Be happy for me – 5

“Be happy for me” Part-5 Continues….

Getting the casts off felt amazing. And though I’d still have to wear a leg and wrist brace on occasion, it was nice being able to take them off in order to shower again, without help. Though the excuse for either mom or my Aunt being with me when I did no longer mattered anyway.

Just before Aunt Sophia left, dad and I at least got to enjoy seeing the two of them together, eventually joining in ourselves. And once again, a flash-back perhaps in doing that, laying between my Aunt’s legs, fucking her…mom and dad next to us, watching them fuck. I almost felt like I should be standing outside the door of their room watching through the crack, rather than actually laying there beside them instead.

Still…it was curiously hot, and I honestly did learn something from it too. Having been together for as long as they had been now, they knew one another inside and out. It was almost like watching a perfectly choreographed dance. Very little conversation was needed, each one seeming to sense the need, want and desire of the other long before asking it. They just moved into it naturally, gracefully. Though admittedly, I for one missed the rather erotic, dirty chatter that I’d enjoyed with the two of them. Thankfully, Aunt Sophia remained as vocal as she’d always been.

“Slice my cunt baby! That’s it! Fuck my naughty wet gash!” She screamed out as her third orgasm of the evening claimed her. All I could do was look over at mom and dad with a shit-eating grin on my face, and do as my Aunt asked.

“Way to go son!” Dad said afterwards as we all lay there collecting our respective breaths. Dad still absentmindedly fondling his now rather limp dick…just as I was. Mom leaning up on her elbows between us, kissing each one…giggling.

“Oh yeah…like father…like son.”


If I thought my newfound sex-life was about to improve, I was sadly mistaken. With my Aunt Sophia returning home, things here simply reverted right back to normal, almost as though nothing at all had ever happened between us. We didn’t even talk about it, dad went back to being dad, doing the same ole, same ole…and mom too did almost the same. Almost.

The only thing that had changed around the house day in a day out, was the sudden lack of modesty they’d once shown around me. Now, though mom didn’t exactly parade about naked all the time, seeing her come down stairs wearing nothing more than her robe,

with it mostly open, became the norm. And even dad too didn’t seem to be too overly concerned when he came down on a Saturday morning to read the paper, wearing nothing more than his boxers. Sometimes his big ole floppy dick would pop out, whereas he’d just tuck it back in as though it was a normal everyday occurrence for it to do that. Like I said…it was becoming one, strange as it was.

I’d really even started to wonder if I’d imagined everything that had happened, and then Aunt Sophia showed up one afternoon for a quick visit. Having just gotten home from work myself, I walked in, hearing what sounded like two cats fighting upstairs. I took them two at a time, reaching the landing, sprinting down the hall, stepping into the doorway of my parents bedroom just in time to see the two of them finishing one another off with a couple of very loud vibrators.

“Jesus…I thought someone was dying!” I said standing there in the doorway looking at the two of them.

“I am…or I was,” Aunt Sophia laughed. “I’ve been dying ever since I left here to have you fuck me again,” she then quipped. “So…get over here…especially now that you have those damn casts off.”

I fucked her, and then mom. First time in weeks, side by side. It was just like it had been, like we’d never stopped, picking up from where we left off. Needless to say Aunt Sophia stayed over for dinner, dad arriving home just as they began serving it up.

We ate together, laughed, and then sure enough, soon as we’d straightened everything up, Dad spun Aunt Sophia around right there on the living room couch and fucked her doggy until she started barking like one. Mom meanwhile gave me what was probably the best ever blowjob while I simultaneously sucked cunt for what seemed like the very first time.

And then just like that…mom and dad went back to being Ozzie and Harriet. And I felt like I had reentered the twilight zone or something.

Obviously…there must have been some sort of unspoken rule that I hadn’t been let in on or given to understand. If Aunt Sophia showed up, then it was like anything goes…and did. But the moment she left, aside from mom and dad still running around half naked most of the time, it felt like “hands off”, so I quit thinking about it…or tried to anyway.

After about a week of that however, and with Aunt Sophia being too busy as of late to come over for a visit, I was climbing the proverbial walls. Luckily, I now had something else to look forward to however with Beth and my Aunt Diane’s arrival only a few days away. I’d even scheduled and taken some vacation time from work in order to spend as much time with them as I could. So at least there was that.

It was thinking about her, about that last night we’d sort of…spent together when I found myself standing there in the shower with a massive erection. As it had in fact been a couple of days now since I’d even jerked off, I found the urgent need to do so, and thus began wanking my prick, one hand braced against the wall of the shower, the other furiously stroking my shaft when mom inexplicably came walking into the bathroom.

I hadn’t locked the door…though with the somewhat (or used to be anyway) lessening of any inhibitions around the house, I hadn’t felt the need to do so. Having heard me in the shower, mom came walking in with a fresh change of towels as that had in fact been her intent to do even before I’d gone in to take one.

