Ben and Susan’s unusual relation – part 1

It didn’t take long for Susan to need to amuse herself again however. I wasn’t watching her closely enough to catch when she started writing again, but all of a sudden the paper landed in front of me once more. She had refolded the page so that her sketch was visible again with an arrow added pointing roughly to the lines denoting ‘my’ cock.

“So how big is it?” she had written at the other end of the arrow.

I rolled my eyes at Susan who only smiled back brightly.

“None of your business,” I passed back.

“Come on, I never got to see it properly. You said you didn’t mind if I thought about that stuff right?”

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to help you along.”

“You could just let me see it for a second.”


She pouted at me, but that was easy enough to ignore by simply facing the front of the room like I was supposed to be doing anyway. When she passed the paper to me again I ignored it for a couple minutes, then glanced at it out of simple curiosity.

“What if I showed you my tits?”

I stared at the words for a moment, then turned to mouth “what?” as forcefully as I could without actually making any noise. Susan sighed and started scribbling on a new sheet of paper.

“You know, boobs? Breasts? Those soft, bouncy things girls have?”

There was a helpful stick figure drawn with twin circles near where the arms met the body as a visual aid.

“I know what you mean, but you’re not serious are you?”

“Of course I am. It’s a fair deal. I’ll even go first if you want.”

The offer was more tempting to me than it should have been. I wasn’t lying when I told Susan about the thoughts I had about her sometimes and the chance to put some more definition to them wasn’t without a certain amount of appeal. I was kind of worried I’d just feel bad about it afterward, but as is so often the case my guilt didn’t really have a hold on me before the fact.

If I was truly a good brother I probably should have continued to decline anyway. But I wasn’t that good. Deep down I felt a lot of the same feelings and urges as my sister, we were twins after all, I just didn’t usually show them the way she did.

“I’ll think about it,” I wrote.

That was as good as saying yes and we both knew it.


As soon as we got home that day Susan was pressing me again. We both knew we had about an hour to ourselves before we had to worry about either of our parents getting home from work so it really wasn’t a bad time.

“So you wanna do it now?” she asked before I even got my sneakers off.

“I don’t know, maybe we should wait and see if we still want to later.”

“Pff, how long have you known me? Honestly, what do you think the odds are that I’ll change my mind?”

“Okay, okay. But it’s just going to be quick right? And no touching.”

“Whatever, let’s go.”

I followed Susan upstairs where she led me into my bedroom.

“How come it’s always my room?” I asked without expecting a real answer.

“Because mine’s only for special occasions,” she said.

I wisely chose not to find out what that meant.

“So how are we…” I started.

Without waiting for me my sister had pulled her shirt over her head and turned toward me as she bundled it up in her hands.

“I already said I’d go first, just don’t try and back out later,” she said, tossing her balled up top onto a clear space on my desk.

Susan motioned for me to sit down on the bed, which I did. Her hands were behind her back before I could complete the simple maneuver, deftly unclasping her bra yet still holding it in place.

“Ready?” she asked.

I nodded, though the question seemed unnecessary. What kind of preparations could I possibly need to make?

She teased me a little more and covered her chest with her hands as she let her bra fall to the floor. After a moment she let her arms drop to her sides and let me take in the entirety of her naked upper half.

It wasn’t like I had absolutely no idea what her breasts were going to look like. I’d seen her in swimsuits or not-quite-dressed enough that I knew the general size and shape, but that was still nowhere near the actual effect of seeing them directly in front of me.

“Wow, they’re… wow,” I said.

“You think?”


“Too bad you said no touching then isn’t it?” she said with a mischievous grin.

I caught myself just before agreeing with her.

“No, we need to keep this simple. We’re already probably going too far just with what we’re doing.”

“Too far? There’s nothing wrong with looking. Depending on where and when we grew up there’s no reason we couldn’t have been raised to think being naked around each other was completely normal.”

“This is different,” I asserted. “This is about the two of us and our dirty minds, not something more natural and pure like you’re trying to make it out to be.”

“Yeah, okay. I do have a pretty dirty mind. Wanna know what I thought about last night before I fell asleep?”

