A refreshing beginning – 4

And with that, we sat back and watched one another get off on the bananas we were both using.

Coming out of her shell – Chapter Ten

We had chosen the following evening to do this as Jacob was working a double shift and wouldn’t be home until way late. It would give us the opportunity and time without having to worry about Jacob finding out, as I wasn’t quite ready yet to throw him into the mix just yet. I knew if I moved too fast, things could unravel quickly here, and I had already invested a lot of time and thinking into this as it was.

The images of my parents, and Jacob’s forever ingrained in my mind. Their looks of total and complete bliss, passion, and ecstasy are something that I too wanted to capture. But it meant taking things slowly, one step at a time.

The one really amazing side effect from all of this, was the slow yet gradual transformation of my mother. Dad’s death had been really hard on her. So much so, that for a long time I worried she’d never recover, never come out of the funk she had put herself in. But she had.

Though much of that was again due to her relationship with Antony. Even then, even with his love and support, and the mutual bond they shared due to the tragedy, mom was never quite the same person I remembered her being. Now however, I saw that old familiar look in her eyes again. The smiles that far more frequently appeared.

She was even starting to look younger again, taking better care of herself. I might never replace the friendship she had once had with Jackie, but I was at least filling a void in her life that she had so terribly missed. Even though I was her daughter, we had managed to establish a confidence with one another that even the two of us had never really had. We could talk and laugh like friends, share secret thoughts and dreams, and yes of course…speak of fantasies and desires with one another without fear, without guilt and without any remorse for having done so.

Just the thought of what we were planning to do, touched on that wild side of mom, scratched the itch that had been so long neglected. She was almost giddy with excitement, acting like a school-girl in many ways, silly at times…but oh so wonderfully as she did. She almost tired me out just watching her as she cleaned the house, though I helped. Why it was important to her that she do that was of no importance. What was important was that it seemed to heighten her mood, her enthusiasm and anticipation for the evening ahead.

Everything was prepared, candles made ready, strewn throughout her bedroom for her romantic seduction. Plans and ideas that she had shared with me, making things even easier for the two of us to enjoy later, without Antony even being aware. She was excited about it more than I had seen her in quite some time. And again like I said, almost giddy as she flitted about.

“Slow down mother! You’re wearing me out here!” I told her, laughing with her as she finished dusting the bedroom, and then placed brand new, crisp clean sheets on the bed. Satin sheets no less that just screamed the words “sex”, bright red in color as mom and I together finished preparing her, or rather our lair for the evening.

“Sorry, I guess I’m just excited about tonight,” she actually giggled. Been thinking about it all day, so much so…my pussy’s been constantly dripping.”

“Mother!” I laughed, using the same tone of voice with her that she so often had used with me when she called out my name in her formal usage of it.

“What?” She laughed back looking at me. “Like yours isn’t?” She was actually bold enough to glance down where my pussy was. Preferring to work comfortably, I had on a simple pair of bikini panties and a white, wife-beater tee that was molded over my bare breasts. Already my nipples were hard, pressing against the thin light-weight material, even more so as mom uninhibitedly teased me. “Just remember, if we do this…”


“When we do this…don’t you dare speak or say anything. As much as I now know, Antony wouldn’t mind obviously…I’d prefer it if he didn’t actually know. Not yet anyway. I’m still struggling with this a bit myself, but not so much that the thought of doing this isn’t arousing to me. It’s so dirty and wrong, that I’m majorly turned on by it. I’m even thinking that I’m going to have to give myself some quick relief here soon just to take the edge off!”

“Mother!” I said again, only laughing and smiling this time, though walking over to her dresser drawer, reaching in, and pulling out one of her secreted toys. “You mean like this one?” I asked holding it up, waggling it at her. A life-like looking penis that was also a vibrator.

“Now why doesn’t it surprise me that you know where those are,” she asked. “I suppose that you’ve even gone so far as to borrow them from time to time?” She grinned wickedly.

“Until I got a selection of my own, yes,” I grinned back. “Particularly this one. Once I had tried it, I knew I was going to have to get one just like it for myself. It’s pretty damn close to Jacob’s cock isn’t it?”

“Yes it is,” mom agreed, taking it from me, turning it on to check the battery power as it thrummed happily, even erotically in her hand. “And especially, now that I actually know that. It’s made using it all the sweeter.”

I left mom to enjoy herself at that point, though I’d actually have preferred to stay and watch her, but I had a few things to do myself in preparation for the evening ahead of us.

And the story of course was that I too would be gone for a portion of the evening, leaving mom and Antony alone together, something which they hadn’t had much time of late, being able to do. After enjoying a light, intimate dinner together, mom would spring her planned seduction on Antony. And then after that, I’d more or less join the two of them, without his ever knowing.

Admittedly, I was pretty damp between the legs myself as I went upstairs to get ready and make a show of going out for the evening shortly after Antony got home.

With luck, and with a few ideas of my own that even mom wasn’t aware of, the evening ahead held promise for furthering my own goals as far as this family went.


I had put on something that looked nice, but would be easy enough to get out of. Coming back down the stairs, expecting Antony to arrive home at any minute, I was thrilled to see mom wearing something not only elegant, but damn fucking sexy too. She wore a somewhat sheer, floor-length evening gown that accentuated the delights of her form beneath, without giving everything away. There was just a hint of her voluptuous breasts, a whispered glimpse of nipple here and there.

