.

Hazel was chatting up another woman who was here on vacation, and myself – a gentleman who was in town on business. I actually quickly found myself enjoying the discussion I was having with James. He was visiting a local job site as a construction manager of sorts, and he often stayed at this particular hotel. I was in the same industry up in Ohio, so we quickly hit it off discussing our related careers, and then sports, and then a number of other topics.

“Is this your wife?” He finally interjected during a quieter moment, nodding towards Hazel.

“Jesus, yeah. How rude of me.” I turned to Hazel, momentarily pulling her out of her own conversation, “Let me introduce you to James babe. He’s in town as a PM, and works in hospitality construction similar to my line.”

Hazel smiled wide, clearly somewhat loose from the copious amount of wine we had both been drinking. “Hi there!” She extended her hand, and that’s when I noticed how large Jamess were. Her delicate hand was engulfed by his palm as they shook in greeting. I couldn’t help but notice that my wife’s immense cleavage was on full display as well, and I saw James steal a reactionary glance. It was more than understandable though, her tits were nearly popping out of her dress.

That was actually the first moment that I sized Jamesup. He was maybe ten years older than my wife and I. I realized that he would probably be considered an attractive gentleman by most. He was black, tall, built, and with nice physical features.

“Oliver and I were sharing stories about our careers, but what brings you to town? A nice little vacation I take?” James seemingly asked us both.

Hazel chimed in immediately, nodding, “Yep! It’s been years since we’ve had a vacation, we just got out here yesterday. Have the entire week to ourselves.” she smiled excitedly, her voice as sweet as ever.

James nodded, “That’s great. Yeah I’m actually here for about a week as well, but the wife hates it when I’m gone for this long.”

I glanced down at his hand, noticing his wedding ring for the first time. The conversation turned to home life, and we learned that he and his wife had been together for twenty years already, marrying relatively young. We discussed our kids, his kids, and a great many other things. It was clear that we both got on very well with James, but it was getting late – and we all eventually said our goodbyes for the evening.

The majority of the next morning and early afternoon was spent in our suite. Hazel and I had discovered a newfound vigor on this trip, and we had an exceedingly difficult time keeping our hands off one another. It was a youthful rush of sexual energy and I hoped it wouldn’t end. After our bedroom romp we eventually headed down to the beach. It was late afternoon when we arrived, and we easily found a nice spot to stretch out. I watched as my wife peeled off her outerwear, exposing a lovely red bikini. I noticed that her skin was already slightly more bronze than when we left home.

We relaxed for a while, closing our eyes and soaking in the low hanging sun. I was about to drift off into a restful slumber when a familiar voice interrupted, “Hey there folks.”

I opened my eyes to see James, smiling down at the both of us.

“Hey!” Hazel replied, lowering her sunglasses to properly greet him.

“Meetings ended early today, figured I’d hit the beach for a minute.” James offered.

Cucked on Vacation – 01 will continue on the next page.

Series NavigationCucked on Vacation – 02 >>

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