Crazy girlfriend made things different

My girlfriend is crazy.

Oh don’t get me wrong! She’s a great girl – She’s the kindest person I know, adorable beyond words, and horny as a minx in heat. But what I mean to say is: My Emma is crazy.

I know, I know, I shouldn’t say that the love of my life is missing a few screws. But maybe if I tell you about her you’ll understand that my lovely Emma is more than just a little weird.

I should start by how we met. I thought I met her in the middle of my first semester in college when she sat next to me in Intro to Economics, wearing that short green skirt and the t-shirt that had across her breasts, “Just Say You’re Reading This When I Catch You.” I’d know, because I did exactly that when she turned to me with her distinct wide-eyed grin. At least, that’s when I thought I met her.

Actually, she met me at the start of the semester. Well, ‘meet’ isn’t entirely correct. More like she stalked me since glimpsing me at orientation. Before the week was up she’d memorized my class schedule, learned my bus route, and found a nice clear view into my apartment just outside my bedroom window. When she told me months later she said she was, “Getting to know me,” which was more reasonable than saying hello or shaking hands.

Most days after cheerleading practice she’d ride the bus right behind me and find her spot outside my window with her binoculars after I went inside. She told me she liked to watch me change and come back from the shower, and only then I realized what a bad idea it was to leave the blinds open when strutting around with just a towel… And sometimes less than that.

After working her schedule around mine and getting into every class I had, she eventually caught my attention with that shirt and smile. Then she caught me at my doorstep around midnight that same day – in the rain, in her soaked skimpy cheerleading outfit, and asked to sleep over. I, being a proper gentleman, couldn’t let a damsel in distress suffer in the rain like that, so I took her in thinking we might get to be friends or maybe after a few dates something more. It took her throwing her more-than-soaked panties in my face and crawling into my bed for me to realize she didn’t want to be just friends, or have me take the couch that night.

She said her name was Emma between gasping and slurping around my cock. It was lucky she got that much out considering she was a natural deepthroater. With those bright doe eyes of hers looking up at me as her throat struggled to swallow me, she was even more lucky I didn’t drown her in cum right then.

My roommate was out that weekend, thankfully – Emma has two volumes when she’s fucking: moaning loud and screaming louder. Maybe that’s what made her such a good cheerleader, at least that’s what I thought when she told me all about her training while she laid on top of me with her back to my chest and posted her hips steadily and mercilessly on my cock. Turns out she absolutely loses it when I squeeze her tits from behind, and doesn’t mind when I push her head into the pillows to drown out her screams so the neighbors don’t complain. In fact, I think she kind of likes that too…

That girl stayed with me all weekend, unwrapping condoms like they were Hershey’s Kisses and testing out the structural integrity of just about every piece of furniture with me (rest in peace old bean bag chair…). On Sunday after another couple of post-shower fuck sessions, Emma turned to me and asked to be my girlfriend.

I had thought it was somewhat implied after she begged me to cum in her hair the one time, but not in Emma’s strange mind. Needless to say we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend after a weekend of raw and honestly random fucking, and when I said it Emma smiled ear to ear and dived under the covers to kiss her new boyfriend. It took awhile before she came up for air that time.

So that’s how we became girlfriend and boyfriend, Emma and I. Now normally you’d think we’d go out on a few dates before banging each other’s brains out, or at least know each other’s full names before fucking like bunnies on death row. But that just isn’t the way Emma does things, and I soon learned that my girlfriend was more than a little eccentric, especially from the story of this Christmas.

We’d been going steady for two years by then, and by steady I mean nearly every day Emma would surprise me with another bit of her… personality. It took awhile to get used to taking notes and fingering her at the same time in class and to keep up with homework while she was busy grinding on my lap, but somehow I managed. I don’t know how but she always kept her grades up and exuded her bubbly self at cheerleading despite having kept me up all night ‘studying anatomy’. She’s an art major after all.

Anyway, the point is her madness took on a new level just last August. I think I can trace it back to when she was spending the night while my roommate was camped out in his room. My apartment was modeled after a roomy cardboard box while hers (while actually habitable in the long-term) was occupied with her two roommates Molly and Lauren and whatever boys or girls they’d snared for their weekend depravities. So we had to be discrete with our ‘studying’, which meant cranking up the TV and trying to resist bashing the headboard too hard or frequently against the wall.

I hadn’t noticed what was playing on the TV at the time, since I was too focused on slapping my girlfriend’s amazing ass against my hips. It makes such a distinct light *pop* each time I drive into her from behind… But Emma did notice. In fact she seemed to be watching it so intently that it totally absorbed her. She was frozen on her hands and knees, silent and wide-eyed, and that turned me on like crazy since she usually has such a dirty and loud mouth when it comes to fucking doggy-style.

The documentary playing I realized later was one of those weekend sexy-edgy pieces to get the viewers, and it was all about human mating. My adorable Emma stared unblinking at the screen as an internal camera caught the moment of insemination, stylized with the couple grunting and rutting right to the end as the narrator commented on the sheer volume of ejaculate a man will produce when he knows she is fertile.