“Well? What do you think?” She asked spinning around so I could take in everything at once. Even her ass begged to be fucked as she turned on her heels for me, wearing a six inch pair of stiletto heels to complete the ensemble.

“What I think…is if I wasn’t your daughter, I’d say to hell with Antony, and fuck you myself!” I boldly told her. “And in fact…daughter or no daughter, I’m tempted to do that right now!”

She blushed profusely. “And if I wasn’t your mother…I’d let you too!” She responded back. Just then I heard Antony’s car pulling up in the drive, so it was time to put on my act, leaving for the evening. But not before I threw out one more little comment at mom, leaving her with something to wonder, and think about.

“One day, I’d enjoy hearing about all the things that you and Jackie enjoyed doing together,” and then turned at the sound of the door opening as Antony stepped in. I could only imagine the look on mom’s face, though I quickly stepped forward on tippy-toe, giving Antony an affectionate kiss on the mouth. “Have fun,” I told him, and then slipped outside before he could respond to that one either, closing the door behind me.

I skipped all the way out to my car, wondering what mom’s thoughts were…and Antony’s when he saw mom standing there dressed as she was, no doubt with her mouth hanging open.


Figuring they would need at least an hour or so to enjoy their romantic little dinner before moving onto dessert, I drove over to the motel where Jacob was working as the night manager. I felt slightly bad about his not being included in anything yet, beyond what he had been…and had already decided to give him a little treat as compensation for being left out. I had already called him, telling him I was coming over for a quick visit, before meeting a girlfriend later on for a bite to eat.

He was obviously pleased to see me, especially dressed the way I was. Short dark blue, almost black pleated mini-skirt, tight form fitting velour pull-over sweater that was still nice and cool during the evening hours, and sans bra of course. Leaving my breasts free, hinting at their unencumbered access as I strolled into the lobby where Jacob sat behind the counter reading.

It was obviously a slow night, but then again, most week-nights were, save for the occasional couples that came in for a quickie. The motel was a bit out of the way, so it had a bit of a reputation for being the ideal place for people to go and spend a few illicit hours together in relative seclusion. It was a nice motel too, not one of those seedy, run down affairs, and reasonable in price, especially during the weekdays.

“Slow tonight?” I asked to come in, stepping around the counter without fear of anyone saying anything. I had been there before, though never to do what I planned on doing this night. It was a twenty-four unit motel, but Jacob informed me they only had six rooms rented, three of which were “quick stays” as he put it, meaning that he doubted three of those couples would even spend the entire night.

“Yeah, and damn boring too…until now anyway,” he smiled as I walked over, kissing him, slipping him a little tongue, and simultaneously reaching down to briefly caress his somewhat flaccid cock through his pants. I say somewhat flaccid, because I swear it started to get hard the moment he saw me as I came through the doors. “So, what do I owe the honors too?” He asked.

“Mom and dad are planning on doing the nasty tonight, so I’m giving them a little time in order to enjoy that without my being there,” I informed him. “Though of course…just the thought of that has gotten me feeling nasty.”

“Of course it has, what doesn’t?” He quipped, though his hand had already reached out, clamping down on one of my breasts, fingering and fondling the stiff erect nipple through the thin soft material.

“Be nice, or I won’t give you the blow-job I was planning on giving you before meeting Diane for dinner,” I scolded.

“Blow-job? Here?”

“Unless you don’t want me to, yes.” I said already fumbling with the zipper on his jeans.

“Just don’t get me fired,” he replied as I finally freed his fully hard cock, stroking it, before dropping down on my knees in front of him as I began sucking his cock. I’d hardly even started when Jacob tried warning me to stand up again. “Shit! There’s a couple coming in!” He informed me, once more trying to back away so he could put his stiff dick back in his pants, a feat that would take some real doing at this point. But I of course had other ideas.

“No! Stay where you are!” I giggled wickedly, and then slid even further beneath the counter so he could stand there facing them as they stepped up to the counter, me still sucking and licking his cock as he saw them.

“Sin!” He moaned, but it was already too late. The sound of the bell on the door as it opened, and then footsteps heading towards the service counter.

“Good evening!” He spoke trying to remain perfectly calm though I was sucking about as hard as I could on the end of his dick as he said that. “Are you…looking for a…room?” He asked in clipped breaths.

“Yes, we are,” the man spoke. “Do you have something available, maybe with a king sized bed?”

I knew they had six rooms so furnished. Suites as they were called, though the only real difference in those from any of the others, was the actual bed, that and a small refrigerator that was stocked with miniature bottles of alcohol that you could purchase at an enormous price.

“Yes, we still have availability of one of our suites,” he informed them, and then gave them the again marked up price of the room. Jacob knew damn good and well what they were obviously here for to do, and thus knew if they really wanted the room to further their activities, they’d end up agreeing to it, which they did.

It was about that point that I all but swallowed the length of his entire prick, which was no easy feat either, once more sucking it for all I was worth. I felt him grow weak in the knees, and knew he was even then on the verge of collapse, not to mention filling my mouth with his seed.

It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I was now bound and determined to make him cum before the couple could be given the keys to their room and walk away.

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