Beware of buyers

I’d managed to get my pants back on, stepping into my shoes. Thank god they were loafers.

“But I thought…I thought you were the realtor!” I half stammered.

“Me?” she burst out laughing even harder, the sound of which we now realized had drawn Stella towards us as she began making her way up the stairs. “I’m…I’m the owner!” She said, literally wiping the tears away from her eyes now, she’d barely gotten her skirt back on, realizing there wasn’t enough time for the bra,

tossing it over the railing instead as she hurriedly slipped back into her shirt, buttoning it. Even then I knew full well that her breasts, particularly her nipples would be easily seen through the almost too sheer material. Bad enough she was standing there with her wrinkled shirt tail still hanging out in back as the actual realtor stepped into the bedroom, seeing us and came our way.

Once again I was at a loss for words as Stella joined us. Though she smiled, her eyes took in everything. My hair was a mess as was Daicy’s, no amount of straightening could have hidden the fact we looked like we’d just crawled out of bed. Stella even turned, looking back into the bedroom as though checking to see if the sheets were indeed neatly tucked as they’d appeared to be upon entering.

“I see you’ve already met Steven,” she said, speaking to Daicy.

“You might have said that…yes,” Daicy grinned back at her, only then reaching behind herself to finish tucking in her blouse. Though all that did was further define her bare breasts as they pressed forwards against the fabric, her dark hardened nipples clearly poked against the material, which Stella didn’t fail to see.

“So, Steven…”

“Steve,” I said, correcting her, holding out my hand in greeting, only then realizing it smelled like pussy as I offered it.

“Steve,” she said, taking my hand, looking down at it…though she smiled as she held it. “So, Steve…” she said repeating herself. “How much of the house have you seen?”

“Only about a third of it,” Daicy answered for me as she ran her fingers through her hair combing it back into place. I was content to let it sit wildly. Perhaps Stella would think I actually wore it like that in the first place, though the truth was, no one was fooling anyone at this point, and we all knew it.

“I see,” Stella smiled back. “In that case, should we finish the tour?”

“Well, we can…but it’s not really necessary,” I then stated. “I’ve already decided. I’ll take it!”

Stella was grinning from ear to ear, as was Daicy, though she suddenly frowned. “There is one small little matter we need to discuss before you actually decide that,” she then said. “One of the reasons I’m letting the place go so cheaply, is because I come with it,” she then said.

“Excuse me?”

“Didn’t Stella tell you before you came here?” She asked, turning towards her.

“Sorry…no, I was planning on doing that after I’d had a chance to show him around first,” she said looking embarrassed. I looked back and forth between the two, still waiting for an explanation, and still wondering if I had heard her right in the second place.

“You see…the reason I’m letting it go for far less than it’s actually worth, is because I need a place to stay for a while myself, while I look for another place. I’ll be in one of the other rooms, whichever one you don’t need to use for a while, while I’m looking. But I didn’t want to rush into getting into anything either,

not until I’ve found something I like and can afford. So…that’s why,” she said, looking at me expectantly. I know by the look she must have seen in my face she thought I was reconsidering my offer. “I guess I can lower the price a little bit,” she then added, though I caught the sudden stern look of disapproval given her by Stella upon hearing her say that.

“Glad you said that first…” I started grinning from ear to ear.

“What? Why?” they both asked almost simultaneously.

“Because I was prepared to say I’d be willing to go a little higher if I had to…even knowing that.” Now they were both smiling, well…Daicy was anyway.

“Why are you selling it in the first place?” I found myself asking her. “This place is beautiful! It’s perfect!”

“Yes it is,” Daicy said sadly. “This was…my parent’s place. But a year ago, my father died, and recently my mother. Couldn’t afford to live up here and maintain the place all by myself, so….had no other choice but to sell it until I could find another place to live by myself. Hence the clause about my living here for a while until I do.”

I stood there trying to look serious, considering what she’d said. Once again Stella looked worried and wanted to show me the rest of the place. “Downstairs, out back there’s a nice large hot-tub. There is also a small gym, game room, sauna, along with a full bath.” She turned intending to lead me out.

This was getting better and better. “Like I said earlier, I’ll take it,” I announced, stopping her in her tracks. Once again she turned back around towards me.

“Really?” Daicy said, beaming excitedly. “You will? And I can stay here for a while? Until I find a place?”

“As far as I’m concerned, you can stay here indefinitely. And as far as you needing to sleep in another room? That’s not necessary either. This one’s plenty big for the two of us! But yes…I would like to see the rest of the place too,” I announced. Once again Stella nearly turned, her eyes suddenly going wide before she did so. I glanced over towards Daicy, her hands had already undone the button’s on her blouse once again, her magnificent tits fully exposed.

“I’ll show him around myself Stella,” she told the woman. “Room by room.”

We heard Stella giggling to herself all the way down the stairs. The last sound, the door closing as she left. Even as Daicy came into my arms, I thought silently. “God…I hope she took the sign down!”

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