So lost in my own decadent thoughts at the time, I hadn’t even heard her come in. As the shower doors themself were clear rather than opaque or frosted over, it was clearly evident what I was standing there doing as mom popped a towel over the top of the shower enclosure for me.

“You do know I just cleaned that out from top to bottom yesterday,” she said, scaring the hell out of me as I jumped, turning…cock in hand still though I immediately released it. She wasn’t mad…wasn’t anything like that in fact. Just mom being mom, though honestly, her standing there looking at me, talking about me “dirtying” up her thoroughly cleaned tub wasn’t exactly something most “moms” would stand there and actually discuss.

“Can’t you at least get out and squirt it into the toilet when you come?” She then asked as though this was again the most normal natural conversation for the two of us to be having. “Either that…or make sure you clean it all up if you’re bound and determined to do it in there,” she told me. With that, mom turned and left the bathroom. Talk about a mood killer. And then the door opened again, and she came again, sliding open the glass doors, looking down at my somewhat deflated erection.

“I’m sorry, I really shouldn’t have spoiled it for you,” she said, smiling at me. “Come here, let me make it all better for you. Next thing I know, I’m standing there with my dick in mom’s mouth as she sucked me off. After filling her cheeks with two days worth of cum juice, she did swallow most if not all of it this time, smiling at me after she did. “Keep this one between you and I,” she said. “I owed you that much at the very least.”

I knew then…that there really was some sort of unspoken, unwritten rule about all this that no one had let me in on. And though confusing as hell at times, I had no choice but to accept it, and look forward even more to my Aunt Sophia’s infrequent visits.


It was Friday night. Dad would be picking up his sister, and my cousin from the airport on his way home from work. Mom had spent the better part of the day cleaning the house once again for about the third time in as many days. She was moody while doing it too. Although I was anxious and looking forward to their visit, I knew that mom and Aunt Diane didn’t get along all that well.

For some odd-ball reason, they never seemed to get along since the day she and dad had gotten married. Not that they called one another names or anything like that, at least not to one another’s faces. But there had been those occasional catty remarks they both made, all the while smiling, grinning at one another, even holding onto one another’s arms at times while doing so. Making out like they were the very best of friends. I often looked to see if either one…or both of them were simultaneously digging their fingernails into one another as they did that.

“How come you and Aunt Diane don’t get along?”

“What makes you say that?” Mom asked, trying to act like that was the dumbest thing she’d ever heard me say.

“Oh I don’t know…maybe because I see the way you sometimes roll your eyes whenever she says something that I know she said just to irk you? Or maybe the way you bite your tongue, and then slam a glass down on the kitchen counter when you don’t think anyone can see or hear you doing that?”

“Oh…best be more careful in the future about that then shouldn’t I?” She said giving up the pretense at least. She then sighed. “You might as well know Jacob, ever since your father and I got married, she’s never felt like I was ever good enough for him.”

“No surprise there. She makes that fairly obvious. But why? Why’s she still think that after all these years? She knows damn well that you and dad are happy together. And look at her life…she’s not exactly got a lot of room to talk. I mean I’m glad she and Uncle G have parted ways, especially for Beth’s sake. But obviously…she didn’t have what it takes to keep her own marriage from falling apart.”

“Part of it…is that she’s jealous,” mom openly admitted. “It’s because we still have something special together, that she never did have. Not with George anyway,” mom said a bit more softly.

“If not him? Who?” I asked curiously. Mom looked at me, her eyes boring into mine.

“Your father,” she said simply.

“Oh,” I responded back. And then a whole lot of things suddenly fell into place.


With several hours yet to kill before they got here, mom was flitting about like a nervous butterfly. She kept arranging and rearranging things all over the house wherever she walked from room to room.

“You know what you need,” I told her as she passed by me for what had to have been the sixth time going from the family room into the kitchen, and back again without any apparent reason for doing so.

“A drink? It’s early yet. And besides, I don’t plan on getting wasted until after she gets here. Then I can tolerate her a little easier once I’ve had enough of those to soothe my nerves,” she told me.

“No…not a drink. But a nice hard, very relaxing orgasm.”

She actually did laugh at that. “Except for the fact, I’m not in the mood to run upstairs and get myself off with my vibrator,” she told me. “Too much work. And like I said…I’m really not in the mood for that, not to mention with you sitting here downstairs knowing I was doing that.

This may come as a bit of a surprise to you…but even after everything we’ve shared recently, I still find myself a little shy with you knowing that. Oh sure…admittedly, once I become aroused, horny…let the beast out so to speak, ‘shy me’ gets locked away. But the moment I climaxed, I had an orgasm…’shy me’ returns, my own personal Jekyll and Hide.”

Be happy for me – 5 will continue on the next page

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