“No thanks, I think I’m safer being out of the loop on that one.”

“Whatever. So you gonna do this or what?”

Susan sat down about a foot away from me, not far enough to be out of reach if it came to that but enough to give us a little distance. I was uncomfortably aware that I didn’t have much choice other than to go through with my end of the deal after she had already done her part.

“I’m getting to it,” I said.

Along with my default misgivings I was also beginning to have to deal with my reaction to seeing my sister topless; I was getting hard. Not exactly an unforeseeable consequence, but it wasn’t helping. I decided the best thing to do was probably just to get it over with before I had any more time to think about how much of a bad idea it was.

With Susan’s undivided attention I worked the front of my pants open and pulled out my semi-erect cock. I waited for her reaction, but all she did was stare fixedly at my slowly growing erection which, perversely, only made it swell faster.

“So that’s what it looks like,” she said.

“You sound like it’s different than you expected,” I said.

“Not different, just… unique you know? Like you probably could have guessed what my boobies looked like but you didn’t really know. Not until now.”

I sat there simultaneously aroused and anxious, unsure what to do next. Surely we didn’t need to keep going for too much longer, but I had no idea if I should wait for Susan to make the call or not.

“Is that good enough?” I asked after a couple minutes of silence.

“Oh, yeah I guess,” she said, jerking up slightly as though I had startled her. “But maybe….”

“What?” I prodded despite my better judgment.

“Are you gonna masturbate as soon as I’m gone?”

“Uh, probably.”

It was either that or wait for my erection to go down on its own, and I was horny enough that I didn’t think I’d make it through the second option.

“Do you want to do it while I’m still here? I mean, looking at my tits would help wouldn’t it?”

“It might, but that wasn’t the deal.”

Part of me was hoping we could keep to the tenuous rules that we established previously. Another, darker part of me was hoping Susan would up the stakes.

“So what if we changed the deal a little?” she said.

“How much?”

“Still no touching or anything, unless you want to, but we could just, you know, get off together. It’d be a bit silly just to go off and do it on our own in our rooms.”

“That’s not really fair though if you get to watch me jerking off and I can’t see anything.”

Susan shrugged and slid her hand down to her pussy, deliberately letting me see it slip into her panties but not allowing me to see anything beyond that.

“Suit yourself,” she said.

Even though I couldn’t see any skin below her waist, I could make out her fingers working through the material of her pants. It wasn’t all that hard to imagine what sorts of things she was doing and I was going to have to face the choice of either kicking her out or simply giving in. I wouldn’t be able to hold out very long in the current circumstances.

After a moment of further hesitation I raised my hand to my erection and wrapped my fingers around it. It actually meant Susan could see less of it, but her arm movements increased in intensity as soon as I started stroking myself. I couldn’t really blame her for that since watching her masturbate was getting to me and I had a significantly worse view than she did.

It was beginning to bug me how much I wanted to see everything. I wanted to see my sister naked on my bed and fingering herself. Hell, I kind of wanted to be the one fingering her too. Part of me hated that I was so weak, another part understood that I was playing right into what Susan was hoping for. It would be easy just to blame it all on her, but she was only bringing thoughts to the surface that already existed inside me. At least she would understand my desires rather than condemn me for them the way others might.

“See, not so bad right?” Susan said.

“Ask me that again in fifteen minutes,” I said. “I’ll feel different about it then.”

“You don’t need to.” She shook her head almost a little sadly. “It’s okay with me and no one else is ever gonna know. You need to get over thinking you’re hurting me somehow. If anything, this is my fault anyway.”

I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it again. I didn’t think that my reluctance had much to do with worrying about hurting her, but if that wasn’t it then what was it exactly? There were good reasons I shouldn’t be masturbating with my sister, plenty I could come up with if I had to, yet they weren’t really my reasons.

“If I ever did anything that you didn’t like, you’d tell me right?” I asked softly.

“I don’t think I really need to worry about that.” She smiled. “But yeah, I’d tell you. Does that make you feel better?”

“A little.”

“Good, then we’re making progress.”

Series NavigationBen and Susan’s unusual relation – part 2 >>

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