Barely Xavier focus on my huge boobs 

This Story is part of Little Xavier Red Breast Series

Seconds later, I groaned as the first massive spurt of my cum flew from the tip of my cock, splashing far up against my own chest. Even Xavier seemed surprised by seeing it, even though she was aware I was about to. One after another I began squirting thick ropes of sperm, which escaped from my prick, Xavier sitting there watching them, watching me, and smiling in wicked surprise the entire time. Afterwards, I sat back, thoroughly satiated, though now feeling a bit meek and somewhat apprehensive as Xavier got up out of the bed and ran off to get me a washcloth to clean up with. As I did so, she began getting dressed again.

“Hey…aren’t you?”

She didn’t let me finish what was obvious. “No, perhaps later,” she informed me. “I have trouble getting myself off as it is,” she informed me. “And I seriously doubt that I could, with you watching,” she finished. Disappointed that I wasn’t going to see her get herself off, I still had to admit it was an unexpected, and unbelievable afternoon we’d just spent together,

though I likewise didn’t feel it was one that was very likely to ever be repeated either. And as expected, things sort of went back to being normal again after that, though days later at work I had mentioned the fact my wife was going out of town on a trip with her sister for a week.

Now it just so happened that I had a nice hot tub in the backyard. I’d even mentioned it once, inviting Xavier to come over and sit in it, though back then, it had been one of those wishful teases, and not one in which I figured she’d ever accept in coming over to actually do, especially as I’d told her back then, it was a “no clothes” hot tub.

What actually surprised me, was when she brought it up again first. “So…home all alone are we?” she teased mockingly.

“Yeah, I will be. Why?”

“Well, maybe…I might actually take you up on that offer to come over and tub with you,” she stated, seeing the smile on my face, though she immediately wiped most of that off a second later. “Provided I can bring someone with me,” she then added.

I figured it would of course be Susan, though even that surprised me somewhat, I couldn’t quite imagine that one either all things considered.


A while back Xavier had told me about another of her friends Rose. A girl who she had in fact once been involved with a few years back. And as I said, had still remained friends even though the two of them were no longer intimate. What I also knew however, according to Xavier anyway, Rose still had the hots for her, which is one of the reasons she still hung around perhaps…hoping for something more than that.

“Ok if I invite Rose over?” she asked.

“Yeah, sure…I guess,” I said somewhat disappointedly, then reminding her. “As long as you’re both aware, I was being serious when I said it’s a no clothes hot tub.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Xavier told me. “The least of Rose’s problems is being naked, around guys or girls. If anything, she’ll be ogling me half the night, hoping perhaps that something might happen while we’re all tubing together.”

“Wishful thinking,” I said, nodding my head in appreciation. To which Xavier merely smiled, winking at me.

As the weekend approached, I got more and more antsy about the two of them actually coming over, half expecting Xavier to call me, and back out at the last moment. To my surprise however, the two of them showed up just as she said they would be. I’d already gone out to the tub ahead of them, waiting as I watched them come outside wrapped in a couple of large terry cloth towels. Needless to say, it was quite a delight to see two naked (lesbians) as they removed their towels, hung them up, and stepped down into the tub sitting across from me.

Unlike Xavier, Rose had fairly large breasts, which I had actually laughed at a while back when Xavier had shared with me the fact she had an eye for large breasted women too. It was almost comical when I realized the two of us were simultaneously checking Rose out as she climbed in. Wearing her hair fairly short, Rose was more cute than attractive, but still certainly nice to look at, though I noticed she was totally shaved as opposed to the way Xavier was even though she kept her pubic patch neatly trimmed.

“I can’t believe you went back to wearing a rug again,” she’d commented after getting in. Obviously, it had been a while since Rose had seen Xavier in the nude.

“Susan prefers it that way,” she’d said simply. “She thinks I look too much like a little girl if I don’t…sort of freaks her out a little,” she somewhat giggled at thinking about it. I could see Susan’s point to be honest, if she did, she would look considerably younger than she actually was, even with her small breasts, she would have looked far younger than her years.

We soon after engaged in some rather mundane idle chit-chat getting to know one another, but it was looking more and more like to me at least, that there wasn’t going to be anything even remotely close to what Xavier and I had shared or done a few weeks back. Little did I know! Maybe Xavier knew Rose far better than I did obviously, and had an idea of what might happen once Rose got comfortable with things, which is basically what happened.

“I’ve always wanted to get one of these,” Rose had commented, smiling provocatively.

“She enjoys getting herself off against the jets,” Xavier quipped slyly, revealing Rose’s secret.

“Be my guest,” I then stated, once again not expecting her to actually do that, but I was quickly learning that just about anything was possible, especially when you were least expecting it.

Without saying anything one way or the other, Rose actually moved over to one of the corners where the jets were particularly strong. Admittedly, I’d leaned into them a time or two myself, though I hadn’t mentioned that at the time. But I was somewhat surprised when Rose positioned herself over one of them, obviously enjoying the sensation of the pulsating jet against her pussy. She made no bones about the pleasure she was feeling either as she knelt there, moaning audibly as Xavier and I looked on.

“Told you she was a naughty girl,” Xavier teased speaking to me, though I could hear the excitement in her tone of voice as she spoke.

“You call me naughty…you’re the one sitting here in a hot tub naked with a naked man,” she shot back. “And me…” she said grinning, still humping herself against the powerful jet in the tub, obviously nearing climax.

“I just invited you so you could suck his cock,” Xavier shot back, her comment totally taking me by surprise, off guard as my mouth dropped open. Before I could respond to that one way or the other, Xavier turned towards me. “Yeah, believe it or not…into girls as much as she is, she still enjoys giving the occasional blowjob now and then.”

I looked over towards Rose, expecting her to deny that, but she merely smiled. “You’d enjoy watching me doing that wouldn’t you?” She asked, then asked me. “Would you like that?” She then said, “Me giving you head while Xavier watched? Maybe she’ll even learn something.”

“Ok you two, knock it off,” I said half seriously. “You’re getting me all hard and horny here, and I’m going to end up sitting here in the tub long after you’re gone because of it.”

It was at that moment that Xavier made things perfectly clear to all of us. “Whatever happens…if anything is to happen, stay here,” she said seriously. “Agreed?”

Like I was going to complain about that, though I said nothing merely nodding my head yes, still wondering if she was being serious, or if Rose would even go along with that in the first place. I should have known better. Xavier was correct, Rose still had the hots for her, and if that meant including me in their dalliance, she was all for it.

As I trailed the girls back into the house, and upstairs towards the bedroom, I was still stunned that any of this was actually happening. Even as the two of them climbed into the bed, nude, and so wonderfully displayed as they began fondling one another, I thought I had actually died and gone to heaven. Being the “straight” male here, I wasn’t at all sure of my role in any of this, and for the moment just stood there by the side of the bed watching them, as was my rock hard cock as it stood out in front of me anxiously excited.

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