Emma shivered. She shivered under my hands while I seized her ass and plowed into her even harder. But while I was getting close to the edge from just my girlfriend’s hot pussy and beautiful glistening back, she was watching millions of the man’s sperm careening towards the woman’s glowing egg on screen.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m used to my girlfriend cumming with me during sex – it happens all the time. But when a sperm slipped into that glowing egg, she erupted. I mean that my Emma, normally such a screamer, instead had her mouth gaping and eyes rolled back in her head, quivered like a leaf from head to toe, and then gushed all over my cock and over my bed. And she just kept cumming, and long after I’d cum myself and was pulling out she was prone on my bed, still quivering and panting and squirming.

I’m pretty sure that’s when Emma got the baby crazy. And when I say got baby crazy, I mean more like third-degree breeding madness. Every night after Emma would beg me to forget the condoms. Though tempting, since I’d often imagined plunging bare into that soft-shaven pussy, I knew Emma was notoriously bad at staying on the pill – especially then, since I found her humming a tune one day as she dropped her pills one by one into the toilet and flushed them away.

A few weeks of refusing her that and I found that my box of ribbed condoms had been strung together by their tips to make a multi-colored skirt for hips just as wide as Emma’s. I would know – she was wearing it when I got back from class that day, and she graciously offered me a thoroughly torn one so I could, “Be safe and all.” Though I have to admit, her dancing around in the thing like a tribal wild-woman inspired the fastest condom-run I’d ever done in my life.

Having to hide my stash of condoms from Emma’s art projects wasn’t all that happened either. Her roommate Molly’s cat had kittens around the start of December, and I found Emma with them one day with no shirt, trying to nurse them. When I told her that they weren’t going to get any milk out of her anytime soon, she scowled at me and said, “Yeah, and whose fault is that?” I actually felt bad for a moment before snapping out of it. No way I’d knock up my girlfriend so she could feed hungry kitties, right?

That’s not even to mention how I’d find her every other day prancing around my apartment in her cheerleading skirt and a tight t-shirt, made tighter by the small pillow she’d stuffed into it. “Oh lover!” She’d laugh and dance to me, “See what you did to my tummy? I’m going to be a mommy! I’m going to have your baby! Quick quick! Feel what you did to my tummy!” Oh yeah, and she’d be wet and pantyless while she did it. And I mean wet – her clear cum would be streaked all down her thighs by the time I got back, and the neon-colored culprit was usually nearby in a small puddle itself.

When I’d inevitably get turned on by my sexy girlfriend’s charms and manage to sneak on a condom, she’d still lock her legs behind my hips and scream, “Do it! Spray my little eggs with your sperm. Make me a cute little mommy!” as if I was filling her with my spunk right then and there. I was scared more than a few times that her clenching pussy would tear my condom right off the way she came!

It all came to a head on Christmas Eve. Our little party at her place was just wrapping up, after we had covered the floor and tables with crumpled wrapping paper and emptied eggnog cartons. Molly and Lauren had already stumbled off to bed – the same bed mind you – and it was just Emma and I laughing and cuddling on the floor next to the couch.

“Hey, you’ve still got a present for me.” Emma said. She laid against my chest with all the little toys I gave her, both the cute and the naughty, strewn out in front of her.

“Erm, I do?” I peeked over her shoulder at her multi-colored and partially vibrating pile of goodies, “No no, I think you got everything… Unless your roommates took one.” I could hear them already going at it in their room. No modesty at all, really.

Emma giggled and wrapped my arms around her like a blanket, “Mm-mm, you do. I’m sure you have another present to give me… But first,” she slipped my hands down her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra. “You’ve got to unwrap one more little present of mine.” God damn, Emma knew how to press my buttons. It was lucky I didn’t launch her off my lap with how fast I got hard. She snuggled against my growing member as I fondled her modest, firm tits.

“So, should I unwrap you here or wait till Santa comes later?” Thoughts of how strangely hot my Emma’s tits were tonight danced through my head, and I’m sure she could tell by the way my cock gouged along her spine and I was already eager for her present.

“Nuh-uh! You’re being too naughty for Santa to come tonight!” Emma pulled my hands out of her shirt and defended them from my sneaky fingers. After her modesty was sufficiently upheld, she tilted her head back and gave me her sly wide-eyed smile upside-down, “But Mrs. Prinson will be coming for a naughty boy with something nice to unwrap in my bedroom real soon.” She stood up and stretched, offering up a great view as she wiggled about and made those adorable “night” sounds.

“Ohhh, I see… I can’t let Miss Prinson go without a chimney to slide down tonight, can I?” I knew mine was more than ready for it, especially with Emma’s ass shaking right in front of me clad in my boxers from last night.

“Nope. She’s very eager to get her stockings filled tonight,” Emma said as she danced towards the bathroom. With a giggle and one last look back, she disappeared behind the door.

Crazy girlfriend made things different will continue in the next page.

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