Be happy for me 

“You’re probably right,” mom jokes. “He would. But that still doesn’t make the desires I still have go away either. Which is exactly what we both know poor Jacobhas been going through, until last night anyway. I bet he’s still dreaming about that hot hand-job you gave him last night in fact.”

“Speaking of which…” I heard the couch as someone stood, sounding like my Aunt as she continued. “Maybe I should go up and see if he’s up yet, no doubt he’ll be hungry if he is.”

“Shit!” I said to myself, hurriedly turning the chair in order to retreat back into my bedroom, “fuck needing to pee,” I once again said to myself. Problem was, I’d not given myself enough room to turn fast enough, having to back up, turn and move forward again. Being in the hurry I was, trying to somehow lean in order to make the turn, turning the chair around, I overdid it. Which is when me and the chair suddenly tipped over crashing in the hallway.

“Jesus!” My mother shouted out from down below. “Jim? Jim? Are you alright?”

Seconds later I heard the sound of footsteps racing from the room over to the stairs and then up. Only then rolling over, collecting myself, shamefacedly as I lay there looking up at the two of them as they almost simultaneously reached down asking me if I was hurt…what had happened, why I was up and out of bed without asking for help. And then curiously so…Sophia asked.

“And why are you all the way down here by the stairs?” She now asked, looking back towards the bathroom, which was midway between here and my bedroom.

I think I opened my mouth…though no words came out. And then my Aunt answered for me.

“You…you were listening to us, weren’t you?”

Now one thing you have to understand…I was a horrible liar for one thing. And for another, I had never, ever lied to my Aunt. Never had a reason to, and I wasn’t about to begin doing so now either. Besides, she’d have been even more mad and upset with me had I denied it. She did after all, have me dead to rights on this one.

Even if it had been mom who’d asked me the question, with her just standing there, it would have been pretty much the same thing. And then what I at first saw, and thought was anger in her face, was instead embarrassment, surprise, which was the same exact look I now realized, mom was giving me too.

“Ah yes…I was,” I said simply as the two of them righted my chair helping me back in it. “Sorry,” I finished.

“How…ah, how ah…much, did you…ah…did you hear anyway?” Mom asked.

“Enough,” I said, trying to whisper it, feeling ashamed, silly…guilty as hell that I had. Even though I now found it interesting that the two of them stood there looking back and forth at one another, guilty as hell looks on their faces. “Don’t worry…not like I’m in any position to say anything to anyone about it,” I suddenly blurted out. And then I actually found myself becoming a bit bolder too, taking them both by surprise I think. “And just so you know…I enjoyed what happened last night, and I’m not ashamed to say it either.

I did…I needed it, I welcomed it, I wanted it. And yeah…if you must know, I wanted to touch you too!” I told my Aunt, though I didn’t leave it there either, suddenly turning…facing towards mom. “And just so you know…maybe I was a little embarrassed when you first came in to give me my sponge bath, but the truth there is…it made me horny, I enjoyed it, I actually found myself wishing you’d continued doing what you were…I think I’d have actually come then too. So…there, I’ve said it, you now have the goods on me as well!”

And with that, I pushed away from the two of them as they stood there looking a little shocked, more than a bit surprised by my sudden outburst and admission. I even managed to make it down the hallway to my room, pushing myself through the door, then closing it. I sat for a moment, surprised I didn’t hear anything, no footsteps coming to my room, no footsteps going back down the stairs, and no talking either. I could only imagine what the two of them were standing there doing, no doubt looking at one another, still trying to figure it all out perhaps.

“Shit!” I said out loud turning around in my chair again. I still had to pee.


I opened the door to my room, still half expecting to find the two of them standing there, but they weren’t, the hallway was empty. I hadn’t heard them go down the stairs, so that left just one other alternative. They’d obviously gone down the hallway the other way…into mom and dad’s room.

I noticed then that though the door appeared closed, it actually wasn’t, still opened a few inches, and then the sound of mom’s voice, though it didn’t sound like she was talking to my aunt…but to someone else. And once again, though you’d think I’d have learned my lesson by now…I crept forward, listening, trying to hear what was being said, discussed. Mom was obviously and quite clearly on the phone.

Series NavigationBe happy for me – 2 >>

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